
Old Hunter Jack

Klaust walked to the address describe on the piece of paper it was written that the place he is looking for is on the west cide of the city near the city wall, he searched around for a while before reaching this destination. "Hunter Hut" This is what written on the front of the place he is searching for. He looked around the place and see some dried fur, dried meat, beast's bone, teeth, and also some plant that should have been forage not too long ago seeing its condition. Even thought the place look like it was a mess, actually it was well organized and it give a totally different kind of vibe from the surrounding place. The house that stand in the middle of the organized mess look exactly like the name it depict, A hut. Even from the front gate you can tell that it will only have a simple room, kitchen, bed all mix together in one place (Imagine Hagrids house in harry potter).

Klaust walked inside the place, standing behind the doorhouse. Before he had the chance to knock on the door, it opened by itself showing a bulky man almost 2 metel tall with a brown braided beard on his face, on his right hand he was holding a butcher knife and to make it worse he had a bloodstain all over his body that seems came from some animal that made him looked menacing.Klaust froze on the spot didn't know how to reacted to what he saw in front of him. Before he could calm down the man in front of him open his mouth first.

"Huh? Who are you kid?"

The deep voive that came out from the man deepen his impression, his impression of being menacing.

"Hey... Kid?" Asked the man once more, waking up Klaust from his frozen state.

"AH! Hello there sir" Answered Klaust politely before fidgeting not knowing what to do next.

The bearded man seeing the fidgeting boy in front of him only stay quite for a while, he thought that the kid looked somehow familiar before asking him another question.

"So who are you kid? and what do you want here?"

"Ah! Yes sir, My name is Klaust sir. I'm here for-" Before Klaust could mention his purpose of being here, the bearded man stop him.

"Wait! Your name is Klaust? are you the kid that worked at that Ja**A** Donder place?" He asked while deepening his voice more that made his voice more solemn.

"Eh? Uhm yes sir, That's me Sir" Answered Klaust while being a little dumbfounded.

After hearing the answer from Klaust the bearded man srutinized him for a while before falling in a deep thought making the atmosphere a bit awkward, thankfully it also gave Klaust a little bit of time to regain his sense. After coming back to his sense Klaust looked at the bearded man trying to see him more clearly. The man looked really well built with a well define muscle especially his limb that seems like it could rip apart any kind of animal. His beard made him looked like the ancient viking depict in the history book. The butcher knife on his hand looked well maintained without any kind of rusting and a sharp edge. He seems like he was wearing some kind of apron made from beast skin, maybe it was something he used while butchering animal carcass. While he was still paying attention to the bearded man thoroughly, suddenly the bearded man began to speak.

"If you are here to learn to fight, you need to follow my rules. First... hmmmm you see those carcass over there? Go and cut them to pieces without damaging them, just do two of them" After giving instruction half heartedly the bearded man went back inside the hut without giving anymore explanatin.

Klaust stood there for a while before looking at the carcass stacked outside, he walked towards the pile of carcass and see that most of it is a kind of wolf that you can found on the valley around 70 km west of blackhot city. He picked up the first carcass before looking around for a table and tool to started dismembering the carcass, after he found the table and tool he looked around the vicinity for at least a sample that he can use as example. He saw some bone scattered around but he didn't see anything that he could use as an example. He couldn't help but to cut the carcass according to his own thinking, he cut the carcass like he was cutting a chicken, removed the head, removed the limbs, and finally cutting up the body into several block of meat, he also do that to the second one. It took him 3 hour to finished the task before going to the hut to reported that he is done with the task.

"I've done the task sir" said Klaust feeling a little anxious.

"You're done? Show me"

Both of them came back to the place Klaust did his task. The bearded man saw the results of Klaust work and cannot helped but be surprised by it. He was pretty sure that this was the kid first time dismembering a carcass but somehow it didn't look that bad. He squatted to checked each and every part meticulously to see if there was something worth noticing. Around 10 minutes later while Klaust anxiously waited at the side, the bearded man finally stood up and walked toward Klaust before asking Klaust another question while pointing toward his worked results.

"Tell me kid, what do you learn from it?"

'Learned? what can i learn from cutting it? isn't it just cutting' Thought Klaust while pondering about what can he learn from it. Klaust fell into a deep thought, seeing this the bearded man just stood there waiting silently. Of course it was not a waste to waited, Klaust being smarter than his age answered him with a passable answer.

"Vital part? i can learned where their vital part is" answered Klaust after his deep thought. The bearded man smiled a little before inquiring if there is more.


"And? Ummm i don't think there is anything else sir" Klaust could only thought about the vital part because he thought about how to kill the enemy the fastest way. But he has no battle experience so he couldn't think more. The bearded man nod slightly before praising him a little and started to explain the purpose of the task.

"Good enough for newbie to think about vital part. I know you have your own reasong for wanting to learn how to fight, either for yourself or for those around you i don't really care. If you want to fight the very first thing you need to have is resolve"

Klaust hearing that what he needed is resolve felt confused about why did he need a resolve, didn't he wanting to learned is already some kind of resolve. Seeing the confusion on his face, the bearded man continued with his explanation feeling a bit angry.

"When i said resolve, it means resolve to kill or at least to strike your enemy. Because your enemy won't hesitate to strike you. Look at your work, i don't know the reason why you hesitated on the cut, either because you are disgusted or maybe some other reason i don't care, YOU HESITATED! You are lucky it was only a carcass"

The bearded man emphasize the word hesitated on his explanation. Klaust felt that there was something right about his explanation but felt like it was a bit strange to tell a 14(Fifteen soon) years old kid to not hesitate and kill the enemy. The bearded man realized that he somehow got affected and regain his composure even though Klaust couldn't realize that. He brushed off his first explanation before continuing to the other point.

"Well you just need to know about the resolve, you will find it later either you decide it yourself or you were forced to. Next the vital part, you should learn about your enemy. Habit, Strengths, Weaknessess, Nature, and any kind of usefull information that you can use. People of the past used to said this "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every " you understand kid?"

Klaust contemplate the lesson from the bearded man, he thought that it was reasonable even though he couldn't undertand it fully. When he thought that the bearded man has more explanation, he was surprised by the sentence that came out from him next.

"Okay, that is the lesson from today" said the bearded man casually.

"Eh? is that all sir?"

"Yeah, that is all kid. I'm not good at teaching theory so i will give you a homework. Go and learn about more animal, you should know what to learn right also learn about human anatomy too. And the last one do this routine" said the bearded man before giving a parchment that have some word on it.

The bearded man actually give Klaust homework he need to do. Klaust heard and remembered the thing he need to do, when he was asked to learned more about animal he thought that it will be usefull especially to survive from them. He was a bit surprised when he was asked to learn about human anatomy, but later on he thought that he need to learn it too just in case. Before he have the time to read the parchment, the bearded man dismissed him.

"Now go and come back next week on the same day and time. Also the name is Jack kid, stop calling me sir just called me Old Jack" was the last word Klaust heard from Jack before he went back to his hut and shut the door.

"Thank you, Old Jack" Said Klaust loudly before leaving the place after he didn't heard any response from the hut. Unknown to him Jack actually opened the door slightly after he went. Jack looked at Klaust back, his eyes gliterred a mysterious sense before closing the door back.

1Quote by Sun Tzu

Ahh guys it seems i need to change the release sequence to 3 chapter a week, i was too busy on monday and sunday somehow (Somehow i was always busy these 2 days)

so i will change to 3 chapter a week for every




I promised this is the last change.

So sorry


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