
Increased difficulty (2)

How are you running experiments on my species? I'm the only one!

<Not quite anymore. While we have yet to manage to evolve them into sanguine snakes we have succeeded in creating sanguine white snakes.>


<We did the same thing you did in the dream challenge to raise your sanguine boost. We put a bunch of animal-type monsters into a basin-shaped valley and made them fight each other. So far only a few sanguine mutations have appeared but the success was present.>

You can do that? I thought monsters don't fight?

<They do. Monsters are naturally ferocious and will often attack other species on sight. The reason it doesn't happen in dungeons is that it is suppressed by the dungeon masters as per their agreement with Darwin. We can't work if we are constantly attacked by monsters.>

Then why would you do it as an experiment?

<To revive lost species. Dungeons can't just create monsters out of nowhere. They have certain conditions that must be fulfilled. Some monsters just require resources but others require to be recreated through mutating an existing monster before they can be created normally. And your template is very popular at the moment. More so after the past two weeks of near nonstop slaughter.>

Figures that they would be interested. But they do know that ordinary monsters won't be able to measure up to me, right?

<They are well aware. But they don't want your raw combat ability. They have other monsters capable of fighting. They seem very drawn to your weak sanguine venom in combination with venom spray. It will make being wounded in a dungeon get a whole new component of dread for adventurers.>

Right, the continuous bleeding is rather nasty when you are deep within a dungeon and don't have a healer or someone of the sort.

<It goes even further. Normal healers will be fine since they rebuild the damaged parts with their magic. However, mages who boost regeneration or simply increase the flow of time around the wound will find that until the poison's effect runs out their spells won't work. It's just an increased expenditure of mana for those increasing time but to mages using regeneration spells, it is a bane.>

That will certainly make them miserable. Tell me if you do succeed, will you?

<Will do>

Now, where is this Ptorimea? I want to confirm my evolution choice as soon as possible.

<I already had her come to the room we prepared for your evolution.>

Room you prepared for my evolution?

<Your first evolution was very violent and while for usual humans-turned-monsters later evolutions are completed without incidents your species seems too violent to let things go through without a hitch.>

But it's only noontime. Why should I go there this early?

<We believe that after you make your choice evolution will begin instantaneously. No more alleging through the night.>

That's great! I was wondering what I would do until nighttime.

Following Navi's guidance, I arrive at a room with a heavily reinforced door. After entering I see a large stone plate made from a dark blue rock, lines of light blue markings run all over the stone and form patterns that shine with a mysterious light blue color.

Smaller stone panels similar to the main stone plate orbit around it while giving off a sporadic light blue glow.

"Nice to meet you, friend. I am Ptorimea."

Her words are so long and drawn out. Is she speaking through a tube?

"Name's Jade. I was told you can make me choose my evolution."

"Not fond of talking, are you, friend Jade? My recent advancement has indeed allowed me to grant such a privilege. Would you like to make use of it?"

I nod.

"Very well. Please wait a moment as I complete the ritual."

The stone plates around Ptorimea float towards me and circle around me. As a low humming spreads through the room.

Ptorimea's main body vibrates along with the humming and the stone played begin to spin as they circle around me.

The light blue shine begins to dim and is then replaced by a red glow that looks like wine is flowing through the markings on the plates. No, not like wine, it looks more like blood.

I lose myself in the glowing markings and ever-changing patterns brought forth by the moving plates for an unknown amount of time.

I wake up from my trance when the plates suddenly stop spinning and one plate floats directly before me. The plate's markings fade away for a moment and are then replaced by words I can read. There are four lines of text on the plate.

Lesser Sanguine Wyrm

Giant Sanguine Snake

Sanguine Adolescent Lamia

Vampire Snake

So these are my choices?

<That's great! You got adolescent lamia as an option!>

You said you could figure out what they are based on their names. Give me the rundown on all of them.

<Keep in mind that these are all just conjectures since all of these are mutant versions we don't have in our database.>

Got it.

<Lesser wyrms are the equivalent of fully grown salamanders. They are the last step of a monster before becoming a sub-dragon. In this case that would be a wyrm. Lesser wyrms already look like smaller versions of real wyrms but lack the complete or pure bloodline. They are quite similar to snakes because they don't have legs but they are much sturdier and harder to kill.

No clue what the sanguine part will change for any of them though.

The giant snake is the normal evolution choice for any snake. It's bigger and that's it. Follow-up evolutions usually continue to build that size advantage until they evolve to be so big that killing them becomes hard simply because humans are smaller than ants to them.

Adolescent lamia is a very good choice. Your next evolution choice is guaranteed to be a fully grown lamia and you might get access to the naga species later. With this, we will be able to fully restore your human appearance in the human world allowing you to go out and meet people. Also, lamias can wield weapons and are very powerful fighters at any distance. The choice here is really a no brainer if you ask me.>

What would you choose to evolve into?

djarchercreators' thoughts
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