

I see Zatara is here having a chat with his daughter, I see they never collected the case with Starro samples yet, I have some changes I want to make to it, so let's wait and see.

Superboy is eavesdropping on the Zatara's conversation, a stranger appearing the same day with other similarities would make him perk up, oh, here comes Superman, he did listen to me after all.

Okay, bored now, I drop the hiding and start playing pool, seems like fun.

Zatara looks back and sees me playing, then whispers to Zatanna. Superboy hovers over, "Decided on a name yet?" I ask.

"I was thinking Conner, Conner Kent." Superman behind him looks surprised. I chuckle, "That works out rather well, right Kal?"

Superman grins, "Do you know everything?" 

"Nope, almost everything. And what I don't know I can find out if I want." I shrug.

"Why are you here? We got the report on Artimes's mother, was that you as well?" Superman asks

"Why? To ensure the kids can defend themselves against you adults in case I fail to stop something." I explain obscurely. 

"Against us? Is there something we should know?" Superman asks with concern.

"Nope, some things need to happen, but some do not and will cause long-term issues for my children, so I am going to stop them."

"Why now? I do not mean to be offensive, but you did nothing till now." 

"Really? Nothing? Why did your ship land where it did, and not where the scout vehicle was, that was the logical course. Or even with the rest of the meteors, that could have killed you? Why did Bruce live? Why did Barry live? Why did Steve breach Diane's island defenses when no one ever had?" I look him in the eye.

"I do not set up what happens, but I try to make the best out of what does."

Kal shuts up, "Sorry."

"It's okay, I don't allow the bad things Kal, I just try to give them a silver lining, sometimes a hero walks away from them, but sometimes evil does." 

Conner speaks up, "Then me? I was going to turn into Lex's puppet until you changed me?"

"Not just his, when I changed you I added a mental block, just a small one. You see it takes a long time to build up a willpower like Kal's, and you will be facing those things before you even have a chance to know who you really are, or want to be."

"Why did you help my mother?" I hear Artemis's voice as she enters the room.

"Oh, hello. Because you kids have too many secrets. For some reason, you guys think your secrets are these big things, and no one will accept you when you tell them, you're wrong, trust your friends more."

I smile warmly at her.

"What does this have to do with my mother?" Superboy looks back to Artemis and shakes his head slightly.

"It's fine, I chose to be seen, and that makes me a target. So, you are upset I healed you, mom, kind of strange that, don't you think? Or are you upset I healed her how?" I grin as I ask

Artemis stops a moment then looks around, "Relax, why do you always think people are judging you? And by the way, more than one person has a secret here, and none of them are worth keeping." I sigh, I know I am a kid in some ways still, but it confuses me at the same time.

And this world is curious, it seems like only certain aspects of DC exist here. This 'The Team' in Justice Mountain, the JLA, and 'The Light'. For the moment they seem to be the main focus of this world, everything I focus on seems related to them, it is curious. I honestly did not realize how unique these Universes could be.

I still have a divinity connection to Maeve, and I am still getting belief from the Amazons. Lilly can be overly thorough, but once she has visited the world with Maeve we can make some deductions.

Oh, my mind when wandering there, they now all around me, wait, when did the extra JLA get here? "Urm, sorry, I was linking to another Universe, what did I miss?"

Wonder Woman step forward, yeah I see you in the back there, Batman. "Was it the one you told me about?"

"No, I do not exist in all Universe at once, well not yet, so I drift between them, and generally a simple nudge in one can impact others. Some time ago that changed, they are all steamrolling ahead without being impacted. The one I connected to does not have any of you, it has, well it has Heroes, but if you went there you would be disgusted. They were commercialized heroes, now that was not the issue, the issue was the company in charge of their image would cover up anything they did, so they became more indulgent and reckless. When I arrived there, if I had not materialized where I did, a speedster would have run through a civilian."

Flash and Superman reacted the most, they knew how easy it would be to avoid that, and it was something speedsters naturally avoided.

"I created a Goddess of Battle and Protection, with the help of an influential company to oversee the world's 'Supers' going forward."

Wonder Woman's face changed, "You are an All-Father? I am sorry for the offense Lord Paragon," She attempts to kneel but I catch her before she does, "No need for that," I grin, "You will get to experience that yourself later," I chuckle

she looks at me with confusion, "Twice now you have mentioned that M'Lord, is it something you can elaborate on?"

"At the moment, you know your mother and father. Have you heard anything from the Greek Pantheon at all?" I ask, I know from the face their dimension is not only sealed, but without fluctuation that would not be responding.

"No, not for a while."

"Well, you see, that's the issue. They will no longer interfere with man, but as a demigod, or a god, could you see yourself doing that?"

Wonder Woman shakes her head.

"Yeah, let's just say Olympian godhood does not suit you well." I say with a grin, "It all works out in the end though. Kinda … well not really," I sigh as I consider the events I see when I focus on her, it's weird that I see much more of her future, almost like the timeline is more open to telling her story.

Wonder Woman tilts her head, "Urgh, okay, one piece of advice, when you come back from being a God, sit down and have a long chat with your mom, do not just ignore the life she built up or you will regret it. Okay, that's it." 

Wonder Woman smiles and steps forward, hugging me, omg I am going to suffocate!

"Thank you, the advice is about what I care about the most, you have done me a great favor." she stops hugging me and laughs at my discomfort.

(I thought I knew WW, but wow when I looked it up they changed her history so much, alternate timelines, illusions, and just plain rewrites, annoying. When I connect to another DC I will use my own timeline although no plans yet.)

"So, any reason for the crowd?" I ask

Batman finally speaks, "What is the connection between the ones you helped?" his voice is deep, I seriously want to ask him to say "I am Batman." so I can record it.

"Connection? None." I shrug, "Well maybe, you all needed a little help."

"I needed help?" he asks with a slight tone of disbelief.

"You don't see it, do you? You have all these plans, but you are the problem, they are not the ticking bomb, you are. If Superman goes bad, he has no plans, he just reacts and does things. If you go bad you already know all the plans to stop you. You know all the ways to gain power and strip power. Now, let's imagine you have all your senses and are just wholeheartedly convinced someone else has gone bad, or, the system you have all these precautions saved in is hacked, you know, like Robin does all the time."

I hear Robin move behind Superman hoping to avoid Batman's view.

Batman stares at me quietly, suddenly I feel prayer faith feeding into me, from close by.

I look around in confusion, then see M'gann M'orzz still in the kitchen, I have no doubt she could hear us all, she is Miss Martian after all. "M'gann, I am right here, there is no need to pray, you can ask me openly." she suddenly looked up in surprise, apparently shocked I responded.

"Are you sure you want me to do that? I know it has been a source of shame, but trust me, he will not care." I say as I walk slowly to her.

"But it's ugly," she says with her head lowered. 

"You only think so because others have said that to be mean and spiteful. Conner, come here please." M'gann's head looks up, he eye's alarmed.

As Conner arrived next to me I ask him, "You know what she is hiding, right?"

Conner nods nonchalantly, "Yeah, Robin said it was a good idea to check the DNA of anything I see laying around, since hers is slightly different to J'onn in pigment." Conner shrugs.

M'gann looks shocked, "Told you, what seems like big secrets to us are not always like that to our friends." I grin as I tell her.

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