
Kanto - Cinnabar Island

Ash gave a quite sigh as the famous island resort came into view on the horizon, Tomo was dozing off by his side cuddling with the albino Growlithe. Even if his friends didn't remember most of what happened the night before, they did remember the feeling of exhaustion. They were all looking forward to relaxing in the hot springs before and after their gym battles. Duplica swears up and down they had an invitation to somewhere special but without any invitation card she had no proof. Ash decided not to say anything about it and instead focussed on his Pokemon who had become a little clingy as they had also retained their memories. Ash decided it was fine as he had only one officially badge to go before battling Blue and then going home. Ash scratched his head, the rest of the Pokemon would be just as clingy too he realized once they learned what happened.

Misty joined him beside the group cuddle, "Are your Pokemon still being clingy?"

Ash motioned at everyone around him, "What do you think?"

Misty chuckles, "Why though?"

Ash shrugged running his hand through Tomo's hair, "I can't really tell exactly but I think, we were being watched a few days ago and they got a little protective. No one, unknown has approached me though I promise."

Misty still looked concerned, "Alright but if someone bothers you just tell me. I got a mallet as my last gift in Celadon City."

Ash laughed, "Of course Misty. Thank you! Do you want to join us? The breeze is really nice."

Misty grinned sitting next to Milotic, "Don't mind if I do."

The two friends watched as the island for closer and closer while enjoying the cool breeze and warm sunlight. Ash could not believe he was almost done with all the eight badges that he needed, he still couldn't believe he collected all ribbons successfully either. It was so surreal to even think about it, he realized but here he was with five ribbons in his ribbon box and just one more badge to go. Duplica and Drew soon found the three of them and the Pokemon relaxing on the deck watching the horizon as the ship got ready to port.

They decided to join them while the ship was docking and preparing to unload which would take another twenty or so minutes. Also it was not like they as trainers had much luggage to carry around anyway, it was mostly food and medicine, stored in the capsule, that didn't take much space. Apart from that, it was mostly three sets of clothes and shoes, the standard amout of utilities and inner wear that can last for a month for trainers. While coordinators had just one extra outfit for performing added to the standard clothes, shoes and utilities.

Captain, "This is the Captain speaking, we have docked safely."

Captain's assistant, "This is the Captain's assistant, passengers who are getting offboard please make sure you have all your luggage with you. Passenger heading for Cerulean City this is a reminder we will be leaving at 09:00 tonight sharp. So please be onboard by that time. Thank you for joining us on our voyage, please come again!"

Ash and the gang got off the ship and looked around the tourist trap that was Cinnabar Island, known for it's hot springs and the elusive gym. Ash wondered if they would have to solve riddles to get to the gym but decided to figure it out later and to go to the Pokemon centre first. They got two rooms one with three beds and another with five beds. As it turns out the centre did not have free single rooms as trainers usually come to Cinnabar to relax and to see if they can find the gym. Most trainers didn't and just decide enjoy a holiday while coordinators come for the ribbon and Ash realized there was a contest going on.

Ash looked outside his shared bedroom window to the bustling Island city below, "I had almost forgotten Cinnabar Island holds contest at least four times in a year."

Drew, "They really allow that? I thought a City could only host two at max."

Jameson, "Mmm! Usually yes, but Cinnabar is close to the Jhoto sea border so they hold two contest for the coordinators from Jhoto, it gets more tourist I heard."

Brock nodded, "It's also the reason why security is very strict around the volcanic area, as that's where the lab that we are heading to tomorrow, is located."

Drew sighed, "Right you guys got fossils of prehistoric Pokemon. Man I wish I had gone to Grampa Canyon too right now."

Ash, "How about after you leave Cinnabar Island you go there? I'm sure you would find something."

Drew hummed, "I'll think about it."

Roserade was talking to Lucario and exchanging stories while at the same time entertaining Chimchar, Phantump, Corsula and Growlithe. After they had all washed, cleaned and relaxed, the boys joined the girls downstairs to get some dinner as they watched the current news. The news of trainers getting challenged by a powerful trainer being a fraud was being broadcasted as New Island was an empty and abandoned area where wild plants and flowers grew.

Ash hummed, 'So that's the story Red gave.'

Misty huffed, "I can't believe people would prank others that way."

Drew, "Maybe they are fans of the Weasley twins from the book. This seems like something they would do."

Duplica, "Yeah but it's going a little too far though."

Brock, "Well on the bright side we are going to see if the fossils can be revived tomorrow."

Jessilina, "I can't wait for it."

Jameson, "It'll be interesting to have an Aerodactyle."

Tomo, "More friends to play with."

The next day they left for the lab requesting their services in reviving the fossils they had found. The group had been quickly ushered inside once it was found their fossils were genuine and not fake. The head of the research centre, Professor Katsura was a very eccentric person and loved talking to them in riddles. Misty figured out most of the riddles and Ash some of them, while Duplica and Drew did not bother. The Professor gave them a clue where to find the Cinnabar gym, and before going ahead and starting the revival process which would take at least one day.

Misty, "How about we check this place out?"

Ash, "Yeah, there are a lot of shops and I need to restock medicine."

Brock frowned, "Me too actually."

Duplica, "Huh? You guys too?"

Jessilina, "Looks like our medicine was stolen when we were not looking."

Jameson frowned, "A hacker?"

Ash, "Possible... It's why I added a password and a finger print recognition into it."

Tomo, "Let's go to the toy shop. I want to get Growly a chew toy."

Jessilina, "Of course Tomo."

The group decided to split up, Jameson and Brock left together, Jessilina took Tomo and Meowth with her, Duplica declared she wanted girl time and dragged Misty off leaving Drew and Ash together. Ash shook his head and simply asked if they could get medicine first to which Drew agreed and went to a Pokemon pharmacy first. Once they got all the medicine and potions they needed they decided to check the rest of the stalls out and see what interested them. Lucario was snooping around the accessory store trying to find something for himself and the rest of the Pokemon at home. Some items he knew enhanced a Pokemon's beauty and would help them in the contests.

Ash, "This ribbon would suite Milotic."

Drew, "I found one for my Milotic too."

Ash looked at the ribbons and laughed, "They match."

The shop keeper Diana smiled coming out, "Those ribbons are actually for mates. If your Milotics are together then the ribbons will help them out in increasing their affection for each other. It also helps in increasing affection for the trainer."

Ash blinked, "Well my Milotic, doesn't seem to mind yours much."

Drew smiled, "Mine doesn't either."

Diana's eyes sparkled, "So it's possible they may become mates. Tell you what since your Pokemon, those two are yours right?"

Ash, "Yeah, Lucario is mine."

Drew, "Roserade is mine."

Diana, "Since they already got a lot of stuff for both of you a lot of stuff that would cost you over 1000 pokedollars. I'll give you both a ten percent discount on your total price."

Ash, "Thank you, that's really nice of you."

Drew, "Yes thank you very much."

Diana grinned ringing up the total, "Just take care of your Milotics."

Ash, "Something tells me she is a fan of Milotics."

Drew chuckled, "Something tells me you are right. That looks like a good place to eat."

Ash looked at where Drew was pointing and agreed, "I feel famished."

Drew, "Let's get some lunch then."

Roserade giggled behind Drew, he was very happy to see his trainer get along with others, "Ro ro roserade."

Lucario grumbled, -Please don't call this a date. I don't like the idea of my Meema going on a date, in front of me.-

Roserade huffed, "Ro se ro."

Lucario, -No.-

Ash hummed eating the island special, wondering if the gym is located inside the volcano or outside. He remembered the Charizard and Magmar battle that had taken place, it was very distinct as that episode had first shown how powerful Charizard could be if he put his mind to it. He remembered it happening in the sky so it was above the volcano, perhaps? But no one is allowed to climb the volcano anymore not since they found a Team Rocket hide out.

Drew, "Are you thinking about the riddle?"

Ash, "I can only think about volcano.... But no one has been allowed up there for years now."

Drew, "Ah! Perhaps another route into it then?"

Ash, "That's possible."

Drew, "We can check it out after lunch."

Ash nodded in agreement before digging into the roasted sea food, it was one of the things that fascinated him. Despite the existence of Pokemon there were still some normal animals around, although they were mostly grown and eaten as food by both humans and Pokemon. Not to forget it was very costly and was the luxury food of this world, he was still happy to be able to enjoy it. Once lunch was done the two of them went towards the base of the volcano and started to search around the area.

Drew came across a cave, "Ash! Here!"

Ash walked over, "You found an opening cool. Let's check it out."

Lucario, -Be careful Meema.-

Roserade, "Ro roserade."

Phantump, "Phaaaaaa."

Chimchar, "Chim."

They walked through the cave system and came across a steel door, Ash tried to open it but it was hot to touch only to gasp and let go because of the heat. Lucario gave a strong kick to open it instead only for them to come across an underground battlefield with Mr Katsura from the lab standing there.

Mr Katsura, "Welcome challenger to the Cinnabar Island gym."

Ash deadpanned, "You are the gym leader aren't you?"

Katsura who was about to give another riddle laughed taking off his hat and wig, "Correct I'm Blaine, the Cinnabar gym leader. I accept your challenge however my gym is different from other gyms."

Ash paid attention, "I'm listening."

Blaine, "We will have our matches but there will be no substitutions. It means the only way you can recall your Pokemon is if they are defeated and unable to fight anymore. Since this is your eight battle we will be having a five on five battle instead. Also if you end the match in a draw, you get no badge."

Ash clenched his fist, "I see, I can almost understand why your gym is considered one of the hardest. Those are some harsh rules."

Blaine, "Life is harsh, and it's my job as one of the strongest gym leaders of Kanto to push you to your limits."

Ash, "I accept the conditions. Shall we begin our five on five battle?"

Blaine, "Of course, let's go Growlithe."

Ash, "I choose you Wartotle."

A referee walked in, "If both sides are ready, begin."

Blaine, "Growlithe flame thrower!"

Ash, "Hydro pump, don't hold back."

Wartotle nodded seeing the place they were in, even though he had the type advantage as a water type the environment gave his opponent the advantage. The flamethrower and hydro pump hit causing a thick mist to form.

Ash, "Icy wind."

Blaine, "Agility!"

Growlithe used his speed to dodge the usual attack and landed on top of the ice slipping and loosing his balance a little.

Ash, "Now skull bash."

Wartotle took advantage of Growlithe's moment of instability to knock him out of the match and win.

Referee, "Growlithe is unable to battle, Wartotle is the winner."

Wartotle stood up as the puppy Pokemon was recalled and Blaine gave a smirk complimenting Ash before calling Rhydon. Ash braced himself, this would be a difficult battle but then again this was his eight badge, he would not expect anything less than a tough battle. Drew stood behind Ash watching him fight as Roserade, Phantump and Chimchar cheered him on.

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