
Chapter 15: Humiliation and Training

Eric:" Who told you, you could go little dog?

Come back here!

Since you couldn't handle the bad smell of your Master, then wash your Master cleanly, and then you can lick my whole body. Haha~!"

Hearing this Tina was stunned, she didn't want to do it, not right now at least. She just thought that she was done for today and that she would never disrespect him, while he had her.

Apparently, she had been too positive in her thoughts. Turning around she could see that grin on his face, and she was reluctant to do it.

But she could do nothing about it, she had to do it. Even though, reluctantly she did turn around and started undressing him.

It wasn't a really hard thing because Eric was collaborating with her. When she took off his upper garments it was like she was looking at an anorexic kid.

He was so skinny she could look at the form of his bones, but when she took off the lower garments she was in for a surprise.

She didn't expect him to have such a weapon, it was beyond her thoughts and expectations. She was stunned looking at it for a moment.

Satisfied with himself, Eric just moved his hips a bit and slapped her in the face with his weapon. Taking her attention he looked her in the eyes and said,

Eric:" What? Want to try it!?"

Then just as she was about to answer he said,

Eric:" Too bad that I am not into animals."

Now wash my body!"

With those words, Tina felt so humiliated, and angry, but she had nothing she could do at the moment. So she just accepted her luck.

It took around 20 minutes for Tina to wash him completely and spotlessly, even though she suffered a bit with his feet, she managed to complete her assignment.

Seeing that it was all over and that he was now totally clean and didn't smell, Eric decided to tease his new little pet, a bit.

Looking at her naked body, he could see that she had the assets to be proud of her body. But he didn't seem to care much about it, looking at her body in detail he said,

Eric:" We are done for today little dog. Now is there any special part on your Master's body that you would like to lick and taste!?"

Looking that he had her attention, he continued,

Eric:" You know? I might just let you go on and do it!

If you bark like a dog for me that is."

He was totally humiliating her. If she accepted to do that, just so that she could taste his 'little brother' then she would be surrendering in front of him.

In only one day!

That was out of the question for Tina. Giving a cold harrumph, she immediately opened the bathroom door and left Eric alone in the bathroom.

Being alone in the bathroom, Eric looked at himself in the mirror for once. He looked like a yellow-haired, walking zombie, with a hard-on.

There was nothing he could do, besides starting to train and work out.

While this was the solution for his physique and cultivation, he had to think of a way to make money. He would need a lot of money to do what he wanted to do.

But the first thing he had to do was, buy an apartment to himself, he would come here every day, but he needed some private space to do things he needed to do.

As for the money, he already had a small plan, ready to be put into action. Nowadays there were a lot of people who paid to have some 'fun'.

Especially those nerds' in his university, since they couldn't get someone through effort, paying for it was their only option.

Furthermore, he had the experts in his house and building. How could he let go to waste such an opportunity?

Since he was a really poor kid, and one of those nerds himself, he knew a lot of guys that were able to pay whatever they could to have some.

He just had to wait for the next day, and he would start his business slowly.

With these happy thoughts in mind, he got out of the bathroom and went towards his room. Even though he was poor and had very less things, his room was clean and tidy.

Right now it was around 12:25, and it was still really early. He could start his daily missions at this moment.

Entering inside the room, he could smell an air of oldness in the room. It was due to all the old things he had collected in here.

All the things he possessed were things which his brother, had thought of throwing away or wasn't using anymore.

The space inside it seemed really small only 1:30x1:30, after all, it was supposed to be like an attic, where you placed old stuff, but yet he was using that as his room.

As soon as he entered inside he opened his small closet, to take out a pair of old boxers, and an undershirt to wear, and then cleaned up the place close to his bed a bit.

As soon as he opened the place in there, he got down and started his first real try at his daily missions.

He decided to first start with his push-ups. Knowing that he couldn't do all 20 push-ups at the same time, he decided to divide them into 4 sessions at first.

After the push-ups would start his squats, which would be also divided into 4 sessions that would come right after the push-ups.

His daily would, unfortunately, be postponed one more day, because he would start running after school, at the school's gym, or at the running track on the campus.

Like this, he would slowly raise his prestige in the university at the same time and get out of that nerd nickname he had in high school.

But that had to wait at the moment, his first step started with push-ups and squats.

Taking a deep breath, he got down on the floor, placing his hands in the position, he started his first push-up. While it looked easy it was just the first one.

When it was the time for the second his muscles seemed to stretch a bit more than usual. He was able to easily get down, but when it came to getting back up, it was more difficult than the first.

At the third he started to perspire, even though it was only a little, he could feel that his body was getting really hot and that he was about to sweat.

But nonetheless, he managed to get up once again, and then start his fourth. At this moment his muscles started to burn and it was even more difficult to get up, but he did it.

Finally, it was time for the fifth and the last for this session. His muscles were burning, and his arms were shivering a bit, but clenching his teeth he managed to get up.

Finishing his first session of push-ups he was stunned. He was so weak that even 5 push-ups looked like a marathon running.

Perhaps he had to leave the running at school part for later, as he was right now, he wouldn't be able to run more than 200m without taking a break.

He just did 5 push-ups and he was perspiring and his breath was rough for fu*k's sake.

Remembering his past future, he calmed down a lot though. He had already passed this situation once, and it was worse in his past future.

He had to go through this program while he was starving and afraid to go outside. It was only tough will and his big wish to survive that kept him alive through that torture.

And now he was complaining when he was so good at the moment. It was truly pathetic of him! Thinking like this, his tough will come out once again and he immediately jumped on his feet.

This time he didn't care about the pain his body was going through, and in a relatively fast time, he managed to complete his five squats.

As soon as he finished though, his breathing was really rough, and he could hardly continue staying on his feet. Damn, he was too weak! He hated himself for being this week right now.

But there was nothing he could do. He had to be patient and work hard, in order for his strength to turn back once again.

Only the strength through hard work had value to him. He had seen many people receive strength and power easily, but sooner or later they had become the disaster of their own selves.

Thinking like this, Eric closed his eyes and decided to have a good rest before he could continue with the second session of his training.

While resting he opened his system and immediately he could see the notifications, showing that his hard work had been registered.

Daily Mission 2 5/20

Daily Mission 3 5/20

This made him nostalgic about his previous future and his old system. He was starting the same journey once again, but this time it was different.

This time he had the knowledge of the future and what would happen. This time he knew his friends, his brothers for what they were.




That and many more. But he would make sure that this time they got what they deserved. He would show them what true hell was this time.

With these thoughts in mind, and the remembering of his past, the time slowly past and it was time for his second session of training.

Not caring in the least about the pain his muscles were in, he immediately jumped off the bed and started his second training session…


Hey everybody waaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzuuuuuuuuuppppppppp.

This is the chapter of the day.

Hope you like it and have fun reading it.


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