
Never A Player



That week went by with everyone living their lives as they should. As for Li An, she still continued her search but had nothing to show for it.

On one of her outings in the city, she ran into someone she wished she would not have anything to do with.

Stepping into the clothing store, she had decided to pick a gown or two for Li Jing as a way to show her opening up to her as her in-law.

Although it was not easy for her, she tried anyway. She loved her son, Ye Cheng and if that was his happiness, then by all means she would try to get along with Li Jing.

Besides, if she were in her shoes she would feel bad having her husband leave her for another woman.

Not wanting the kind of bitterness which she faced upon Li Jing and Ye Cheng's marriage, she decided to give this who thing a try.

As soon as she entered, she sighted a lovely white gown not too far to her left and immediately moved in the direction.

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