
Chapter 152: Undone Yet Improved

"Emerge from within," Minerva chanted as she held her hands as if she was holding a small box close to her chest invertedly. Immediately after, she pushed her palm forward, summoning a purplish vortex in front of her. "Conjuration spell fifty two… Water Golem."

A geyser initially erupted out of the half-Elven witch's magic spell, conjuring up a gargantuan humanoid being formed out of the explosion of water. The creature rampaged at first before eventually calming itself upon seeing its summoner.

The "Water Golem" still had a violent whirlpool of mist surrounding it, but its main body remained motionless as it stared down on Minerva. 

Glancing back at her companions who were in the middle of supervising Seijurou's second day afternoon training, the Great Witch simply flashed a childlike grin.

"It's the western version of our 'Magic Upload Spell' in action," stated Shinsuke as he nodded. "Lady Minerva just conjured up something similar to a 'Water Youkai'. Impressive."

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