
Looking for and finding Jaskier

[Thanks for your patients guys. I am getting better everyday. Hope you have all enjoyed the story so far.]

We are heading back to Novigrad to spend the rest of the day together and look for Jaskier. We follow the same path back and we ask around for a man named Jaskier, nobody seems to know a man by that name. He goes by dandelion in his ballads, perhaps we should ask with that name. Ciri and I say that name one time to a person and they point us to a brothel called the rosemary and thyme. It is a brothel that Jaskier owns apparently. As soon as the person we asked said that Ciri tightened her grip on me.

We go to the glory lane district, that is where the establishment is located. We soon see the building described and we knock on the door since its closed. "Hello!? Any one there!!? We are looking for Jaskier!!" I yell out and we here a voice with a melodic sound.

I think this is the man we are looking for. "What do you want?! I don't have coin for the payment yet so just go away?!" Ciri gets really excited all of a sudden. She hasn't seen him in years, so its normal. I have never met Jaskier before so this is the first time I get to meet him. Geralt had many story's of their adventures together. I always loved listening to them, I never read one of his ballads before. From what Yen told me, he tends to embellish in his story's.

Ciri is visibly jumping now. "We found him Cera!! We actually found him!!! Open the door Jaskier, its Ciri!! I need your help!!!" We hear silence and the door slightly opens. He peeks at me since I am the more obvious of us due to my height. He looks to Ciri and immediately swings the door open.

He looks like he is in total shock. "Is that really you Cirilla? You really grew up didn't you....I am tired of getting older." The man is funny, I'll give him that. "Well don't just stand out there, come inside and lets talk." She enters first, but Jaskier stops me with him arm. "Who are you? Can we trust this guy Ciri?" I appreciate the protection he is giving Ciri, but I am surprised he has the balls to do this. I can see why Geralt and him got along good.

Ciri removes his arm and comes next to me. "This is Cera!! The little boy Yen and Geralt always told you about...." He gives a surprised look and then backs off with a gentle smile. Just from the few minutes we've been here, I can tell he is a good and trustworthy person.

He holds out his hand and I grasp it. Jaskier is around Ciri's height so I am much taller than he is. "Nice to finally meet the boy Geralt talked about, I am sure you have been on quite the adventure. How did Ciri and you met up again?" The guy talks a lot, that's for sure.

I stop shaking his hand and prepare to answer. "I met up with her in Velen, at crows perch, it was the first time we saw each other in 11 years. We have been traveling together ever since." That should satisfy is curiosity for now. He moves out of the way and allows me to walk around with Ciri. This is quite the set up he has here. Lots of potential in this beautiful place, I wonder if it will truly be a brothel. It sure doesn't look like one right now.

He leads us to some chairs and a table. "So what brings you too my humble business? Surely I can help with whatever you need. I didn't start this place on my own you know." It's nice to finally have an ally on this journey. Now we can get help with the object we need opened, Dandelion sure is a resourceful person by the sound of it.

Ciri pulls the magical object out and puts it on the table for Jaskier to see. "We need help fixing this. It holds a message that will help us in our quest." He looks at it and plays with it a bit. Ciri is looking on edge with him tossing it up and down. "Jaskier, stop that. Its our only lead right now." She shut that down real fast. Jaskier gives a smile that a kid would make.

He puts it back on the table. "Sorry, I always liked magical items. Yen and Triss had the coolest things to play with. I wish my life could be that convenient, they looked like they had it all." I have a sorrowful face when I hear that. I have no idea how Yen is doing right now. Ciri told me that she had the hardest time with my disappearance.

I suddenly ask a question. "Do you have a way to fix this? The sooner the better." He looks to me and raises an eyebrow. Guess that was sudden, it wasn't rude however. "We also have another important matter to discuss later." I need to talk to him about our secret wedding, he will have to witness for us. He may know someone who can perform the wedding too. If he doesn't, I can just pay for one.

He gets up and grabs a book. "Just let me have a look at my book, this book has secret meeting places at different times during the week. There is one tomorrow at the Minstrel, I am very familiar with the people there so it won't be a problem." That is good news for us, I am happy that we finally got some help and connections going.

I look over to Ciri preparing to ask her a question. "Want to go spend some time in the city. After nightfall we can head back to the inn." She gives me a happy look. All we can do is wait till tomorrow.

Suddenly Jaskier interrupts us. "You know that you guys are welcome to stay here for free. Save your coin and take lodge here." Ciri gives him a skeptical look. I know why she is too. She has the idea of breaking my will, I wont lose though. I want it to be our wedding night when we do it again. Undressing her in her beautiful dress. I will buy her a dress too.

I think its a good idea so I nod to Ciri. "Thanks Jaskier, we will bring our stuff tonight. For now I want to spend the day with Ciri." She grabs my hand and we interlock our fingers. Jaskier is confused for a second, he catches on soon and gives an oh face. "We also have to visit a mage tomorrow for a medical checkup on something. You know anyone that can help?" He would know who we can speak to.

He opens the book again and searches. "There is an old woman outside of town. You can go after we deal with our meeting tomorrow. She is the owner of a herbs farm out there, heard she is wise and powerful." That works out fine for me. Then all of a sudden, Ciri does something I didn't expect.

~~~(POV Ciri)~~~

I look to Cera and I know that I have to keep one secret from him for now. I need to make sure that Jaskier doesn't tell Cera that I'm a princess. "Hey Cera, I need you too wait outside for me a few minutes while I talk to Jaskier about something that is important." He looks at me with surprised eye's. Ohhh don't look at me like that Cera, I have to do this.

He tightens his grip on my hands gently. "Is it something that I'm not aloud to know? I didn't think you had something like that." Those words break my heart more than I thought they would. The truth will be revealed after the wedding. I want us to be married before he knows of my royalty.

I rub the top of his hand my thumb. "It's something that I am not ready for you to know yet. I will tell you soon Cera, just not today." He looks at me slightly heartbroken. I lied earlier, this hurts way more than before. He gives me a look of understanding and gets up. He loosens his grip and his hand leaves mine. I had to stop myself from grasping at it and not letting him leave. He heads for the door and said he will wait for me outside.

Now that Cera is gone I can speak to Jaskier. "I sent Cera away to make sure you know a few things." He gives a confused look.

He stays silent then asks me a question. "What is it Ciri, I'm sure that it wouldn't really change anything. He looks like he really likes you." I smile at his words. Might as well make it fast.

I take a deep breath and prepare myself. "We are planning to get married here in Novigrad." After I say that he freezes up, but he stays silent to let me continue. "He also doesn't know that I am a princess, I want to keep it that way till after the wedding. You will help me with this whether you like it or not." He gives me a look of surprise. He looks like he wants to say something to me, but he keeps it bottled up.

I take another deep breath. This next one is the one that will be the most embarrassing one by far. "On our way here to Novigrad....We had a couple of reckless nights of passion...." He is about to say something. "Let me finish Jaskier." He is probably thinking how Geralt or Yen would think. He stays quiet to let me finish. "There is a high chance that I got pregnant....I will nee-" I don't even get to finish before he finally loses his patience.

He jumps up from his chair and looks flabbergasted. "What the hell Ciri!?! Do you know what kind of spot that puts you two in!!? Not to mention, that you guys were careless enough to let it happen in the first place!!!?" I suppose that is fair. He was patient in letting me speak. He is only worried about my safety, but I am an adult now. Not a little girl, and Cera isn't a little boy anymore.

I let him calm down and gather his thoughts. "So will you help us? I know its a lot to ask Jaskier, but we trust you. You are the only connection we have here in Novigrad." He takes a few more breaths and nods. I take that as a sign to leave to let him figure things out. I rush outside to meet Cera who is waiting patiently for me.

He looks to me with a smile. "Everything taken care of?" I love you so much Cera, I would die of a broken heart if I lost you again.

I smile back at him. "Yes, everything is fine. I just caught Jaskier up to speed and had him help me with a problem I had." He looks to me with a sad face.

He brings his hand up and softly caresses my cheek. "You can tell me anything, you know that right? Whatever it is, I can help you with it." I feel my heart strain at those words. I don't deserve to hear words like that from him right now, but he will learn the truth when we are married. I nod silently in confirmation. He grabs my hand and we plan to go on a date right now. That will bring my mood up for sure.

Long chapter for you guys.

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