
The first blessing

Skendus was getting sick of all the formal praises here, so he decided to be even more direct. This was a universe where mana gods shouldn't be worshiped, after all, and from what he could understand, these priests were clearly praising those that they were not supposed to!

The symbolism, their recent stroke of bad luck, etc, he could connect all of those dots immediately, and decided to ask these priests the questions that many other people would hesitate to ask. He didn't hold back.

“Who is Falakame? Is she a Mana Goddess?” He asked.

“Indeed she is,” The priest in the middle, answered fearlessly. “And although her power knows no bounds, our church finds the greatest of honor worshiping her son, Falakus instead! May he be praised forever.”

Before this back-and-forth conversation of pointing fingers could go on any further, the same priest gestured for Skendus to stop talking. It would appear that he'd like to lead the conversation now.

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