
My Rules And Tragedy Come Back

When in they with me, they must act and behave like a mature woman. In fact, I don't tolerate with any childish act or clingy. Once happen, no more meeting.

And I prefer one women at a time. No exceptions. So do protection, I don't need it because I get check-up once a month since I've had a vasectomy. Plus, I expect the women background that I'm with has to be clean as well. If got proof may be required.

For date night, it will only consist of dinner and love making and nothing more or nothing less than hat. There even must be no hand holding, walks, carriage rides, or movies.

So I give this list out to every women that I meet and before dinner I must ensure that they are fully aware of my expectations. If a woman has a problem with any one of the rules, they are free to leave. Women are nothing but sexual creatures to me.

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