
Chapter 37 - End of a threat

Takashi was reading a very interesting piece of news on his phone.

{CEO Eiichi of notorious pharmaceutic company is brought under questioning by authorities under the charges of various criminal activities}

Reading the article that those news were written made a smile of satisfaction appear on Takashi face.

'With this Yurika is safe for the time being'

Indeed, he was the responsible by the events that lead to Eiichi being arrested.

That turn of events was possible because Takashi released the incriminating documents that he found to every possible person that might represent a threat to that company.

Before his talk with Rina, Takashi spend the entire afternoon analyzing all of which he found on that company servers, trying to find what best could be used to cause damage to them and to Eiichi.

He knew that simply sending those documents to the press wasn't enough. They might cause trouble for Eiichi for a while, but with his connections he might be able to either shut them up or paint an image that those documents were a forgery created in order to harm he and the company.

Simple releasing them to the press would only delay him in his pursuit of Yurika, but not completely stop him.

That's why he decided to use those documents, that included deals, emails, researches, investigations and legal actions to track down every possible person that was harmed in some way by Eiichi, whether they were institutions, rival companies or private citizens.

Once he identified them, Takashi spend hours to identify all the documents that each one of them might need in order to pursue their actions against Eiichi. In fact, he wasn't able to finish this before his talk with Rina and end up continuing his work after she left his room.

It was only around 3:00 AM that he had finished the work, and even them it costed a great deal of his mental energy. But right after that, he used the skill [Network Connection(Passive)] to send the information that Eiichi enemies needed, a copy of everything to all of the departments on the authorities and a copy to every possible source of news that he knew were known by the public for being reliable. He used the skill so that no one would be able to track the source of it, making impossible to categorize as nothing else as an 'anonymous tip'.

With the information on the hands of so many people that would have a reason to hate Eiichi, his life and the company were practically ruined.

A company like that one heavily was influenced by the opinion of the masses, since they were their source of income. So, if something were to put in question their reliability, it would be only a matter of time before they lose great part, if not all, of their income, possible resulting in bankruptcy.

They would question if their products were done in accordance with the human rights.

They would question if their products were the cause of some of their most recent health problems.

They would question if their products were effective at all.

Not only that, but the amount of information linking them with criminal organizations was incredible, such as allowing drug cartels to use their facilities to grow their products, and there was plenty evidence as well of corporate espionage, such as the past event with Yurika's father company.

It didn't matter that Eiichi might have friends among the authorities. With the amount of information leaked to so many people, it would be impossible to anyone to silence completely his enemies.

All the people that were victims of Eiichi would come after him, but not only them. The people that, either knowing or not, were victims of the criminal activities of the company would want someone to blame. Someone had to be accountable for their misfortunes, and the first person to blame was the CEO of the company, that is Eiichi.

With so many accusations coming from all direction, either by authorities or by his victims, Eiichi eventually was put under arrest, and the company was under what on Earth was called federal investigation for almost all imaginable corporate crimes and human crimes.

Eiichi was facing a life time on prison and the company was on the edge of bankruptcy. Even if by some miracle Eiichi manage to avoid time in prison and the company was able to avoid total destruction, the company would be trying to desperately heal their reputation in the eyes of the public, which meant getting rid off anything that might cause even more harm to their image that still existed.

The result of that would be firing Eiichi as CEO, and cutting all ties that they had with him.

Eiichi would now face two destinies, either life time in prison or to live penniless as a hobo since the authorities would move to take everything that he ever had and the company wouldn't accept him back in no way.

Either way, his life was over.

With all those thoughts in mind, a smile of satisfaction appeared in Takashi face.

"Something happened Taka-ku?"

The one who asked was Yurika. As he promised, they were currently eating their lunch together in the cafeteria.

"Nothing important. I'm just enjoying the company"

His comment earned him a happy smile of Yurika.

With his actions, that smile would continue to appear on her and a major threat to his lifestyle and plans for the future was finally dealt with.


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