
Chapter Twenty Three

The next morning, Lucas and Zawadi left for office together. She was still skeptical about working for him but he basically dragged her to the office.

Zawadi was happy that she was going to be close to Lucas, Just like she wanted.

The truth was that everytime he was far from her, she felt like she was losing him. It was selfish of her, she knew, but she had to safeguard what was hers.

She noticed the looks on the faces of the staff in the office when she walked in with Lucas. Some people looked happy, some women were glaring daggers at her while some men where actually gawking at her. This made her uneasy.

Sensing her discomfort, Lucas walked faster to the lift dragging Zawadi with her. She let out a sigh of relief when the doors of the lift finally closed.

"Are you okay, cupcake? " he kissed her cheek .

"I'm fine. I am just not used to being the center of attention. " she told him.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it" he reassured.

"Come on" he told her when the door opened.

He led her to her office, it was just next to his huge one. It was beautiful, the walls were painted white and the furniture was modern. The view was spectacular though not as much as it was from Lucas's office.

"Here we are love. Welcome to your new office "he said pulling her out of her trance.

"Thank you sir" she said.

"Sir? " he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, sir. You are my boss now. So I'll call him sir" she shrugged moving closer to him.

"I am your boyfriend, you should call me by my name. Lucas " he tried to wrap an arm around her but she moved back.

With a grin on her face, she said " you are my boyfriend outside work. As long as we are at work, you are my boss and I'll address you as sir. "

"Zawadi..."he groaned.

"Sir, could you take me through my job here? " she requested playfully.

"All you have to do is arrange my meetings, answer phone calls,organize my transport and book me a place to stay in case of a business trip. And most importantly, make me coffee " he finished.

"Got it" she said closing her notepad and placing it on the table.

"My office is just next to yours so I will call you when I need you" he stood up.

"Of course Mr Steele" she moved to stand behind her desk. see

"I'll leave you to settle in, I have to get to work " he went to give her a kiss but she drew back.

"You should get to work sir" she teased with a smirk on her face.

"So now I can't even kiss you? " he asked clearly getting frustrated.

"Of course you can, Just not in the office. " she took a seat behind

"Don't test me cupcake, I will make sure that by the end of the day you give me a kiss. Willingly. " he added with a smirk.

"Bring it on" she challenged leaning back on her chair .

"OK love be ready to loose. " he said then left for his office.

A smile crossed Zawadi's face as she watched him leave the office. She was eager to start her work. Despite the fact that she had never dreamt of being someone's PA, she was determined to not let him down. She wanted to prove to the everyone in the office that she was capable of handling the position.

She knew that by then everyone must have been talking about her, but that barely mattered to her. She was there for Lucas and she wouldn't let anybody else bring her down.

She readjusted herself on the chair and started her work.

After around an hour, Lucas called for her.

"You want me sir" she said as she entered his office.

She only realised what she had said when a smug look appeared on his face.

"I mean, you called for me" she corrected fiddling with her fingers.

"Yes Zawadi, I want you. In fact, I want you so bad. Come let me show you" her breathing quickened when he stood from his chair and started making his way to her.

"Sir, you... you called me. Is there something you need?" she stammered, stepping back with every step he took forward.

"What is it cupcake, are you nervous ?" he teased moving closer and closer till her body was pressed against his.

"No.. I... you called... so... I... am just wondering what it is you needed. " she closed her eyes as she tried to focus on her breathing.

"I wanted you to make me some coffee " he said kissing the corner of her mouth.

She closed her eyes tightly and leaned forward, attempting to capture his mouth.

Suddenly he let go of her and stepped back, a smirk on his face. She opened her eyes and frowned when the realization of what had just happened hit her.

He was teasing her, to get her to submit to him and she had almost fallen for his tricks.

Her breathing still laboured, she scurried out of the office to get his coffee. It was when she was on her way to the kitchen that she actually realised that she didn't know where it was.

She looked around but couldn't find it. Just as she was about to give up, she heard footsteps behind her.

"Hello beautiful, what are you doing here? " someone asked from behind her.

"Actually, I am kind of lost. Do you know where the kitchen is? " she asked.

turning to meet the stranger's gaze.

"Yeah sure. Follow me" the man said.

"I'm Zack by the way," he added" what's your name? " he turned to her.

"I am Zawadi. Zawadi Mwamba" she smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you Zawadi" he extended his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine" she shook his hand, returning his smile.

"So you are new. I've never seen this beautiful face here before "he told her.

"Yeah, I am mr Steele's PA" she answered.

"Well in that case, welcome to Steele Mobile and have a nice day. Here we are" he pointed to a room in front of them.

"Thank you Zack. For welcoming me and for showing me to the kitchen." she stated politely.

"You are welcome, see you later" he said and left.

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