
Cordial Invitations

I'm starting to regret the dire lack of clocks in this household. It really just ain't the same playing the tension game having to watch the minutes and hours tick away from a phone screen… with clocks it feels more tangible, the sense of alarm more real. 

And boy, was this ever real alright… 

Brilliant. What a brilliant end to day this was. No, really, look back. I woke up this morning from a nightmare of a reality, and spent a moment in the afternoon re-burying a beloved pet, only to then come back home to a somber Ash wishing to be alone. So pray tell, what is the logical conclusion to this quite pensive chain of events?

That's right, fuck it—party time. 

Never mind that Adalia doesn't do well with noises, or Sera much less with crowds. Oh, and Ash's wish? What, do I look like a genie in a bottle to you? Chivalry is dead and Amanda has killed it. 

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