
Chapter 63 - A Call

3/10 chapters of the week released.

2/24 chapters behind schedule released.

A little late but here they are.


The amusement park they went didn't have restaurants inside of it, instead there was bunch of stalls selling many kinds of snacks and junk food.

The stalls were scattered around the park, but a great number of them were located in a designated area with many tables in it's center, so people would be able to relax a little while eating.

Takashi and Yurika went to that area to satisfy their hunger. They could go outside of the park to eat proper food in a nearby restaurant, but that would mean face a great line to enter the park again, not to mention pay to enter the park again.

Both of them could afford to pay to enter again, but they also felt that it would be a waste of money and time so they decided to eat inside the park.

"The roller coaster was really fun. Those loopholes were really exciting" said an animated Yurika.

"I liked more the 'Boat Drive'. I didn't like to be so many time upside down"

"Oh come on! That was the best part!"

"Not for me. And how can you like that so much? I really can't understand"

"That's because you are with me. If I was alone, I'd be scared to death"

"Oh, so I give you courage eh?"

"N-No it's because I'm with someone I know, that's all" said Yurika with the voice losing volume with each word, and an intense blush on her face.

They banter with each other like that during their meal. It was something that they were so used to and it would be impossible to change by this point, even if they wanted to.

That was proof that they were close with each other.

"I need to reapply my makeup. I'll be back in a few minutes"


He didn't thought that she needed to do that, but having sensitivity enough to don't say anything he simply stayed quiet.

A few seconds after Yurika left...


...he heard his cellphone ringing.

Once he received the call, he heard a familiar voice from the other side.

"Hi Taka-kun"

That voice had a feminine soft and gentle tone. It came from the familiarity that the other person felt towards him.

"It's good to hear you again Aya-nee" Takashi said.

"It's good to hear you too Taka-kun" replied Ayane in a sweet tone.

The person on the other side was Ayami Komiya, one of Takashi's older cousins. Before living with his current family, he lived with his two older cousins to whom he viewed as older sisters for a long time, until he recovered his memories from his previous life.

After he moved to the capital he made an agreement with his father to spend a few weeks with them during the summer, in the house he used to live.

The two cousins lived in a house in another city and survived by a monthly payment that Takashi's father provided to them, without counting the payments to their private school.

They often stayed in contact with each other, exchanging messages, calls, emails and such.

"Sorry for not calling you earlier, Aya-nee. Things have being hectic here over the last weeks"

"That's okay Taka-kun. You just started high school. I remember how agitated it can be" said Ayane in an understanding tone.

"...Yeah, school has being a lot of work"

"I called now because I'm about to leave to buy a few things, and it might take a while before coming back home. Megu is out with a few friends, so she won't be answering her phone"

"That's okay. I was going to call tomorrow, so you don't need to worry about calling"

"Of course I worry. I wanted to to hear Taka-kun voice as soon as possible"

Things have always being this way. Of all the woman in Takashi's life, Ayane was the one who have the least reservations about displaying her affection for him, whether it was in public or not.

"This week has being really difficult. Can you believe that three guys confessed to me?" she asked in exasperation.

"Really? I thought that they would be discouraged after so many rejections"

"I know right? I can't understand why they just don't give up"

"Well, I can understand that. Aya-nee is such a beauty that it's impossible to don't get charmed by you"

"Hehehe, aren't you a charmer?"

Their conversation tended to go this way recently. They usually talked about everything that happened with them during their time without contact, but ever since his last visit Ayane has drifting their conversation to the confessions she received. She received and rejected them before, but she has being pointing out very blatantly to Takashi how many recently.

The reason of that was due to a piece of information he gave to his cousins last time he visited them.

"If you ever find a guy you like Aya-nee, don't talk to him about this kind of things. He might become really jealous"

"Hehehe, I know. But I still would talk with about this, just to remember him to don't forget about me" replied Ayane in a playful tone.

"Really? So there is a guy you like?" Takashi asked, going along with her game.

"Who knows?" replied Ayane, trying to sound mysterious.

"Ohhh, how intriguing" said Takashi in a slightly exasperated tone.

"Hehehe, but if there was a guy I liked, I would have a very tough opponent because I would be sure that Megu would like him too" she said in a playful tone.

"Really? I cannot help but wonder how awesome that guy might be to charm the both of you"

"Well, he certainly would be a little too full of himself if he knew about that" she said in exasperation.

"...Hehe, I can imagine"

Like that they continue to talk, always walking around the obvious subject but never really entering in it.

Neither of them felt it was something to talk over the phone.

After a few minutes...

"I really should be going. If I don't leave now, I'm just going to arrive home really late" said Ayane a little regretful.

"I understand. I'm also in the middle of something, so I would have to end the call anyway. Can you tell Megu-nee that I'll call her tomorrow?"

"No problem. Until next time Taka-kun"

"Bye Aya-nee"

And with that he ended the call.

He couldn't help but smile after their conversation. Despite having moved to a different city, he never felt like that connection between him and his cousins had faded. Talking with them, even if it was just through the phone, always left him in a good mood.

As he ended the call he looked at the time on the screen and a frown appeared on his face.

It had been more than half an hour since Yurika left. She should have been back already.

Looking around, and seeing how many more people there were, a thought passed through his mind.

'Don't tell me... she's lost again'


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