
Every Being But Me Are False Gods, the One True God

Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

"The Fire God Cult, Water God Cult, Ice God Cult started rising a few months ago. Ever since then, their numbers have increased so rapidly that an unimaginable number of elites have joined their ranks."

"Within just these few months, these religious orthodoxies have gained a ton of followers from more than half of Barren Cloud Prefecture. Even the Full Moon Kingdom, who believed in the White Lotus Sage Ruler most, was greatly affected."

"Right now, most of the citizens have gone over and joined those three religious orthodoxies, choosing to believe in their God instead."

Upon mentioning this, the White Lotus School Leader and the Immemorial Sage looked saddened. They were clearly frustrated to lose so many followers.

However, there was nothing they could do about it.

As much as they hated to admit it, the Gods that the Fire God Cult and other religious orthodoxies worshipped were more powerful than their White Lotus Sage Ruler.

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