
15. Avoiding Big B

It's all destined . For some people you can't feel anything even if you spend all the time you have with them .

But for someone who is special , spending only 1 hour is enough to steer up your emotions .

You subconsciously act different with them and drop your guard around them after only spending some time with them . It's like you have known them for ages.

For someone special, just seeing them makes you jump with joy , these are the feeling you have when you fall in love . It's just that some people take ages to realise that.

But it was not the case with our D , she realised it early and even confessed to him unknowingly. Now she was utterly embarrassed but it's not like she was regretting it. But she didn't know how to face Big B now .

Next morning , she wasn't there ogling at soldiers . She avoided going there , he was slightly disappointed but thought she must be embarrassed about last night.

At exactly 9 , physical check up of soldiers started . D was thinking if he will be here or not . Once she started doing her duty / checkups , she forgot about it . Physical checkup was not so difficult thing but she was doing it seriously . Almost all had done their check ups , only few were remaining. D had done checkups of soldiers assigned to her . At that time he appeared in front of her , she was baffled. She was getting ready to leave but stopped suddenly and dropped sphygmomanometer which was in her hand on his leg .

( Sphygmomanometer - used to measure BP i.e. Blood pressure )

She frantically apologized ," I'm sorry . I'm sorry. Are you ok ? Does your leg hurt ? Oh no ! let me check it ?"

He answered ,"I'm all right. It's not that serious . "

She yelled ,"How can you be all right . It dropped on your toes , it's heavy . Sit here let me check. "

She overreacted as she couldn't control her emotions .

He sat down at the chair , she checked his toes . It was nothing serious ,as it was just slightly bleeding from the side of nail of big toe . She just overreacted .

She disinfected the wound and wrapped it in bandage . She overdid it again . She wrapped too much of bandage around his big toe that his shoes can't fit . He laughed. She apologized and did it again.

She was asking herself ,' Why these things keep happening around him God ? Why am I acting like a teenager ? When did I become so clumpsy ? Why am I losing my cool ? '

Countless questions surged in her mind. Answer was clear.

will big B accept her confession ?

That_dimple_girlcreators' thoughts
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