
Two fairies

The Duke leaves the room, and I get back in bed. I sleep for an hour more, but then I'm again at the starting point: boring myself to desperation.

Knowing that this will be over soon doesn't help me pass the time, unfortunately. I even explored the Duke's bedroom, since he's not around. I haven't found anything compromising. It's empty and impersonal as if it was a guest room rather than the Duke's.

The Duke's clothes are all in the left half of the wardrobe, while the left has a few comfortable gowns for me. If Patricia didn't stop me, I wouldn't have had doubts about this. The first time I bather in here, the Duke told me to get myself clothes from here, and he didn't move them away after that. I didn't dare to touch his things ever again, but maybe he won't be annoyed if I do. In the end, he never once told me not to touch anything.

I wear one of the gowns, just to avoid staying in a nightgown till late.

When Princess Lyland knocks, I open to her with curiosity. I didn't expect her to come so soon. I'm not ready yet, but she's already here.

«I want to see!» she exclaims while dragging me by hand. She pulls me out from the Duke's room, and we walk in the hallways hand in hand.

We reach my chamber, and I sigh while opening the door. This little Princess is very energetic, but her intentions sure aren't ill. Maybe, sometimes she's childish and doesn't think long enough before speaking, but her soul is kind.

«See what, exactly?» I inquire. If it was the Duke to ask, I could have tried to guess what he wanted, but Princess Lyland is quite unpredictable.

«Your bridal gown!» she states as if it was evident. «Also, the way you style your hair in Polis. My brother told me you look like a fairy in your usual attire, so I can't wait to see it with my own eyes...»

«What did the Duke say?» I utter, confused. Like a fairy?

My cheeks start burning, but I pretend not to be influenced by it.

«You draw lines on your eyelids,» Princess Lyland continues, not paying attention to my reaction. «I read it in a book, and I also saw some paintings of the Dowager Queen, but never yours.»

«I posed only once,» I admit. «That one painting is part of the national treasure, so it didn't reach this part of the continent. I guess your highness will see it sooner than later, though. If the Ethirians don't destroy it.»

«I wanted to try the... how was it? Eyeliner, right?»

«Correct,» I nod. «It's called eyeliner. I'll show your highness how to use the eye powders available in the Empire. There are a few tricks to make them look thicker and more definite. If I get my hands on some, I'll make sure that your highness can use the real deal.»

The Princess giggles happily. She claps her hands and immediately starts thinking about the next step of our schedule: preparing for the hunt. I guess she's content that she has an excuse not to stay all day long in that garden, socialising and witnessing to the court's dynamics.

«Have you already decided what to wear for lunch? The ladies use to wait for the hunters in the northern garden. They will come back there once they're done. Meantime, we're allowed to have tea and some light snacks,» the Princess says, tilting her head and analysing my expression.

«I don't know,» I shrug. «When will the hunt be over?»

«In half an hour,» this little girl says as if it wasn't a disaster.

«Half an hour,» I repeat, starting to panic. «I'm not ready yet! I thought it would happen in the afternoon, not immediately after lunch!»

«That's because we didn't want you to be ready. The more you stay there, the more those people will stare. Also, someone will eventually find the courage to come and pick up a fight.»

«I suppose 'we' means your highness and my husband, the Duke.»

«You guessed correctly!»

Ah, they even schemed together how to get me through this alive and in one piece. When did these siblings find the time? Are they telepathic or something?

When Kate walks in, she's already in a hurry. Who knows how they managed to keep her far from me? She takes out a dark green dress from the wardrobe room, and she walks to me.

«Is this appropriate?» she asks. Then, she eyes the Princess and adds: «your grace.»

«Good,» I nod. Whatever, as long as we make it in time. I can't let all those people think that I'm that lazy and spoiled. Also, I don't want to leave the Palace as if I run away. This Duchess isn't a coward.

After barely twenty minutes, I'm ready for a fight. The dress covers my body flawlessly, and it's loose enough to hide the fact that I'm not wearing a corset. Also, my waist is sufficiently thin. There is no need to inconvenience my torso with that torture device.

Kate has already braided my hair, and now two curly locks are framing my face. Now, she walks behind Princess Lyland in the wardrobe room. They're probably searching for the bridal gown. I can hear the excited shouts from the Princess and even an exclamation of wonder from Kate.

I sit at the dressing table and draw a line on my eyelids with some black powder. I soak the brush in warm water, and then I collect some powder. The colour isn't as thick as I wished, but I'll just pass two times to make it more intense. I draw a tiny line from the inner part of my eye to the outer corner. Then, I let the brush slip and obtain a short tail. This way, my eyes look more magnetic. I apply some brown eyeshadow over the line, and I blend it carefully.

Like this, I really look like a fox. They won't need to think too hard to understand that I am not to be understated.

I apply some peach lipstick and turn to Princess Lyland, who came back and sat on the sofa in silence for a few minutes.

I lift my brows, realising only now what she's been up to. Kate has just finished making up the Princess. Now, the little girl has a light blue line, the same colour as her dress. Also, Kate applied some glitters in the inner corner of her eye. The Princess is the one that looks like a fairy, not me.

«You're beautiful, your highness,» I say with a kind smile. «But are you sure it is a wise decision?»

«I'm not just a random lady, sister-in-law. I have to stand out a bit, right?»

«Right,» I chuckle.

If the Princess is trying to drag away the attention from me, she's going to have the opposite effect. Those people will comment even more on how I'm influencing her with my bad habits. Yet, I'm grateful for her attempt to help me. She's cute, with her childish way of scheming.

«Your highness, will you pass the winter in the north as well?» I ask while we walk in the hallways. I've offered her my arm, and she's now strolling with a little smile always on her face.

«No, I won't leave the Palace. I'm the only Imperial Princess, so I have to stay here and keep company to his majesty. You don't have to worry, though. Kyre isn't as bad as one would imagine. I might come and visit you for a few days if I get permission to leave.»

A few steps behind us walks a knight. He has long hair, tied on the back, and light-coloured eyes, just like the man that Kate described. He's the knight whom the Duke entrusted my security, but I wasn't informed about his name. Nor anything else regarding him, actually.

It's a warm sunny day, despite it being at the beginning of autumn.

«I just can't wait to see what that shameless wench will do this time,» the Princess whispers.

What shameless wench? I blink, trying to figure out who could she be referring to. In the end, no one comes to mind. Maybe I wasn't supposed to hear her thoughts, but she's close, so I caught her words.

I guess I'll eventually find out, so I stop racking my brain and just straighten my back before stepping into the northern garden.

The hunters will be back soon, and I'll need to welcome my Duke after such a tiring event.

I need to smile as sincerely as I can and show him that this Duchess is fit to be at his side. The other lady competing for his heart doesn't seem too smart, but it's better to remind my husband about my qualities. Who else can stay at a schemers side for long, if not another, somewhat desperate schemer?

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