
Chapter 2 - Cousins

Hello everyone, sorry for not posting anything in the last few days

It was an important holiday were I live, so I and my family went to a place where my computer hadn't access to the internet. Thankfully I was stil able to write the chapters, even if I wasn't able to post them.

In the description of the novel is a warning sayin that the release rate is of five chapters a week and, since I don't consider what is in the auxiliary volume as chapters, here is the missing chapters of the last week and the first of this one.

I have a few more things to say, but they will be on the writer thoughts.

I hope you enjoy.


My enthusiasm regarding my situation made it difficult for me to sleep, but eventually I manage.

I woke up around 8 a.m.. Thankfully I was in vacation at the moment, with school starting next week.

This world had many similarities with the one of my previous life, with very few differences.

Leaving my bed, I went to the bathroom to empty my bladder. I used to brush my teeth after waking up, but after gaining some of my memories I came to the conclusion that it was a waste of time. I was going to dirty them anyway with breakfast, so might as well do it after eating.

Going downstairs, my room is on the second floor, I went to the kitchen with the intention to fill my stomach and was greeted with a familiar sight.

"Good morning Taka-kun."

"Hey Taka, good morning!"

In front of me, seated on the table and already eating, were my two older cousins.

The first to greet me was named Ayami Komiya. She was the the eldest of the two sister, being two years older than me. She had a calm and soothing personality, always trying her best to be calm and to end conflict in our house whenever she could. She has gray gentle eyes, brown hair that went slightly below her shoulders, fair skin and, even though being just twelve years old, was already showing signs of maturity, with both breasts and butt more in evidence than most of her age.

The second one is the youngest of my cousins, Megumi Komiya. Different from her sister, she was a bit of a tomboy. She had a lot of energy, running to every direction, climbing trees and finding new ways to get me and her in trouble with our caretakers. She has playful green eyes, the same brown hair as Megumi but in a twintails hairstyle and a little longer, the same fair skin and, like Megumi and despite being a year younger, had a figure that was a little more mature than others of her age, although not as much as Megumi for the moment.

I had seen them every day of for as long as I remember in this life, but today felt different for some reason. When I looked at them I felt this strange sense of deja vu, like I had met them before, in my previous life.

It probably meant they were part of some plot I had seen, but I couldn't remember anything about it for the moment.


Being called again caught my attention, taking me from my pondering state from before. Looking at my cousins Ayami had a slightly worried worried expression on her face and Megumi looked at me curiously.

With them like that, I tried to alleviate their concerns.

"Uahhh... good morning Aya-nee, Megu-nee. Sorry, I'm still a little sleepy."

My response seemed to satisfy them, as they went back to smile at me.

"You should sleep properly Taka-kun. Did you spend the night playing games again?" said Aya-nee.

"What?! You have a new game?! You should have called me. I wanted to play with you" said Megu-nee.

"You shouldn't Megu, and neither do you Taka-kun. We all will go back to school next week, so we should start to accustom ourselves to sleep earlier again" said Aya-nee.

"Isn't that just the reason to enjoy this last moments free as much as possible!? I want to play with Taka as much as I can" said Megu-nee.

"Geeeez Megu. This is why your grades are so low. You almost repeated a year, you should be more careful with your attitude" said Aya-nee.

"I still passed, didn't I?! Aya-nee is the weird one for worrying about stuff like that instead of playing with us" said Megu-nee.

Just like that they started to bicker with each other, just as usual.

These kinds of discussions were something that I was used already, they fight a lot but that was a sign that they get along well in their case.

Aya-nee was worried that Megu-nee attitude might lead her to lose motivation to give her best in life, causing he to face hardships in the future. Megu-nee tried to make Aya-neee to relax more, since she had the habit to worry about everything, so that she wouldn't overwork herself and end up falling ill or something.

Even if in different ways, it was possible to anyone to notice they cared deeply for each other.

After some time I decided to make the question that I had for some time already.

"What time father said he would arrive?"

"He should arrive in a few minutes" said Aya-nee.

"Do you really need to meet him Taka? He probably just want to lecture you again" said Megu-nee.

"He's Taka-kun father Megu. I know you don't like it, but if you meet him try to be polite at least" said Aya-nee.

Just like their responses indicated, they didn't think much of my father. Technically he was our guardian, but we rarely saw him, much less my cousins. He took them under his wing out of familial obligation, but nothing else. As a result, both of them didn't like him very much, although Aya-nee tried to be polite with him at least.

I wasn't that concerned however. When he warned us that he would be coming, he was clear that he wanted to talk only with me.


Just as we were discussing about it, the doorbell sounded. It looks like he arrived.

I went to greet him, since I was curious about why he was coming this time.

Once I opened the man was in front of me, with the same dark eyes and hair, and wearing a suit, presenting the appearance expected of a businessman.

"Hello Takashi" he said.

His tone was of indifference. Like he was dealing with something simple out of necessity.

"Hello father"

My response was just as curt. I didn't saw the necessity to drag along this conversation anymore them him.

"Let's go to the living room. There's some people I want you to meet" he said.

His tone was of someone that didn't wanted a response. It wasn't a request, but an order and he didn't want me to discuss with him about it.

"Very well"

I wanted to deal with whatever was this matter as fast as possible. I had other things to do, like try to figure out what exactly was this feelings about my cousins that I had, or learn more about the system and what exactly it could do.

My cousins wouldn't take part in this conversation. Father made clear that this discussion wasn't of their concern, and that he would talk to them about it later.

Once in the living room, my father said something that I wasn't expecting.

"Takashi, I came here today to announce that I got married, and that you gained a new mother and two sisters" he said.

The announcement caught me by surprise. He didn't contacted us much, but even so, I would expect he would at least comment that he was in a relationship at some point before saying he got married.

Just to show how much he cared for me

Trying to swallow the bitterness for the situation, I decided to be polite for now.

"Congratulations father" I said indifferently.

That the only thing that came to my mind to say. Our relationship was already quite strained before my memories started to come back, but that didn't meant I wasn't going to be a little vexed that my father wouldn't have me in his second marriage.

"Thank you. We didn't have a ceremony or anything, just went to the Registry Office and signed the documents" he said.

They way he described the event wasn't very emotional, but it was what it could be expected of him. He never was someone to care for things like that.

"Leaving that a side, I came here today so that you could meet them. You can coe inside!"

After saying that, I heard the front door open again and three people entered the living room.

The first two were young girls, around my current age, one with short black hair and the other with blonde hair in twintails. Both of them gave me the same strange sense of deja vu my cousins had, but nothing else.

But the moment I looked at the third person, I felt like my heart stopped for a moment.

Before of me was probably the most beautiful woman I had seen in both my lives. She had outrageously sexy figure, with both breasts and buttocks much bigger than average, long ashen blonde hair in a single braid that went until her waist, gentle blue eyes showing the kindness of her character and a small smile on her sexy lips.

All of that would be enough to make anyone hypnotized by her, but what really caught my attention was the fact that I recognized her.

I knew who she was!

An confirming my thoughts, with a small bow, she presented herself.

"Hello Takashi. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Yuria and from today onwards I'm going to be your new mother. I hope you'll treat me well"

First of all, thank you for everyone tha is willing to spend their time reading my little experiment in this genre.

I must say that I'm very surprised, barely released more than two chapters and this story already have more than 250 people putting it their collection.

Considering that, I put a little objective for myself.

If the novel reach Chapter 20, and I'm still willing to write it, I'll post five chapter in advance in my p@atreon page.

Anyone, thank you for your attention and, if you're willing to support this story => p@tre0n.c0m/Zakirel

Zakiraelcreators' thoughts
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