
Performance Review

I have spent the past two days after my date with Amanda toiling in the throes of my own accursed curiosity. 

Sometimes I wish there was a button I could smash, a lever I could break loose that'll just shut down any and all sentient thought from forming in my head… 'cause all they've been doing for the past forty-eight hours was screaming at me for answers I don't have. 

For a diligent detective lady, Irene sure had the tendency for coming up with mysteries rather than actually solving them… and all the times I tried poking and probing her for some clues, she'd answer right back with even more ambiguity. 

<<You'll find out when you come over.>> remained her undaunting shield against my onslaught of questions. 

Much like Amanda, this woman seemingly loves her surprises. I'm starting to feel all women do at this point. 

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