
The Battle of Ghost and Fairies

Pokemon: Wandering Soul Chapter 5

Welcome to the 2 Chapter special!

Sorry, I will try to upload Chapter 7 on Oct.1 so that this doesn't feel dull when I update again.

Anyway, let us start!

"I accept," Soul said as he stared at Valerie.

Valerie smiled and they both positioned themselves to their spots. A kimono girl was about to referee the game until she was stopped by an old man. The kimono girl seemed to gasp as she bowed to the old man who chuckled and waved it off saying it is fine.

Valerie seemed to be surprised as well but quickly regained her composure. She also bowed. The old man bowed as well as he looked at Soul. Soul also did a small bow as the old man smiled.

"What brings you here, Mr. Gurkinn?" She says to the old man now known as Gurkinn.

"Nothing much, Valerie. I just wanted to see if the rumors were true that a boy named Soul Ecto was going to challenge the gym." Gurkinn said as he observed Soul. His eyes widened as he saw a Keystone on the necklace that Soul wore. What amused Gurkinn though was he saw Valerie stealing glances at Soul. He grinned.

"Ehem, mind if I referee this match, Miss Valerie?" He said in a polite tone as he saw Valerie smile and give a nod. He also smiled and went to the place where the referee usually stood.

"The battle between Soul Ecto and Gym Leader Valerie shall now begin! Please send out your Pokemon." He said as he took a step back as Valerie released a Spritzee while Soul sent out Mimik.

Gurkinn raises a brow at the weird Pikachu-like Pokemon. He watched the Pokemon Showcase before he went here and he saw how powerful that Pokemon was. The kimono girls at the sidelines and Valerie also grew curious.

"He is a Mimikyu, A Ghost/Fairy type," Soul said to alleviate their curiosity. The kimono girls seemed to gasp on why a Fairy-type Pokemon looked so… creepy. Valerie on the other hand just focused on the battle at hand.

"I will gladly take the first move. Spritzee, use Trick Room!" Valerie said as the Spritzee let out a cry and suddenly the field was covered by a room of some kind. Soul just looked at Mimik while Mimik looked at Soul. They both 'nodded' as Soul prepared a counter-attack.

(I know that Trick Room always goes last but bear with me ok?)

"Shadow Sneak." Mimik quickly seeps into the shadows as Valerie's eyes narrowed.

"Get ready, Spritzee." Just as she said that Mimik appeared behind Spritzee and got off a free hit. Valerie gasped as Spritzee hit the ground hard but it shooks its head and glared at Mimik.

Soul looked at the Spritzeee and saw it was holding… an Eviolite.

Eviolite boosts the defense and special defense of a not-fully evolved Pokemon.

Soul was glad that Trick Room doesn't affect priority or this battle would be harder than it is.

"Attract!" Spritzee winked and hearts appeared as it closed in on Mimik who just stood there and took the attack.

It didn't work.

"Wait, I thought that Mimik was a boy?" Valerie said. Her Spritzee was female, why didn't it work?

"…I don't know…" Soul said as he scratched his head. Gurkinn and Valerie looked at Soul like he was dumb. Soul sighed as he set out his next move.

"Ever heard of shadow puppets?" Soul asked as Valerie questioningly looked at him. Gurkinn was about to react as he saw shadows spreading around Mimik. He narrowed his eyes at the shadows and it zoomed to the Spritzee who was surprised by the attack.

"Dodge it!" Spritzee did a close call dodge as claws appeared from the ground from where the Spritzee was standing. The kimono girls gasped, is this what a Ghost-type specialist can do?

Valerie was lucky that she decided on using Trick Room, sadly, it was about to fade.

"Moonblast!" A pink ball formed in front of the Spritzee. It shot towards Mimik who awaited his orders.

"Close in and use Shadow Claw!" The Mimikyu gets hit by the Moonblast and a Shadow Claw rushed to Spritzee. She was about to dodge it only for Trick Room to fade. Without the speed, the Spritzee took the attack full force and smashed in the ground with swirls in her eyes.

Valerie quickly returned and looked at Mimik whose neck was now bent. Valerie quickly sent Soul a questioning glance again. Soul sighed as he shook his head.

"We will fix that later, ok?" Soul said to the Mimikyu as it let out a screech saying it is fine.

"That was its ability, Disguise. It protected Mimik from all the damage the Moonblast would have done. The next move will harm him though." He said. It wasn't easy to summarize it.

Valerie nodded and released another Pokemon. A Sylveon.

"Mimik, Swords Dance." Valerie's eyes widened and quickly commanded her next move.

"Calm Mind!" She said as both Pokemon glowed and stared at each other.

"Dazzling Gleam." A light formed around the Sylveon as he released the light and hit Mimik who let out a small screech of pain.

"Shadow Claw." A claw formed behind Mimik as he composed himself and dashed towards the Sylveon.

(Sylveon is male btw, I searched it and ALL of the matches in-game, had her use a male one.)

"Reflect!" The Shadow Claw hit an invisible barrier. It broke through and hit Sylveon as it stood up quite easily. If Valerie didn't set up that reflect, Sylveon would have a harder time standing up.

What Soul didn't expect though, was her to instantly attack back.

"Hold him with your feelers, Sylveon!" Sylveon smirked as he held Mimik by the tail. Mimik let out a screech as he was caught by his feelers. Soul had a small smile that made Valerie blush and Gurkinn smirk. Valerie shook her head and prepared for his counter attack.

"Moonblast!" Sylveon was about to summon a pink sphere. Soul's small smile turned into a grin.

"Screech!" Mimik let out a huge screech as all of them winced from the sound. Sylveon canceled the Moonblast and let go of Mimik.

"Catch it again!" Valerie said as she quickly recovered. Sylveon let out its feelers and lashed out of Mimik.

"Shadow Claw 4x!" Suddenly, 4 miniature Shadow Claws appeared and blocked the feelers. 2 Shadow Claws managed to hit the Sylveon.

Sylveon let out a cry as it fell to the floor with Mimikyu still standing.

"Moonblast!" Soul winced as the pink ball hit Mimik and knocked him back.

Sylveon's legs shook and eventually, he fell leaving Mimik very exhausted.

Valerie returned her Sylveon and released a Mawile. It had a small necklace that held a Mawilite. Valerie's hairpiece glowed and revealed a keystone.

"Return, Mimik." Mimik looked at Soul telling that he was fine but Mimik stopped as Soul narrowed his eyes on him. Mimik reluctantly returned to his Pokeball as he held another one in his hand.

"Come on out, Dusk." As he said that, an Aegislash formed on the battlefield.

(Why didn't he use it first? Well, I wanted Mimik to have the 'spotlight' somewhat.)

All of them recognized the Pokemon.

Mawile and Aegislash glared at each other and waited for their trainer's command.

"I am not taking any chances. Mawile, Mega Evolve!" She said as her hairpiece glowed along with Mawile. A DNA symbol appeared and there stood, Mega Mawile.

"Iron Head!" Valerie quickly commanded as Mawile smirked and the 2 mouths on her head glowed white. She dashed to the Aegislash who was ready to attack.

"King's Shield." Dusk quickly changed his stance into Defense as a gray shield formed in front of him, blocking the Iron Head. Mawile winced and regained composure as she glowed blue.

Valerie noticed it and sighed. She quickly returned her vision to the battlefield as Soul readied an attack.

"Sacred Sword!" He said as Dusk changed stance to Attack. Dusk's body turned red and charged to the Mawile who was now in full alert.

"Counter that with Iron Head!" Valerie quickly said as the 2 huge jaws on Mawile's head glowed and collided with the blade.

Mawile was pushed back because of the Attack stat drop that was inflicted on her when she hit the King's Shield.

Mawile let out a cry as it rolled back and regained her composure again.

"Play Rough!" Mawile quickly attacked while Dusk was still on blade form. It hit causing the Aegislash to float backward and hit the ground.

Soul winced from the attack Dusk took as he quickly thought of a counter-attack.

"Swords Dance then Phantom Force!" Dusk glowed red and seeped into the ground. Mawile stopped and the 2 jaws opened and dashed lashed out behind her.

"Crunch!" The 2 jaws were covered in black energy.

"King's Shield!" A shield appeared again and blocked the attack.

The attack collided with the barrier as Mawiled became angry and shouted at Dusk who remained silent. Gurkinn was watching the Mega Mawile intensely as suddenly a shadow appeared behind it.

"Shadow Sneak!" Dusk appeared behind Mawile and slashed at her. She let out a loud cry as she was pushed back. Valerie and Soul focused on the battle at hand, any move can finish it now.

"Full power, Crunch!" The black energy formed on the 2 jaws again as Soul quickly reacted.

"Phantom Sword!" Dusk's blade turned purple as it collided with the Crunch move. Everything seemingly stopped as Dusk's purple blade and Mawile's Crunch faded. They were both opposites of each other. For a few seconds, Mawile reverted to her original form and fell, along with Dusk.

"Mawile and Dusk are unable to battle since Soul still has 2 Pokemon, he wins!" Gurkinn said as he put his hand down and stared at both Soul and Valerie. Both approached each other and did a handshake.

(The reason why Dusk lost was that he took most of Mawile's attacks in his Attack stance.)

Valerie looked at Soul while he looked at her.

There was a comfortable silence until the kimono girls did an "Oooo". Gurkinn coughed getting both their attention. Valerie let out an 'eep' and a blush as she looked away.

Soul just looked bewildered.

While all this was happening, Hunter was having the time of his life laughing and hooting in his shadow which prompted Soul to glare at it.

Valerie quickly gave Soul the Fairy-badge to which he pocketed.

"I was hoping to see one of your Pokemon to Mega Evolve," Gurkinn said pertaining to Soul. Soul stopped glaring at his shadow and blinked. He took out a Poke Ball and released Snow.

Snow materialized and twirled. Valerie looks at her with awe. Snow blinked and saw the kimono girls and Valerie looking at her, amazed. Hunter materialized from Soul's shadow surprising Gurkinn.

Snow blushed in embarrassment from the stares as she quickly hid behind Hunter who smiled and reassured her. He whispered something in "Pokemon language" to her as she blushed even more. Valerie's eyes widened as she understood what Hunter said.

(From what I remember, she can vaguely understand what Pokemon say, sorry if I am wrong.)

Soul on the other hand smirked and could guess what he said. Snow's blush calmed down as she floated beside Hunter. The kimono girls quickly dashed from their seats and went in front of Snow and Hunter.

"Your Frosslass is beautiful!" They all said at the same time as Hunter and Soul both grinned at Snow as she waved her 'hands' indicating that she wasn't THAT beautiful. Valerie admired Snow as an image of her standing beside Soul popped out in her head. She quickly got rid of that image.

Hunter seemed to know what Valerie was thinking. Hunter elbowed Soul and surprised him. Soul looked at Hunter and saw the owl smirking at him. Soul raised an eyebrow in confusion and saw Hunter looking at something… or someone.

He followed his gaze and saw a blushing Valerie looking away from him. Soul looked back at Hunter and glared. Hunter hooted in laughter as he patted him on the back. Hunter smiled and hooted. Suddenly, a brief whisper was heard.

'Good luck, Soul.' He heard it and quickly followed the voice and lead to Hunter. Soul then slowly looked at Valerie and caught her staring at him. Valerie quickly avoided his gaze.

(Am I being too forceful here? Please tell me, it is my first time writing something like this.)

Gurkinn on the other hand was trying to hold back his laugh at Soul's and Valerie's interaction. He then decided to leave them be and saw that Snow was wearing a Mega Stone. Gurkinn eyed it and smiled.

It surprised him a little bit tough, he hasn't heard of a Mega Evolving Froslass. He then turned to Valerie who was staring at Soul. Gurkin shook his head and cleared his throat.

The kimono girls stopped looking at Snow and turned to their Gym Leader, who was staring at Soul.

The girls looked at each other and had a devious smile. They quickly dashed in front of the Gym Leader surprising Soul and her.

"PLEASE TAKE CARE OF OUR MISTRESS!" They all bowed at the same time. Soul blinked while Valerie blushed crimson red. Soul slowly took in what they said and heat went onto his face.

Valerie and the kimono girls saw this and thought one thing.


Gurkinn, Snow, and Hunter were very amused at Soul's state. Soul scratched his cheek a bit and wryly smiles.

The kimono girls quickly opened up a path and one of them pushed Valerie to Soul.

"Ah! I forgot something important!" One of the kimono girls said as everyone looked at her.

"The first challenger to beat Valerie gets to have a date with her! Right?" The girl said as all the kimono girls had their devious smiles back as they all agreed with a hum and a nod. Valerie was about to protest as she was pulled by 2 of the kimono girls.

"Come on, Ms. Valerie! You have to look prim and proper for the date!" They both said as Valerie stopped and blushed hard.

"You can pick her up at 1:00, ok? We reserved a dinner right here." One of the girls said as she threw an envelope to Soul who barely catches it because he was still trying to process what happened.

Hunter gave up on holding his laughter and fell to the ground. He hooted and hooted as tears came out from his eyes. Snow giggled and helped Hunter stand upright while he was still tearing up.

Gurkinn had a grin and slowly walked up to Soul and patted his shoulder.

"Good luck, Soul," Gurkinn said as he walked out of the battlefield leaving Soul frozen in shock.

A breeze filled the whole battlefield.


(Author's Note:

Is the romance forced? I tried to make it as natural as I possibly can.

Anybody who has complaints, type it on reviews.

For me though, I am happy with this and sorry for lying about the chapters being 3000 words. It is just that if I make them too long, it makes the chapter dull and boring.

Anyway, Soul now has a date with Valerie!

Again, anybody who doesn't like Valerie because of her 'creepy' eyes, don't read this fanfic.

Luckily, this 'cringe' of a chapter won't be permanent because he will travel to the other gyms at the start of chapter 7. Chapter 6 will be the date and some other events along with it.

I am going to post it tomorrow, my eyes are hurting.

Anyway, follow Flyg0n and TrueRising because they have great Pokemon fanfics!

Also, thank Arceus to Grammarly!)

DarkTSMcreators' thoughts
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