
The First Taste of Battle

*3rd person POV*

The group around the ring stared in shock akin to Artemas'. Pandora had her mouth agape, disbelief written across her expression. The hell? All that power from a little kid?

Artemas felt his arms vibrate and sting from the impact. He looks at the flower maiden, only to find himself in her dark, golden glow of eyes, his grey eyes staring back at himself... the target.

The nearby students outside the ring and even groups training indoors came to see what happened upon hearing the resounding force of impact. Mokuren stood by, her keen eyes on the flower maiden. She began to take down notes... so it has begun, she thought. You've got this little flower. But even Mokuren is fazed by her display and slightly worried... but she wants to see this to the end.

"Looks like I have to take this more seriously than I thought... but who could've imagined."

Artemas muttered as he reinforced his body with quanta. He sees the flower maiden was smiling... not one of malice, not one of wickedness, but one of pure excitement... reaching his heart.

"It seems I've found the heart of a warrior."

He couldn't help but feel a smile tug at the corner of his mouth. He firms his stance, ready for a fight. And with the wave of his hand, Artemas said: "Bring it."

Flower maiden charged towards him again, the sound of wind streaming past her ears and landing a flurry of punches landing as Artemas successfully blocks and redirects all of them while backing away. He noticed something. With each jab, each uppercut, each solid blow, the kid's movements were getting sharper, faster... just who is she?

"Where did you learn to fight kid?"

The flower maiden was surprised by her own movements, it was as if her body is moving on its own. She almost couldn't believe her first punch, it was solid... and all so satisfying. She grins back in her nonstop attack. Feeling her body move accordingly with each of her strikes, left, right, cross, up... it was as if she was on auto-drive.

"Never did learn but I watched!"

Artemas continued blocking, sweat gathering on his forehead... the kid's not even breaking a sweat. It was getting harder and harder to see her next punch as it becomes more accurate than before, alternating areas of impact.

Pandora and Wukong were the many amongst the gathering onlookers. Wukong, pupils widened... she must be a demigod! For such a young child to fight so well! Wukong couldn't help but hop up and down, in awe. Mokuren took notice of the little flower's display of battle prowess. She's adapting fast, faster than she could ever imagine.

"Artemas, you should fight back otherwise it won't be as much fun!"

With extra emphasis on fun, the flower maiden raises her leg in a quick motion and slams it down. Although due to her height, her leg doesn't quite reach Artemas' face, it was nonetheless a powerful kick. Artemas dodges out the way before her leg crashes down.

"An axe kick... to do it so fluidly just by watching... sensei, I think I found you a prodigy."

But he stills feels a bit uncomfortable fighting back against such a young girl.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."

The flower maiden brings up her arms, pounding her own chest. Confidence brimming with her every heart-pounding movement.

"Don't worry, I'm tougher than you think... lived with Kyuu-san long enough as proof!"

A stuttered laugh goes through the astonished, gathering crowd. Artemas chuckles himself.

"Alright, but don't blame me for not warning you."

He closes the gap with the flower maiden in quick side-stepping motions and launches his fist at the flower maiden. The maiden tried to predict and track his movement but couldn't catch up. The impact lands directly on her chest, sending her flying backward.

"Are you alright kid?"

The flower maiden having felt the painful stinging sensation in her chest moves her hand over the spot... so this... is what it feels like... I'm getting pumped up! A large, beaming smile grows on her face. The primordial energy within her growing ever stronger as her excitement grew. She feels the petals grow restless, wanting to shed this itchy, cumbersome gi behind.

"I couldn't see his punch coming, and his side-stepping threw me off... just like it did to the bull girl."

She feels the wild energy stir inside her as she takes another stance, this time her legs spread more apart and low to the ground, her hands now resembled open claws, one trusted forward and one at her side. The stance, it just felt right, something she picked up from the show she watched.

"Hehe! I'm fine... come on!"

A loose horse stance... the kid just keeps surprising me, doesn't she? Artemas thought. He closes the gap again landing consecutive jabs while this time his legs moved to intercept the flower maiden's leg movement, performing quick, small kicks to her legs to make her lose her balance.

The girl could only raise her arms to block most of the punches and noticed his attempts to block her movement so she kept backing away, careful of her footwork. She took notice of Artemas' foot blocking and swift kicks when watching his match with Pandora so she made sure to keep that in mind as she repositioned her legs constantly to avoid Artemas' attacks. I'm in a pickle thought the girl, while she was surprised she could block some of them, she couldn't counter and she's struggling to keep up her defense. She also knows Artemas' holding back. Then an idea sparked to life in her adapting mind.

1, 2, 3, 4... block, duck, side-step, dodge, step... these thoughts run through the flower maiden's mind as she continues to block, using both her mind and body to recognize the rhythm of punches and attacks Artemas is throwing at her. She also remembers how the muscle twitches when a move is about to be made. It was hard to keep all of this in mind, but she was adapting fast.


With his next right jab, the girl ducks swiftly and places her footing firmly with a loud thud, landing a solid punch to Artemas' guts. A concussive force is seen upon impact and he is sent tumbling away from the girl before flipping upright, gripping his stomach in pain.

"Woo... that's a punch oh right. She countered me... she's adapting fast... going to have to kick it up a notch."

Mokuren watched amongst the crowd. Seeing the work of primordial energy in front of her was stunning, to say the least. But, is it the work of primordial energy, or is it some hidden talent of the girl? Perhaps both. However, the direction of where the fight is going, it worried her that the girl might be hurt. But seeing the little flower's determination and passion, she reluctantly didn't intervene.

Artemas readies himself to move towards the girl only to see her charge towards him. He blocks her punch then counters, side-stepping to the girl's exposed side.

"You're wide open!"

Only to met by the girl again as she tracked his movement with unflinching sharp eyes, her heel spinning as she twisted immediately to face him. A punch of force aimed right at his face. Artemas flips backward avoiding the punch, putting some distance between them. Regaining his balance, he sees a fist coming towards him, swing already in action. She's faster again! Narrowly blocking the swing, it sends a wave of pressure through the air. The wind blowing through a side of the crowd, the birds on Mokuren's antlers holding on for fear of being blown away.

Artemas had to use both arms to block, struggling against the force... holy crap she's strong! She adapted to my style already? Thought Artemas as he is forced to defend again. Maybe I should start using quanta more and quanta attacks... no, it wouldn't be fair for her since she doesn't know to use it. However, she isn't even using quanta to reinforce her body at all... just... incredible. If I can't beat in her in power and speed, then I'll stop her then!

Pandora's tail swung impatiently, her lips pursed as shouts of praise and support came from the crowd. Damn, even I couldn't best Artemas' style yet... I hate to admit it but it annoys me.

Advancing his movements, Artemas began to make his movements less predictable. A punch pierces towards the maiden. She brings up her arm to block only for it to miss to her surprise before feeling her leg being swept under her.

"A feint!?"

Artemas grabs her arm and twists her around, disorientating the flower maiden and using her body's momentum before throwing her down. Holding her arm pinning her down.


"I think I won kid."

"oof... what a cool move! But I'm not finished yet!"

Thinking quickly of what to do, the girl realizes her legs are free and launches an upward kick towards Artemas' face. Surprised by such a maneuver, he frees her arm to dodge the kicks while the flower maiden took her chance roll away and flip upright.

"So you can take it Artemas. No point in holding myself back then. ALRIGHT!!"


The flower maiden tears off the top of her gi with one hand before everyone watching in stifled breaths, revealing her bare chest.

*Cra-ck! Sizzle!*

The air fills with hair-standing electricity and power. A Saffron aura bursting around the maiden's body as her eyes shined with power. Her petals finally having free room to breathe as they flowed freely behind her, caught in the wind of her aura. This sensation, the wild energy coursing through her veins, her erupting aura... it was all new to her... but the girl did not question it, for it felt it was in her nature.

"There we go. This is more like it!"

The green little birds flew off from Mokuren's antlers in panic. Her power is showing just like before... more rampant than ever, I should stop her. Artemas' face turns red and blocks his own view.

"What are you doing?!"

But before he can come up with a proper answer, before Mokuren can step in to halt the fight. Artemas finds himself having to block another punch of the girl, generating a powerful vortex of air in her wake, sending him skidding backward, his feet carving into the hard, stone pavement. A small crater left upon impact. Artemas feels the force rupture throughout his body... Arrghhh!! He managed to put a quick defensive quanta shield in the spur of the moment only for it to shatter completely.

"What is that flow of power? I don't recognize it... we should have taken this into the Akasha dimension! Wait hang on! Can we paus-!"

He was cut off as the flower maiden charges at him, Artemas sees her trying to duck his punch so he aims it where she would duck, putting large amounts of quanta into this punch, his fist warpped in blue energy...can't hold back too much now or I'll be the one hurting! Got you kid! Only for the girl's movements to speed up in a blur...


A massive, explosive sonic boom. The pavement cracks under immense pressure as the concussive force rips throughout the arena. A cloud of dust kicking up in the aftermath. As the cloud of dust and debris clears... two figures are seen.

Artemas couldn't even register what happened as the next thing he knew, he finds an open palm ready to strike his chin to knock him out. The force of the upward motion generating a stream of dense air pressure, blowing his hair into a mess.

He laughs out loud, knowing his defeat at the hand of such a young girl.

"Amazing! To be defeated by the same move. To think such a bright student was with us the entire time... I admit defeat... this time."

Perhaps if he had taken this seriously to begin with... and probably in the Akasha dimension... crap, the arena's messed up, sensei is going to kill me.

At that moment, before his left arm can block her attack, the maiden relaxed her muscles and swiftly directed his attack in blinding speed while she positioned her leg behind his left leg and her palm cutting through the air upwards at his chin... the same move Kyuu-san swiftly performed on him.

The flower maiden grins at Artemas looking up, her saffron aura generating an unnatural heat as steam rolled off her body. Just for a glimpse... in her blaze of movements, her eyes flashed a crimson red. But it seems the maiden didn't notice in her fervor, for it was similar to her haunting episode.

The crowd erupted in cheers at the young girl's display... their hearts pounding from witnessing such a little girl fight so gloriously. Rousing excitement spread from such an entertaining fight and the prospect of such a radiant ball of joy perhaps joining them. In the heart-pounding atmosphere... they seemed to forget that their fiery sensei, really liked the arena... in one piece.

"Wooo! Go girl!"

"One hell of a battle!"

"Let's go!!"

Wukong claps her hand, even so far as whistling for the young girl. Since the beginning, she was awe-struck by the girl, nearly not even blinking at their sparring.

Mokuren hadn't expected such an explosive movement and quickly ran to the flower maiden to check up on her, her hands glowing shades of green, preparing to heal any wounds. There's no doubt that mother sees this... she'll be here.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt... maybe I shouldn't have allowed you to fight."

The flower maiden turns to Mokuren and hugs her tightly, her aura dissipating. Mokuren checks her body as the girl is in her embrace... no visible wounds... thank the gods.

"Thank you Mokuren, I would have never experienced this without you."

Mokuren hugs her tightly back. She wanted to see what the girl's abnormal nature could do, but she never anticipated such a reaction. She resented her short-sightedness and for putting the little flower in potential danger.

"What is going on!"

A booming, fierce voice silences the flames of excitement. Everyone's excited faces freeze and part away for none other than Kyuu-san as she locked eyes with the flower maiden. Klara-san behind her, her face one of worry too. Uh oh... the maiden thought.

"This isn't what it looks like...?"

In the next moment, the flower maiden, Artemas, and Mokuren all sit before Kyuu-san in one of the in-door rooms, slides shut from being heard outside. A heavy atmosphere weighed upon the room. Kyuu-san's stern eyes fall upon the maiden, a furious expression on her face. The young girl winced and closed her eyes for a scolding... maybe some ear pinching... definitely some real hard ear pinching. But instead, an unfamiliar worried tone came across her long ears.

"You're not hurt are you? Mokuren did you check? I thought I tol-... forget it."

The girl opened her eyes to see Kyuu-san's expression turn from anger to unease. Mokuren looked guilty... something rare to witness on this demigoddess.

"She's ok, I healed her just in case. I apologize Kyui, I should've perhaps seen this coming."

Kyuu-san waves her hand dismissively.

"It's fine... I'm glad you're all safe. I felt a massive surge of energy from the brat and I immediately come over to the commotion. Wukong caught me up on what happened."

Kyuu-san met eyes with the flower maiden again.

"Not bad brat, from what I heard, you fought great out there."

Is Kyuu-san praising her? The girl thought.

"Really? You think so... does that mean you'll-"

"Unfortunately, you broke our deal...our arena... and your gi."

Ah?! The furious expression came back on Kyuu-san's face, as she struggled to hide her rage, her thick brows twitching. The girl might have been too enthusiastic about Kyuu-san's reaction.

"You're going to do two months of chores brat!"

What?! Two months?!

"And no food for two weeks!"

Too cruel! The girl cried out in her mind, but she dared not refute. She couldn't help but think she deserved it after all... and felt grateful that Kyuu-san still cared for her in breaking her deal. For as much as she enjoyed the fight, finding that burning passion... she felt guilty. For not listening to Kyuu-san... and to mom.

"And Artemas..."

Artemas freezes on the spot, his head lowered.

"Not only for allowing the brat to fight you also ruined the arena. You should have used the Akasha realm more intense sparrings, not that the fight should have begun in the first place. Don't think you're coming off easy."

Artemas gulps, please... anything but cleaning the toilets and restrooms... wait, what if sensei makes me pay for the damages?!

Just then, Klara-san knocks on the sliding door. Kyuu-san responds back.

"What is it Klara-san?"

She replies back, amusement in her voice.

"It seems the little lily's bout brought the Goddess' presence."

It really felt like it should have been two whole chapters. About 8000 words crammed into a chapter and a half, along with about an additional 1500 word references/research explanations... I'm sorry to all you readers out there. This is where I really tested out my action writing and tested out some creative elements here. Let me know what you thought and as always, gimme! Gimme! Gimme criticisms, suggestions, and thoughts!

Wild_Silvercreators' thoughts
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