
ᎬᏆᏀᎻͲᎻ : Unexpectedly

‡" My ohhh My... What a strange little Onion you are. Using the power of a clown so beautifully it brings tears to my eyes....but my plans of releasing the Mimes, won't work out so very well with this child possessing the amplifier. I guess it's time to get the ball rolling and unleash the fun".

Winx and Erts still alone in the mansion were in the living room... Winx broke the ice with " hey I herd your really into this clown magic thing", " well it's the only thing I look forward to beside false cleansing...", Erts said and they both chuckled. " Sent told me about how you helped her with her false, cutting the top of the tree genius. Don't expect me to ask for any help... though I don't know if you can help anyone who can't hunt. My mid year test was to hunt down a crocodile...he was fast and strong I only managed scratch his eye with an arrow. But yet you were the only one who didn't do well...the shame consumed me from the inside out".

The Masters had returned with the rest of the children a bit late. During the night, Erts had a dream about standing with a clown he didn't recognize in what looked like an I.C.U. both him and the clown suffered from excessive blood loss caused by a battle amongst themselves. ‡ " So do honestly think you'll stop me little Onion... let's get one thing clear royalty is my favorite pray!", the clown said as he jumped after Erts...there collision pulled the boy out of his nightmare.

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