

A week has passed and three people can be seen in the entryway of the castle. Big travel suitcases surround the family as a group of elves are taking the last few bags to their new destination. Rowena looks at her daughters, Helena looks nervous while Willow looks excited. She sighs as she nods at the elves.

Giving one more look at the castle she closes her eyes. It will be some time until she can see her home again. Rowena grabs the arms of her daughters. "Let's go, we can't keep them waiting". With a pop the group of individuals apparate away from the castle, only to appear in a big room filled with blue flags and bookcases.

"Now get to your chambers and put away your belongings. We will have dinner tonight with your aunt and uncles." Rowena says as she walks towards her own room. Next to her room there are two extra chambers ready to be used. The hallway to their rooms has been enchanted, to make sure only they can enter the room.

While Willow and Helena are cleaning up, Rowena walks towards a statue of a raven. "As strong as love, but more dangerous than death, for I am hate" The statue starts to turn as staircases can be seen leading up and downwards.

"Remember the password well, upstairs you can enter the headmasters chambers, downstairs you can go to the great hall. Don't speak of this to anyone, for even the other founders don't know. I designed the castle and it has many secret passages. Your homework for the next couple of weeks. Find all my secret passages, if you do I will give you a reward. As for what it is, you better get to work to find out" Rowena smiles as this will keep them busy for at least a few months.

"They might be useful in the future" Leaving those words behind, Rowena walks up the stairs as the statue closes the passage again. Helena and Willow look at each other as determination fills their eyes. "Let's do this".


Rowena, Godric and Helga where already seated on the dining table. They didn't worry about Salazar since he would always arrive later due to his experiments. What did worry them, was the absence of the twins. "Rowena where are they, they couldn't be lost now could they?" Helga says while looking at the door.

"They are as intelligent and scheming as Rowena how can they ever get lost?" Godric mumbles while putting a bite of stew in his mouth, seemingly tired of waiting. Footsteps could be heard as the eyes of the trio look towards the door, only to be disappointed. For the person to arrive is none other than Salazar. "Well well well, seems like I'm right on time. Though it seems like Godric still can't behave himself and be patient" Salazar grumbles as he just climbed god knows how many stairs. They really should change the location of the headmasters quarter.

"Hmmm. Seems like I'm not the last one to arrive. Where are those little trouble makers. Honestly Rowena, you should have educated them better, Helena seems like a fine lady becoming of her status. But why does that wild girl always drag her into trouble. She almost seems like a Gryffindor" Salazar scowls as Godric really ticks him off sometimes, all brawn and no brains.

"Being brave is a good thing Salazar, for it will challenge them for new things. But look at you, always sticking to the old traditions, how can we improve if we can't change our ways?" Giving a jab back, Salazar and Godric throw another string of curses at each other, while footsteps could be heard from the hallway. The noise in the room makes it impossible to hear the footsteps closing in as they stop at the doorway. Two pair of eyes watch the commotion as the discussion is getting more heated with the minute.

"Enough of you! Can't you see dinner is getting cold! Girls quickly come in, or else they will continue till morning" Helga interferes with the fight as she sees the twins look at her with eyes full of astonishment. 'Are they always like that when they're not around?'

Salazar snort and turns his face the other way, avoiding the stare of Godric. Seeing the chance to change the subject he angrily mumbles "You are late, where were you! We have been waiting for ages. Hasn't Rowena taught you to respect your elders?!". "Salazar don't take it out on them when your pride is hurt. Now quiet down and let's start dinner. And not another word about the subject, I don't want to hear it from either of you!" Being the mother she is, Rowena scolds the two old men. While Helga nods approvingly.

Willow and Helena smile as they make their ways towards the empty chairs. While they get seated Helga gives a wave off her wand and reheats the food. Smiling back at their aunt, They start to eat as they're starved from their adventures.

"How can we have a decent dinner when two grown men are behaving like children. Be the good example and try to act like the noble you want them to be" Helga smiles as her eyes stare daggers at Godric and Salazar. Making the dinner pleasant, as the woman talk and the men are quietly eating in the corner.

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