

Rosalie had fallen asleep reading her mother's journal after she had arrived home and gone up to her bedroom. It was a long day yesterday, and she just wished it was all a dream, but it wasn't because it was a nightmare.

Morning arrived as she woke up. It was early as she remained in bed staring up at the ceiling, thinking about past events. She never expected this, she expected her parents to go through this type of struggle, it was just the tip of the iceberg.

Recalling her mother's words that she relived last night caused mixed emotions to bottle up inside of her as she thought about the woman who raised her and the woman that wrote that journal. In her eyes, they weren't the same person, and it was sad.

It pained Rosalie to read and know what her mother had gone through, what she felt, and how tired she was. She had enormous demons breathing down her neck, one being her mother, who cared for everything but her daughter's emotions, and well-being. She was selfish and only cared about herself.

She was the monster that haunted Aaliyah in her dreams. She was a control freak, who mentally and physically abused her daughter, criticized her for the littlest things, and broke her down with her nasty all because she was envious and hated that her daughter was young and beautiful.

Rosalie was disgusted.

Louis wasn't any different. Unlike his wife, he was silent, and although words hurt his silence would sometimes hurt Aaliyah more. He was never violent to her but would take his anger and jealousy out on his daughter's lover, the young man that reminded him of a young Benjamin, the man that stole the love of his life, and that hurts Aaliyah the most.

Rosalie wanted to hate her mother's parents, but she was taught to never hate, not even her worst enemy, so she had to figure something out. She had to go back to that house, her mother had more journals, and she wanted them, but how was she going to do so? Maybe she could talk to the twins.

Rosalie's train of thought was suddenly interrupted by the sound of her stomach, "I guess my appetite is back," she mumbled before getting up from bed. As she stood at the foot of her bed, she suddenly realized how horrible her father's room was, I sent shivers down her spine, "God, I have to do something with this room," she said shaking her head, "Sorry dad, but your taste is gross," she chuckled before walking to the bathroom.

Soaking in the tub was something that Rosalie needed, The water reached her mid back and thighs as she sat with her legs pulled up to her chest as she sat thinking about yesterday. Mainly about Genesis's reaction and how he came to her rescue. She thought he would've been petty and said, "I told you to do," but he was humble and held her while whispering comforting words in her ear.

It was sweet of him to care and now she couldn't get him out of her mind, along with his brother, who had come back from his mysterious disappearance.

Seeing him as she returned stunned Rosalie. Pacing shirtless in the living room with her grandfather, he appeared alarmed and almost scared, and seeing him in that state lit something up inside Rosalie. But to make things worst, the moment he saw her enter the house, he immediately stormed toward her before pulling her into his arms causing her heart to skip a beat. He was hot, no pun intended, and he smelt delicious.

Rosalie could've melted in his arms, shocking herself at the sudden effect he had on her, too shocked to reassure him that she was alright as he searched her body for any injuries until he saw her cheek. The bruise was beginning to show, and her cheek was slightly swollen.

"Gio? It's okay, I'm fine," she whispered as Giovanni reached up and touched her cheek, she whimpers softly, "Yeah, you're wonderful," he mumbled before walking away as she watched him before looking at Genesis, who pleaded before going after his brother.

Throughout her grandfather's interrogation, Giovanni remained silent, as well as Genesis, but Giovanni looked uninterested almost bored, and it made Rosalie feel embarrassed, so she called it a night, and left.

Fear of awkwardness invades Rosalie as her recap of yesterday was interrupted by her grandfather.

"Rosemary? Breakfast!" Benjamin yelled snapping Rosalie back to reality, she sighed unclogging the drain before she stood up, climbing over the tub before reaching for her towel. As she wrapped her towel around her body, she watched herself in the mirror before touching her hair. She looked tired, dull, and miserable, "Maybe a new look," she mumbled before exiting the bathroom.

"I'll be down in a minute, papa!" She shouted back before getting dressed. Humming lowly to herself, Rosalie pulled her shirt over her head before something caught her attention. As she smoothened down her top, she squinted suspiciously at the canvas that was leaned up against the wall near her bed before walking towards it dressed in a shirt and her underwear.

Furrowing as she picked up the canvas, she turned it around to realize that it was the painting that she was painting on the night that Genesis had come up to her room. But there was something different about the painting, it wasn't hers, for starters, she didn't paint it, and the painting was missing her signature. The painting was completed but it looked incomplete, key details were missing making Rosalie grow more suspicious.

"Who the hell painted this and where's mine?" She wondered before her curtain blew revealing outside and what she thought was a silhouette figure near the forest staring at her. Gasping, she dropped the painting before walking toward the window, looking outside to find no one. There was no one as she slowly moved back, heart pounding in her chest as she took a deep breath before shaking her head, "Great, now I'm hallucinating," she mumbled before grabbing a pair of jeans, rushing out no longer wanting to be alone.

Meanwhile in the kitchen sat Benjamin and Melody, who moved around preparing the table, "How do you think she's doing?" He asked as Melody stopped, placing down the cup to look at him before shrugging, "Honestly, I don't know, but if I was in her shoes, I would be traumatized, but I'm not in her shoes, just give her some time, my love, Rosalie's a strong woman," she said earning a sigh, "I wished things would've turned out differently, Genesis told me what Marilyn had said to him and she's right, it's only a matter of time before she finds out," he said as Melody quickly sat down in front of him with a desperate look in her eyes.

"And is that such a bad thing, I mean we shouldn't be worried about Rosalie knowing who she is," she said as her husband scoffed, "What are you implying, Melody?" He sternly asked as she smiled weakly before shaking her head, "That girl is so hell-bent on learning about her parents' past, trying to figure out who they truly were, and here we are being secretive about who she truly is," she said before grabbing her hand, "She loves her parents, Benjamin, and when she finds out how much her parents used to adore their wolf genes, especially Javon, she'll learn to accept and love her true self," she said in a pleading whisper causing Benjamin to sigh in defeat.

"I just want her to be safe, this lifestyle is far from safe, especially with Marcus still in charge, I didn't bring her here for this, I brought her here to put her mind at ease from her parent's death," he said as Melody shook her head.

"Then you brought her to the wrong place, you knew the risk of bringing her here, especially with Marcus in power, but her parents knew her destiny and they accepted it, and you should too," she said before standing up, ending the conversation as she filled the glasses with orange juice just as Rosalie entered the dining room.

"Good morning," Rosalie greeted with a slight smile on her face, "Morning, kiddo, how are you feeling?" Benjamin asked as she sat down, "Good, I guess I was exhausted," she replied earning a smile from Melody, who placed a plate of food in front of her before caressing her hair, "I hope you got enough rest," she said as Rosalie nodded, "I did and now I'm hungry," she said, Benjamin snorted in amusement earning a glare from Melody.

"Good, eat up before I made lots of food," she said, "I can see that, it looks delicious, Mel," Rosalie said, grinning down at the food, "Are the twins coming over?" She asked as Melody joined the table shaking her head, "No, they went early to set up at the market, but we can always carry some food for them," she said as Rosalie drank her juice with raised eyebrows.

"Can we now?" She asked earning a nod from Melody and a smirk from Benjamin, "Yes, I was just telling your grandfather that it would be a great idea for you to come down and help me a the market, and he said it would be a great idea," Melody excitedly said causing Rosalie to look at her grandfather, who was busy cutting his eggs.

"Did you now, papa?" She asked as Benjamin nodded, "I did, Bonita, it's a great idea, just imagine it, you'll develop a sense of comfortableness around people, more bonding time Mel, more bonding with the twins, it seems like a win-win," he said with a shrug while Rosalie squinted at him before looking back a Melody with a small smile.

"Sounds good, Mel, I can't wait," Rosalie said widening Melody's smile as she excitedly bounced in her seat, "Great because we're starting today," she said as Rosalie nodded while drinking more of her juice.

"What are we selling?" She asked waiting for Melody to swallow, "Herbs," she said, "Your grandmother and I used to sell it together, and when she passed away, I continued," she told earning a smile from Benjamin and a nod from Rosalie.

"That's cool, yeah, I would love to help," she said as Melody blushed, "Thank you, sweetie," Rosalie smiled with a nod, "No problem, so when do we leave?" She asked placing down her fork while Melody looked at her shocked before glancing at Benjamin, who shrugged, "W-We can leave now if you'd like?" She asked earning a nod from Rosalie as she stood up.

"Yeah, that's fine, I'm finished eating anyway, I'll just grab something from my room," she said as Melody nodded before Rosalie left.

Melody looked at Benjamin with an excited grin on her face as he smirked before Melody's eyes widened, "Benjamin, what about the last time we were at the market, god, I didn't think about that, she must've felt so uncomfortable," she said as Benjamin grabbed her hand, "She'll be fine, sweetheart, Rosalie's strong, she's like her father," he said as Melody stood up, "I hope so," she said while Benjamin continued to caress her hand.

"Why don't you go organize the twins' food while I talk to her once she comes down," he suggested as Melody nodded before leaving just as Rosalie re-entered the room pulling a cap over her head.

"Hey, where's Mel?" She asked, approaching him as he pointed behind him, "She's organizing the twins' food, why don't you have a seat," he replied, gesturing to the seat in front of him, "Is everything alright?" She asked as Benjamin shrugged, "I don't know, you tell me, are you alright with the idea of going back to the market with Mel, after everything that had the last time?" He asked as she sighed looking down at her hands.

"I don't know, I mean, that man's reaction was shocking, I never thought someone would have such negative feedback to say about my family, it wasn't something I expected, it scared me," she replied earning a sigh as Benjamin reached out to hold her hand.

"You don't have to go back, Rosemary," he reassured as Rosalie shook his head, "It's okay, I want to, besides, I can't expect everyone to like my family, and I'm not going to let one bad review stop me from enjoying my parents' home," she said as Benjamin grinned before shaking his head.

"You're just like your father, headstrong," he said, Rosalie smirked before Melody re-entered the kitchen, "Hey, are you ready?" She asked, glancing at Benjamin, who nodded, "Yeah, is that the twins' food?" She asked, looking at the containers in Melody's hands as she nodded, "I can hold it if you like?" Rosalie asked as Melody smiled before handing the containers over to her and turning to Benjamin.

Rosalie watched as Melody leaned and kissed her grandfather as he groaned loudly causing her face to frown in disgust, "That's just nasty grandpa," she said causing the couple to pull away. Melody's face reddened as she blushed while Benjamin scoffed, "Please, you young people do far worst," he replied before spanking Melody as she passed causing Rosalie to roll her eyes.

"Whatever you say, grandpapa, I'll see you later, don't miss us too much," she teased as both she and Melody walked out of the kitchen and towards the front door, "In your dreams little girl," he shouted back just as the door closed causing him to sigh.

"What did I do to deserve those two beautiful ladies," he mumbled before glancing at the picture framed on the wall. It was a family portrait, his once happy family that he was supposed to hold and protect was now gone.

"Maybe Mel was right, maybe I should just accept my granddaughter's fate," he said to himself and although he knew that she was right, deep down he was scared affecting his decision to do the right thing.

Looking up at his smiling son, tears welled up in Benjamin's eyes, "What do I do, mi Hijo, tell me that I'm not making a mistake?" He mindlessly asked before wheeling away.

The past had taken a toll on Benjamin and he had many years of pain to endure. Watching his son leave while holding his sobbing wife shattered his heart because he couldn't do anything about it. To then watch the life in his wife's eyes as she lay a foot away from him, die while he lay trapped under their upside-down car left a permanent scar on his soul.

But little did he know that there were more lives at stake including his own.


The journey to the market was peaceful just like the last time Melody had taken Rosalie. But this time, Rosalie couldn't settle, she had questions that needed to be answered, "Hey, Mel?" She called out as Melody hummed, "What made you and grandmother go into selling herbs?" She asked, "Your grandmother was obsessed with herbs, she believed that they healed everything, she would use them on her body, and hair, and she even ate them in her food," she explained as Rosalie listened.

"She was such a believer that she wanted the people of the community to also believe in its power," she said as Rosalie looked at her, "Did they?" She asked, "No, they all called her crazy, and I told her maybe we should sell something else, but she denied it and continued selling," she said causing Rosalie to furrow her eyebrows.

"But everyone hated it and it wasn't selling, right?" She asked, "Well, not everyone hated it, Louis loved it, he used to buy it just to be close to your grandmother until Benjamin began coming around," she said as Rosalie shook her head with a smirk on her face.

"Did my parents used to sell in the market?" Rosalie asked, "Your mother used to sell her pottery pieces and your father and James sold coconuts," Melody replied, "Is James the twins' father?" She asked earning a nod, "He was your father's best friend, where ever Javon was, James was there, and vice versa," she said as Rosalie began to think about the story that the twins had told her.

"The twins told me that he was murdered, what happened?" She asked, Melody, sighed, "Nobody knows what happened, it was a year after your parents left, Giovanni said that Marcus had killed him, but no one believed him," she said.

"Did you believe him?"

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