
Battle Technique

On the morning of the next day Klaust was awaked by the sound of Nunally trying to wake him up.

"Brother! Brother! Wake up!" said the little girl while shaking his body with her tiny hand.

"Ughh.... Okay Okay I'm awake now"

'Ughh what happened last night? Did i blacked out?'

"Hurry up Brother. You need to take care of Sister Daina brother you know"

"Ah?? What time is it? Am i late?"

"No you still have an hour. You nedd to go home and wash yourself first. You reek of sweat"

"Ah okay okay. Then are you coming home with me?"

'Ughh lets organize my though on the way home. I'll check on the information later in Miss Daina house'

"Nope. I'll stay here and help aunty to manage the store"

"Okay then. I'll pick you up later. It's my holiday today for the work on the shop so i can teach you how to read today" said Klaust while rubbing Nunally head.

"Really??!! Yeay. You promised me!!"

"Sure. Please tell aunty that i'll be going now okay?. Be a good girl"

After saying something to Nunally, Klaust start to go home while organizing his thought. On the way he start thinking about the thing he learned yesterday. Surging point, the mystery book, the stream of information. While organizing his thought he reach his house. After a fast check around the house to see if anyone tried to break in. He feel relieved to find there is no sign of someone breaking inside the house. He start to clean the house a little and start washing up after that. After finishing everything he goes out again and started walking toward Miss Daina house in the middle region.

After walking for a while, he finally reach Miss Daina house. He can see that Miss Daina is waiting for him in front of the house. He greeted Miss Daina politely while walking toward her.

"Good morning Miss Daina"

"Good Morning Klaust. How is the book, did Nunally like it?" Miss Daina answer his greeting with a kind smile on her face. She also did not forget ask about Nunally the cute little girl she is quite fond of. Seeing those two sibling remind her of her brother and herself. She feels like they are in a same kind situation.

"Yes Miss Daina. She really love it. Thank you once again for the book" Klaust thanked Miss Daina sincerely. In this age, there is only a little bit of people that manage to keep their kindness like Miss Daina and Lisa mother. Almost everyone else only care about theirself because it's already hard enough to earn something for yourself not to mention to share it with other for the sake of so called kindness.

"That is good then. Okay then i'm going to the school. You only need to care for my brother for a while. I only have a few class for today. See you Klaust"

"Yes. See you later Miss Daina"

Klaust see Miss Daina off. Before entering the house to take care of Miss Daina brother. He feed him some warm porridge, wash his body, check around to see if there is anything he can do. After finishing everything, Klaust sit on a nearby chair and start pondering about the knowledge he got yesterday knight. He first start off from the knowledge of surging point. The human body is very mysterious. It contains seven forces—the force of one's Qi, the force of one's blood, the force of one's meridians, the force of one's channels, the force of one's bones, the force of one's marrow, and the force of one's spiritual energy. When one reaches LV 4, besides the Shrine burning point, he or she would have already ignited three other burning points on the vertebrate. At this time, the force of Qi, the force of blood, and the force of bones would have been activated. After practicing, the above three forces will combine and form a new Hidden Force. In the eyes of many experts, this is when a person could be considered to have a real fighting force. When one reaches LV 5, they will trigger the force of Qi, the force of blood, and the force of bones. After practicing, he or she would be able to combine the six forces together and improve the Hidden Force into a True Force, which is a mark of someone who has become a true fighter. If you want to form Battle Qi, you will have to combine the seven forces in your body. This is the foundation. Aside from the combination of the seven forces, you will also need a sufficient amount of strong Qi, which would be combined with the seven forces before you are able to form Battle Qi. When it accumulates to a certain degree, such force will appear on your body and this is called Battle Qi appearance. Based on this he realized the important of a Strong Battle Technique. The stronger the qi produced from the battle technique the mightier he got, even thought it will also increase the difficulty of his training.

Reading about this he started pondering where can he got battle technique before he remembered two kind of knowledge that he got from the box. He started to check the two information to see if there is a battle technique among it. He first start checking the so called "Star Aura" and to his surprised it really is a battle technique. He started to check the content of "Star Aura". According to it "Star Aura" is a battle technique based on the twelve zodiac consteallation. Seeing this Klaust got confused.

'Zodiac Constellation? What is that?'

According to it the so called zodiac constellation is a star sign that is really famous before the catastrophe, and this battle technique is based on them. Unfortunately among 12 zodiac only 3 exist on the information he had. They are "Libra Scale", "Leo Might", and "Bloody Scorpion". Libra Scale is a battle technique based on counter attacking, based on the content this is somekind of masochist battle technique. Because the more you got hurt the counter will also grow along with it. Those people that practice this technique need a fair amount of spiritual energy and control or at least have a battle instinct to use these technique properly. Based on the technique information after the user lit up 7 surging point and enter the lvl 4 fighter the hidden force produce will bolster on defense by 1 notch. Lvl 5 fighter true force will bolster up defense by another 1 notch, so he could say that at Lvl 5 Fighter he will have the defense of Lvl 7 Fighter.

'Hell. This is really one hell of fighting technique. A bit Masochist but those effect is really crazy' after pondering about this technique Klaust started to calm himself down and read the rest of the technique available.

Leo might is a battle techique based on fist technique. It has a gallant and unyealding stance that make the user appeared mighty. Looking at the content of the technique, this technique is all about attack while having a little defense. This technique also need a fair amount of spiritual energy to bolster up the fist might, not only that this technique also can influence the people alongside him, strenghten their might and morale. A typical technique that is good for an army general. At Lvl 4 Fighter the hidden force produce will turn into some kind of aura that strenghten allies morale and dispel negative emotion while bostering his own might by at least half notch. At Lvl 5 fighter the aura produce by true force will get wider while slightly giving the enemy a sense of fear, while he himself will be bolster up at least by one notch.

'Hmm this one is good if i was on the army. Unfortunately i have no plan to join the army'

The last one is Bloody Scorpion. Unlike the other technique that focused on frontal fight. This battle technique is focused on more of assasination fighting style. Most of the technique list on it is a burst kind of damage that will kill the enemy in one shot. The most deadly point of this technique is the usage of qi to act as a poison on the enemy body. At Lvl 4 Fighter the hidden force produce will have a penetration effect and also a slight poisonous characteristic. Even thought the bolsterin effect of this technique is minimal but it was compensated by the penetration and poison. At Lvl 5 Fighter the true force produce get more deadly. Not only the increasing penetration effect, even the qi that get inject on his enemy will run rampant and start clashing with the qi inside them. If the qi of the enemy is weaker than his own then his enemy will start getting destroyed from inside and has the possibilty of blowing up if he lost control.

'Ughh Gross, that's why it was called Bloody Scorpion huh'

Based on this technique that exist, it seems i found the one that suit me the most. From the three i'll take this one.....

I'm inspired from saint seiya on this. If you ask me why only 3 zodiac

Well..... to be honest i don't know what kind of technique i should describe on the rest. FYI i think i'm going to use this idea on my original novel later.

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