
The presentation (2)

"The high-Level dragon used a heat ray skill that had similar properties to a giant laser beam. The attack itself was powerful enough to completely annihilate the city and most of its defenders."

The presentation shows a short video of the laser beam released by the dragon's opened maw. I wasn't there so I can't fully judge the power of that skill but it looks unstoppable to me. How was the city still around for Darwin to attack after that?

The answer is soon shown in the short video. That purplish coating around the city looks like nothing much but it perfectly blocks the dragonʼs attack. Worse even, it stays there after the dragonʼs heat ray loses power.

A defense skill like that is insane!

"As you can see the attack was blocked easily. Power like that would usually prompt us to pull back our forces and try to feel out the enemy while contacting the great dungeon alliance. However, right when he saw that purple membrane appear Darwin went berserk and tried to destroy it."

Another video plays but the angle is strange and it's very short. All I can make out is a figure that resembles Darwin punching the purple membrane before the video abruptly cuts off.

"As you can somewhat see, Darwin couldn't break the membrane with his primary attacks. Before he could do much more the city was teleported away by another person who showed up out of nowhere."

No picture is shown this time and I'm left quite shocked. Darwin failed to break that shield and couldn't stop them from running? How strong are these people?

"Sigh, that's what we're wondering too. However, we believe that their strength isn't much different from Darwinʼs. There's even a high probability that they are weaker than him."

I questioningly raise my brows.

"Is it that hard to believe? They ran away despite there being at least two of them and only one of Darwin. If they were stronger they would have stayed and forced Darwin to retreat instead."

Something tells me this the official version. It's a bit, shall I say unconvincing?

"They could have just been feeling Darwin out. Or maybe they weren't sure if he had reinforcements. Who knows what's still in that dungeon after that dragon."

Navi wordlessly continues to the next page of the presentation. It's a list of pros and cons. Both things I said are written in the cons section.

"What you say is a possibility and what I said before is indeed the official explanation we gave the ordinary dungeon masters in the alliance. However, we truly believe that they are weaker. Just the reasoning is a bit different."

Before I get the chance to read the pros of the list she goes to the next page. It's another picture of the purple shield as it's blocking the dragonʼs heat ray.

"It's not a shield. To be sure, please remember that everything I tell you now is top secret and must not be shared with anyone, that includes other employees, and due to formalities even Darwin."

"Even other employees?"

"It concerns a key skill of mine so we want to try to keep the circle of people in the know as small as possible. The main reason you are being told is that your instructing skill is a strategic resource that might benefit from knowing more possibilities."

"So this is a learning experience?"

"Of sorts. Take it as me broadening your horizons.

"We can't be sure but according to Darwin's observation, the skill resembles one of mine. I have a skill called fairy realm transfer. It functions in a mysterious way but the basic idea of it is that it can transfer attacking force and maybe even particles or objects to a different realm."

Wait, I vaguely remember seeing you do something like that.

"You did indeed see me use my ability when your daughters came to visit. Edward and Valeria were fighting and I had to stop Valeria before she could cripple Edward (Chapter 168 - Work tour [2])."

"Right, I remember thinking the lack of impact was weird at the time but didn't get the opportunity to ask."

"At the time, I wouldn't have told you anyway. What you saw is the main application. The attacking force is sent to the fairy realm leaving any sort of impact completely powerless. It works even better on pure energy attacks."

"There's a limit, isn't there?"

"Precisely. Two actually. One on how much you can transfer at the same time and one on how much you can transfer from one attack."

"Isn't that the same?"

"No, let's assume my single attack limit is 100. Up to an attack of 200, I can still partially transfer 100 while receiving the remaining 100 as a form of damage. An attack above 200 will hit me without being transferred at all.

"Now, if I'm hit with ten attacks worth 50 I can still transfer all of them. But even one more attack would tip the balance and I'll receive the full damage. No partial transfer then."

Hmm, so a single attack at a time is more effective than multiple. Meaning that, assuming the opponent's skill has identical limits, Darwin is a strong counter against them since he sports strong individual power.

"How sure are we that the limits are identical."

"Frankly, that is hard to tell. Based on what happened, we believe they are identical but the opponent has an evolved skill that changed one aspect. Since the skill expands and forms some sort of membrane we believe that it takes the place of the user for taking attacks that supersede the threshold. Hence the shaking when Darwin punched it."

I can tell that Navi doesn't want to mention it but we both know that all this is just conjecture. Without seeing the user of the skill we can't make any sound hypothesis. Even what we have now is based on Naviʼs skill. We lack critical information and since the people in question disappeared we have no way to get it.

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