
Chapter Sixty-four(64)

"Paris!" I called out to the Motherbox which was still floating in front of me unlike the others that had already settled on the ground

[Yes?] Paris' Voice was heard once again but this time in my mind and I smiled. The transfer was successful.

"How do you feel?"

[Overwhelmingly powerful, is this what you feel whenever you use the Tenth Metal ring] Paris asked

"If you mean, like a full blown god then yes, that's how it felt. I wasn't just Nigh-omnipotent in my limited area of influence instead, I was fully Omnipotent though just limited in that area" James said with a smile as he remembered what it felt like to use the power of the tenth metal.

[Is this why you never wanted to grant yourself any form of Omniscience] Paris suddenly asked in a weird tone

*Sighs* "I am guessing you may have seen how we end or something, if you have, don't tell me but you should know that no matter how powerful fate is, nothing is set in stone. You can turn your life around at any given moment. For example" I said then suddenly then atmosphere in the entire room changed and became oppressive in an instant

[Oh my god!!!, Why would you do that] Paris shouted in pain, why she must really love this family for this thing to affect her to such an extent

"Don't worry, I would never do that, there is no point or use in doing that but the point is, Omniscience grants you the ability to know all and at the moment, you are not fully capable of handling it so take your time but please I beg of you, don't try to change anything for the betterment of the future. It will surely lead to even greater problems" I said to calm her down.

She may have been handling her Technoscience like a champ but that was an entirely different ability from Omniscience. One allowed its user to only know everything about technology and science while the other allowed you to know everything as in all future timelines, all alternate universes, the personal lives of everyone and everything whether animate or inanimate, the ability to know all pasts and presents across the infinite Omniverse. It just allowed them to know all and all, I mean everything in totality so if you really think about it, Darkseid could have gotten his hands on the Anti-life Equation billions of years ago if only he had tried to develop a better relationship with his fatherbox.

A Motherboxes's Omniscience wasn't the only overpowered ability they had going on but all Motherboxes and Fatherboxes were Nigh-omnipotent if not omnipotent. They were made from Tenth Metal after all, the metal may have been given purpose but it hasn't lost its ability to alter reality to its will. The best proof of this was Cyborg One Million who became an embodiment of the Multiverse through his connection to the Motherbox. Of course, it was best to know that Cyborg wasn't merged with a Motherbox instead he was simply exposed to the core energy matrix of a Motherbox and the result was a being capable of channeling the powers of the Multiverse to his will.

In my opinion, if I were ever reincarnated into the DC Universe, it doesn't matter if I have abilities or not but I will definitely fight to get myself a Motherbox. I mean these were things that can give you strength to even overpower powerhouses like Superman just by wearing it like an armour then imagine making it give you such strength, its users were all immortal simply because the Motherbox can easily heal them of any injuries instantly or simply capture their consciousness and escape to later rebuild their body and even if said User dies through some unknown means, the Motherbox could just outright resurrect them so the only true way to die with a Motherbox in hand is to request it.

If the Symbiotes were the ultimate protection then Motherboxes were the Holy grail of protection and defense. I honestly still wonder why I didn't think of it sooner, like if I had created this thing earlier. I wouldn't have struggled to do certain things for example, my website would have gone online the very day. I thought of it or the comics I was hand drawing would have been done by it.

"Now that this project is out of the way, let me see what I can get from these comics" I said as I sat back down to continue reading to see if there was any artifact or person that would be able to rival me in power… well except for the well known characters like the Living Tribunal, Fulcrum, the Beyonders etc who would definitely be able to overpower me.

"Oh yeah, do you know where the Reality stone is" I asked, if there was anything I plan to use to really make myself way more powerful then it would be the Reality stone even though I think I am way beyond it but then again, the Stones are the Ultimate form of power in each Universe hence why King Thanos was able to use them to kill the M-bodies of some of the most powerful abstracts in the Marvel Multiverse.

[On Knowhere, the vaults of the Collector] Paris answered

"That means Thanos hasn't collected it from him, what about the time stone, please tell me it's still with the Runner"

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