

The next morning the crew met outside the studio as planned. "I see everyone is packed and ready to go!" Drew said excitedly.

"Someone had his coffee this morning." Sam said, still attempting to wake up.

"Just happy to go on vacation!" Drew said. "I love vacation and I love the tropics; I can't wait!"

A taxi pulled up to them and the driver got out. "You them spook chasers from the TV ain't you?"

"Wow, where are you from?" Drew asked the taxi driver.

"I gets that a lot." The driver said. "What on my count of accent and such, but I don't really understood whys people knows I am from heres."

"A mystery truly." Drew sighed.

"But I is from the south," The taxi driver explained, "I cames here to finds me some that fames and fortunes. My momma always said, Cletus, you is my special baby boy, you going to goes far one day. So here I is, living the dream! I gets to tell momma daily that I mets me some of them celebrities. One days I hopes that they will hires me for one of their shows so my momma can sees me on the TV."

"That's quite the dream." Drew said. "Can we put our luggage in the trunk?"

"Oh rights." Cletus said. "I forgots, sorry." Cletus opened his door again and popped open the trunk to the taxi. He then picked up each of their suitcases and placed them inside. "So y'all chase spooks, right?"

"We do." Sam said. "Terry does too, when he isn't busy running away."

"I was trying to find help!" Terry shouted. "I came though, saved the damn day."

"Yeah, you did." Sam sighed.

"Well, I was wonderings, if y'all reckon that you ever goes into the backwoods parts of the country." Cletus said. "I coulds be likes y'all's expert advisor."

"Tell you what." Drew said. "That sounds like a fabulous idea, why don't you write your number down on my card and if a situation like that ever occurred, we would give you a call." Drew handed Cletus one of his cards and a pen from his pocket.

"Oh boys!" Cletus said in excitement. "Momma I is going to bes a TV star!" He wrote his number as ledably as he could with the word [Cletus] on the back of the card and handed it back to Drew. "Thanks so much! Y'alls is the nicest celebrities I ever did done meet. Tell yous what, hop on in the taxi and I takes you to your plane for free like."

"Thanks Cletus, you're a real pal." Drew said as the four of them got in the Taxi. Sam and Terry were nervous of Cletus's driving, but he was surprisingly one of the best drivers they had ever had. After they arrived at the airport the three exited the car and got their luggage. Drew bent down and Cletus rolled the window down for him. "Thanks for the ride Cletus! You keep on dreaming those dreams and never give up!"

"We do Mr. Drew!" Cletus responded. "Y'all just gives me a call when yous get back, and I will takes you back to the studio."

"Thanks Cletus." Drew said as he got up and smacked the roof of the car. After that Cletus drove away with a big smile on his face.

"You really going to let him on the show Drew?" Sam asked.

"Well, I like him." Drew said. "I think he would be a hit with the fans."

"I couldn't understand a word he said." Terry said.

"Says the person who speaks in third person for the majority of the time." Drew teased. "Look, my instincts have made us the hit we are, and I think he would be a hit. Let's just leave it at that."

"If you say so." Sam sighed. "Let's find our plane and get this vacation started."

"That's the spirit!" Drew said. "First thing I am going to do is find the bar on the island and spend my time drinking next to the ocean. Oh, I can't wait."

Drew looked at his ticket and at the screen for departing flights but could not find the flight listed. He walked over to the help desk to inquire as to why. "So, I can't find my flight." Drew said. "I am hoping you can help me."

"Ticket please." The receptionist said in a lifeless tone. Drew extended the ticket and she snatched it from his hand. She looked over it for a while before she started typing away on her computer. "Looks like this plane is at gate F54, it's such a small flight it doesn't show up on the big boards."

"So how were we supposed to find it." Drew asked.

"Same way you did." She answered. She then looked past Drew and yelled "Next!"

"Okay, then." Drew said as he left the desk and walked back over to his friends. "Gate F54, apparently it's a small plane. Must be a private jet."

"Oh great, a rich fan." Sam sighed.

"The best kind." Drew winked. "Look if someone wants to make me feel special, I am more than happy to let them. How about you Terry?"

"I am just here so I can yell I told you so later." Terry said. "Neither one of you believe me, but this shit is fishy and when the shit hits the fan, I am going to yell it at the top of my lungs."

"If it is a trap like you think," Drew said, "then you would be perfectly in your right to do so. But I am telling you it's most likely just a super-rich fan that wants to meet us."

The three of them made their way to the gate where their plane was located. It was a small top of the line jet. The kind that the interior has gold trim and premium materials. "That is one nice plane." Drew said as he took it in.

"Almost too nice." Sam said. "Just how rich is this person? I am starting to agree with Terry, this has to be a trap."

"You two need to learn to relax a little." Drew said. "Everything is going to be fine, trust me!"

Cletus is quite the character isn't he? But this mysterious benefactor is quite concerning, I wonder what he wants?!

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