
New Party Member

And so the rowdy, crowdy party of three became a rowdier, crowdier party of four. Between Sammy and Amanda, I wasn't sure who among the two was the more twitchy of the bunch.

On one hand, Sammy was coming down with a very serious, chronic cause of the fangirl shivers. Seriously, I have never seen her this gobsmacked other than that one time Mom fixed her hair for her after she arbitrarily decided that hair as long as hers was no longer in vogue - I used to think Mom just had a special innate talent for hairstyling, but now I know that her talents actually lied elsewhere after all.

Meanwhile, Amanda on the other hand, though not as obvious as Sammy, was doing her best by swallowing all her reserves and projecting that famous streamer personality that everyone all knows and loves. 

Apparently she dropped by for some window shopping after having realized she was low on painting supplies, hence - whatever the hell this is now. 

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