
Twenty-three: MTOABB


It has been two days since Zack and I last hung. We texted back and forth during the day and even though I think back to what we were, I am more appreciative of what we are now. Just friends.

"I need to go clock out and get my check -- will be back in a few hours," Chloe says as she pops her head in my room and out again.

I hear the sound of the door close - leaving me alone at home. I grab my phone and drag myself downstairs. Still in my polka-dot pajama outfit that dad had sent me last Christmas, I crash into the couch.

I haven't spoken to Gomes for a whole week and I'm starting to feel like we've been on a titanic ship from the beginning.

Are you busy? _Rossita

I wouldn't say I'm needy, but sometimes all you want is attention even if it is for just a second. Sometimes you shouldn't plan for the two of you thinking the other person isn't busy -- that was my mistake.

Why? _Zack

Maybe I'm texting him because I need a friend.

Just answer _Rossita

No, I'm not _Zack

I need a friend right now _Rossita

Okay, I'm listening _Zack

I want you to come over _Rossita

Is your mom home? I know I haven't made the best impression on her _Zack

No she's not _Rossita

I shake my head as a smile creeps in -- remembering him honking his car impatiently outside my house.

Okay. Give me 15 minutes - I'll be there _Zack

I don't bother to change out of my clothes. I scroll through the channels on the TV screen until a door bell rings.

"I come bearing pizza," he says with a huge smile as I open the door wide open for him to step inside.

"Good, I haven't eaten."

"Unlucky for you I was thinking of my own stomach," he says and I elbow him. The pizza box falls to the ground and some of the slices are now scattered on the floor. We both look at each other.

"Why are you so weak?" I mutter.

"Is that all you are going to say? Where is the apology? You should be apologizing to those pizza slices because now they have to go in the trash can." He crosses his arms and stares at me knowingly.

"They don't have to... we can just blow on them to remove the dirt." I smile.

"You're kidding, right?" He asks.

I bend, grabbing a slice off the floor. I take a bite and start chewing. I'm met with specks of sand in my mouth but I don't show it.

"Yum," I hum.

He throws his head back in laughter and joins me on the floor as he too grabs a slice and takes a bite. He starts chewing and immediately throws it out.

"Yuck! You're such a liar," he nudges me and I fall butt first on the ground.

I start to laugh - finding this to be very humorous.

"Let's get this cleaned up," he says and I nod.

"Where's the bin?" He asks.

"Throw that in the bin outside instead," I say.

He turns to open the front door and I'm left admiring his clothing choice-- how come I only notice this now?

He has on sweats and a plain gray vest and on top he has on a maroon sleeping robe. If I was ever told that I would see Zack like this, I wouldn't believe-- who would?

"So?" He says coming back inside. "What do you have in mind for us to do?"

"I'm not sure." I shrug.

"No movies -- I didn't come here for that. So why don't we jump onto that couch and start making out?" He parts his lips and scans my own.

"Zack - stop," I say as I turn to hide my face.


"Tell me what you know about Prinse?" I ask.

"Is that why you called me here?"

"I asked for a friend didn't I?"

"Right." He moves to sit on the couch and I follow suit.


"I dated his sister," he states the obvious, but I refrain from rolling my eyes.

"Tell me more?" He turns to look at me. "Rose..."

"Please Zack."

He sighs out loud. "He dated Holly and they are still very much close till this very day. He is even visiting her right now as we speak."

Maybe I already had a feeling that him and Holly had a thing, but he left me to go see her - why?

"How do you know this?"

"Cassandra told me they've been there for a few days now. I think I've said too much already."

"Is there more to say?"

"Rossita - no. It's not my place."

It's never no one's place until it's too late.

"Why did you date me?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

"Because I want to know."

"I liked you."

"You didn't know me."

"I did, believe me. I just wasn't ready to be with someone again."

"So when we started dating, would you say you were ready?"

"I messed it up so I doubt I was ready." He lightly chuckles as he throws his hands back.

Right now I can't make sense of anything as I picture Gomes and I's ship slowly sinking.

"Zack---." I open my mouth wishing what comes out makes sense, but words always get in the way.

I push onto him as my lips fall on his. As wrong as it was I devoured his fervented mouth as he moans in appreciation. I move my hands to cup his face as his tongue slips into mine. I push him back for a second - allowing my mind some time to register what I'm doing.

"We don't have to continue if you don't want to," he whispers, his hands still lingering on my thighs.

"Shh." I place my index finger on his lips, wanting him to not say another word.

I lean back in and he stops me. "I want to," I tell him.

I brush my lips on his, long enough for him to inhale my scent. He pulls me in, biting my bottom lip and leaving it tingling in pain. He places his body on top of me, securing me with his warmth as he runs his hands over my pajama pants and cups my butt. As if trying to destroy my mouth, he smashes on it and I give him the reins as he takes control. He squeezes my butt and I arch my back in response as I raise my legs to wrap around his waist. I cross my ankles behind his back as to keep a grip on him. I draw myself into him and my phone decides to take that as the best opportunity to ring.

He pushes himself off of me and we both don't speak about it as I grab my phone.

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