
Chapter Twenty-Eight(28)

Discovering his powers alone meant that he wiped out an entire army of extremely well trained soldiers that were good at dealing with mutants or superhumans. If that doesn't say Black Force energy then I don't know what does, of course there is also the argument for who is stronger. Clyde Wyndham aka The Marquis of Death and Matthew in my opinion, Matthew is stronger but in a fight Marquis would kill him simply because he has more experience. I mean come on, the bastard spent billions of years training in the art of slaughter that he even slaughtered his sense and body now looking like some walking skeleton. I would have gone after him too but the little boy was from another reality.

"Oh come on Matthew, hurry up, we have to get home soon" Matthew's father called out from the driveway as Matthew hurried up packing his things ready to leave

"See ya" I said as he left to which he responded with a laugh then left.

Today was great, I managed to extract some powers that I would soon merge with and on top of that, I finally managed to test run my full dive suit though I don't plan to release it any time soon after all the world wasn't ready for the technology yet but it still had mobile and PS versions for now. The games could be hosted on any device but Smith phones were best if you really want to enjoy the mobile version.

"So how was your day, I can see it well right" Mom asked

"Yeah, I tested the full dive gears today though whenever you are ready to release them, the technology is ready" I replied as I sat on the kitchen stool and looked on as she went back and forth to prepare dinner

"Nah…. I don't think the world is ready for that though we might start telling people about it after we go public with the Metaverse" Mom replied

"Really?!... I never thought we would have figured out Virtual Reality yet" I said confused, yes, creating a virtual reality was easy for me even when you don't add Paris in though it would take a bit of time but they already created one this fast.

"Why are you acting so surprised, we have Paris, an A.I as well as the world's most powerful Quantum computers, mix these two together and the results you get are ridiculous…. Oh yes, when do you really plan to meet that Reed kid, he's really beginning to get on my nerves"

"Tomorrow, maybe"

"Better do, I don't exactly know what's his obsession with this other universe of his, we haven't even used up the resources on this planet talkless of the solar system and he wants to go find resources in other universes"

"He is smart and has good intentions but he has problems seeing the now, anyway leave that, how was your day too" I asked to change the subject

"Nice try but my day isn't over yet, since you don't have school tomorrow, I can see you remodelled a room here, why don't we go see it" Mom said as we moved out of the kitchen

"How did you even achieved that" Mom asked with confusion written on her face

"Nanobots, I used them to rebuild the entire house"

"Huh?... Nanobots, that's tiny robots right"

"Yes, now we have a smart house" I answered excitedly

"It's really amazing how your little head holds so much knowledge" Mom said ruffling my hair as we went into the entertainment room

Mom wasn't exactly surprised hearing me because of one reason only, I receive a lot of money for an allowance and I created some equipments and placed them in our basement to serve as some sort of cover for my actual lab after all I can't let people know about the briefcase just yet so to her, I just whipped up some self replicatin nanobots in my 'lab' then used them for rebuilding the house. Mom and I stayed in the room watching movies until I got tired and left for bed

Sorry for the short chapter

king_froshcreators' thoughts
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