
Chapter 202: Taming the Beast Within

Keeping their palms raised and close to the meditating Seijurou, both Minerva and Gwendoline concentrated on keeping the boy stable within his own Pocket Void Space from outside.

With at least part of the two exceptionally skilled mages' consciousness inside the said realm, they were beginning to feel the effects of being in such a scorching environment.

Sweating profusely, Gwendoline started to strip down to her undergarments. "I've never imagined a Pocket Void Space to be this hot…"

"Oi! You have a middle-schooler's appearance! Don't do that!" scolded Jax as a droplet of blood seeped out of his nostril. "This is wrong… Please be a little more modest, Sister Gwendoline…"

Chizuru raised a brow at her teammate before she asked, "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

Minerva also began unbuttoning her dress before letting it slide down. "Indeed. It's way too heated in here. I'll get steamed before all this could ever be done. But, I'll try to keep up with you, Gwendoline."

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