
Chapter 36

" So All Might, can you handle this task? " Aizawa asked after he told All Might that he had to face Midoriya and Bakugou in the practical exam.

" Leave it to me Eraser. " All Might said.

" Another pair down. " Nezu said as he picked up to sheets.

" The next pair will be Hagakure and Axel who will face off against Snipe. " Nezu said.

" Wait Nezu. Wouldnt that be easy? " Vlad asked.

" It would. I cant use real bullets and even then I doubt I could break Axel's barriers. " Snipe said.

" Plus Hagakure wouldn't have to do anything as Axel could do everything himself. " Midnight stated.

" That's correct. This is why I'm making a lot of restrictions for this test in particular. " Nezu said.

" The first being that Axel cannot capture Snipe. " Nezu said.

Except for Aizawa, the teachers were surprised by this and wanted to ask about it but Nezu cit them off.

" Axel could defeat Snipe quite easily given what we have seen so far, which is why if he captured Snipe, be it trapping Snipe inside his barriers or immobilizing him then they fail the exam.

Another is that if Hagakure gets hit even once by Snipe, then they both fail the exam. " Nezu said.

" Okay then, why have Hagakure as Axel's partner? " Midnight asked.

" The first reason is that snipe is a bad matchup for her in this exam however we are pairing her with Axel for another reason. " Aizawa said.

" Her quirk makes her invisible, meaning she is perfect for information gathering. If she does it well, the enemy won't even know she is there.

On top of that, she is highly observant. She was one of the few people who noticed the off buttons I had installed in the robots during the entrance exam. " Nezu said.

" However, even with her being really observant she doesn't apply herself to use those skills in planning.

She just goes along with other people's plans most of the time unless she's alone and has to make decisions herself." Aizawa said.

" With that in mind, the next restriction will be that she has to be the one to capture Snipe and the one who makes the plan to capture him. " Nezu said with a laugh.

" Then what about young Axel? " All Might asked.

" He will have to listen to her orders the entire time. He can make adjustments to her plan to make it work as long as the result of her plan is the same. " Aizawa said.

" I see. So Hagakure is the focus of this exam while Axel is on the back burner. " Snipe said.

" Yes. We could have Aizawa fight him since his quirk could cancel out Axels but it's better if we pair him to go against Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. Its the same for All Might." Nezu said.

" So if Hakagure can't make a plan, they both fail the exam? " Midnight asked.

" Yes. She cant rely on others to make plans when she herself has the capability to do so herself. " Aizawa said.


Inside the building, Snipe was waiting near the exit while shooting towards the entrance where Axel and Hagakure were hiding behind one of the pillars.

Axel watched some fog rolled in and started covering the entire room.

' This building isn't 600 meters long or longer. It would be shorter than that to allow Snipe to have maximum efficiency. ' Axel thought.

He picked up a piece of the pillar that shattered from getting by Snipe. He took the rock and threw it at the fog.

* bam *

Axel watched as the piece of rubble was blasted into pieces after getting it by one of Snipes ammunition.

Hagakure on the other hand was shaking constantly as the pressure of this test was slowly weighing her down as the time ticked on.

She held everything in her hands at this point while Axel had to rely on her for the entire test.

" She hasn't done anything. Isn't this too hard for her? " Tsuyu asked a she looked at the teachers.

She and the others were worried about them, especially Hakagure who hadn't done anything. Both Axel and her were standing in the same position for a while now. They complained to Nezu that this was too much and he should stop but Nezu being the principal ignored them.

" Yes, it is. " Nezu said. "It's supposed to be this way. "

" What if she cant do it? " Uraraka asked.

" Then both Hakagure and Axel fail the exam. " Aizawa said.

" Wait they both fail the exam?! " Kamanari yelled.

" Yes. " Aizawa said.

" If they want to pass they should start soon. They have only 25 minutes left. " Nezu said.

Axel looked at Hagakure who was silent. He knew that this exercise was placing a lot of pressure on Hagakures shoulders but she needed to overcome it. He moved his right hand and pinched her above her waist.

Hagakure yelped in surprise as Axel sid it again She turned towards Axel was looking at her with his usual expression.

" What was that for? " Hagakure asked.

" We have a bit above 20 minutes left to complete this exam. Got a plan? " Axel asked.

" No," Hagakure said softly as she looked at the ground. She didn't have anything planned.

" I see. Then let's give up. " Axel said.

She stopped trembling and looked at Axel who was relaxed as he leaned on the pillar behind him.

" What? " She asked.

" You heard me. Let's give up. " Axel said.

Hagakure was shocked to hear Axel say that. She felt disappointed in herself. Axel couldn't do anything at all because she was just standing next to him doing nothing.

" I'm sorry. " She said softly.

" Why are you apologizing? " Axel asked.

" Because of me, you are going to fail this exam. " She said.

" How so? " Axel asked.

" Everything is riding on me being able to make a plan and the one to capture Snipe in this test. I have to do everything and I am responsible for you passing the exam as well. " She said.

" You're both right and wrong. " Axel said. Hagakure looked at him as Axel spoke again.

"You do need to make a plan and capture Snipe, but you aren't alone. I have to help you capture him, but I can't capture him myself or make the plan to capture him.

You faced off against villains before haven't you and you were just fine then. Just relax a bit.

You don't have to worry so much about me. Besides this isn't a villain attack, it's an exam. Instead of death, you will just fail a single test. Not really much of a comparison. " Axel said.

Hagakure looked at him in shock as she thought about it. It seemed so simple but she got caught up in the pressure. She had already faced off against villains so why is she so afraid against Snipe?

Axel doesn't care about whether or not he fails this test, so why should she?

She smacked herself on the cheeks before looking at Axel. Axel watched in silence as ammunition hit the pillar.

" I have a plan. " Hagakure said before telling Axel about her plan. In his mind, Axel sighed in relief.

' Thank god, it worked! '

" You have 15 minutes left. How much longer can you last? " Snipe said out loud.

Using his quirk he saw the fog shift towards his right so shot a single bullet towards it. He quickly turned his head to the side as the bullet went past him.

He quickly jumped to his left as he noticed a piece of rubble that went towards his head. He watched as the smoke shifted.

' Someone is coming towards me. Is it Axel or Hagakure? ' He thought. He fired at the person coming towards him.

From the smoke, he saw Axel come out and rush towards him. Snipe quickly jumped to his right to avoid the barrier that was going to slam into him.

He saw part of the smoke shift in his line of vision to the left so he quickly turned around to shoot Hagakure.

' Warp refraction. '

Using the little sunlight in the room, Hagakure used it to send bright flashes of light towards Snipe.

Snipe shut his eyes from the bright light and covered his head with his arms. Using that Hagakure quickly rushed in and slammed the cuffs onto Snipe's wrist, securing her and Axels victory.

" Hagakure and Axel pass!! "



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