
Chapter 67 - Messed up


I love being with Cleo ; however this morning she surprised me with breakfast and for the first time in a while we had a family meal with Gio, Pio, Pia , Nicolai,Carlo, and Caleb.

I love the fact that we are neighbours with Carl and Caleb. The boys and I were due for a night out so that meant the ladies would stay at home with the kids . I asked Cleo if I could go and have fun with the gang and she said; yes. .

I worry about leaving her on her own but I know she's okay . She told me she would call if she needed anything; besides the gnawing feeling in my gut to cancel my plans with the guys and spend time with Cleo instead ...I acted on impulse and again I know she won't deny me anything so I decided to go.

Carlo; Brent ,Nicolai , and I went in my car and Paul said he would meet us at Carlo's restaurant which was booked out for the night . Cleo was going to be alone but she promised to keep her phone with her at all times. Brent had sent the wife and kids away to their country house for the weekend . The deal was we go shoot the breeze at Carlo's restaurant and have a sleep over at Brent's . Giovanni was with my parents and the twins were with Cleo's mom .

As soon as we arrived at the restaurant I called Cleo and she didn't pick up. I called her again an hour later still nothing. The guys had called me to the table our meal was ready. I didn't touch any hard stuff I only had a glass of wine with my meal and before we left I helped myself to gelatto for Cleo, courtesy of Carl who had it in his fridge. I felt bad for leaving her on her own and I still has an offish feeling like I shouldn't have left her alone.

When we made it back to the estate the guys suggested ; I go back home and spend time with Cleo, because I wasn't focused and they could see that I missed her.

As soon as we arrived I went straight to the house and let myself in . It was well after ten in the evening and I thought Cleo would be asleep by now , but she wasn't. She was in her home office arguing on the phone with whoever was on the other line. I stood outside and eves dropped .

" Ryan you work for the Massa's. You cannot honestly tell me why the hell Rachel caused the car accident that almost killed me? Angelo said it was a rival gang . He still blames himself and even though he doesn't say it he still feels like its his fault. It isn't his fault and my heart breaks for him because;I can't tell him that his step mother called the hit. Nico confessed to me three days back that; Angelo was fed the wrong information..."

I stepped into the office and Cleo saw me. I wasn't angry when I walked in however I was pissed for many reasons.

"Cleo put that phone on loud speaker now !"

She pivoted her head to the side and shot me a look of betrayal.

"What are you doing back home early?"

" I'm.not asking you again! "

'Don't shout at me.I'm talking to my friend"

"How long has this been going on for?"

"Are you serious right now? "


Something in me must have snapped because Cleo hasn't been the same since we returned from the coast. Granted we were working through what happened together but Cleo talking to Ryan without telling me wasn't fair. He was a medium limit boarder lining on hard, and given the way I'm feeling at the moment extreme. Cleo looked at me in disbelief and did as she was told.

"Ryan you're on loud speaker."

" Okay ... What's going on?"

Before Cleo could answer I cut in .

" You talking to my fiance. You know the rules Ryan and need I remind you; Cleo is off limits."

"Michel she is my friend and. I've known her before you... Don't talk to her like she's an object or one of the chicks you play with for fun. Cleo you said yes ?"

Cleo looked at me almost wanting to cry

" I did ."

"If he hurts you in anyway he will have me and the guys to answer to ,Paul says he's with me."

"He's been okay. He was just up until now I don't know what the hell just made him snap."

I took a deep breath and started rubbing my temples.

" I am still here . Ryan you lost Cleo when you picked your ex over her , you don't get to have her back . She said yes and we have another baby on the way."

"Michel stop acting jealous for nothing. Cleo we'll talk , and Massa she's not Nina and I'm not Duncan... Cleo we'll talk when Michel is sober."

Cleo looked at me disappointingly and I saw it in her eyes that it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that my blood was drowning in alcohol .I didn't just have a glass of wine . I had some vodka , whiskey and a full six pack of beer. I was celebrating and I needed to unwind. I was with my friends and none of them wouldn't dare stop me. I am their boss.

"Thanks for your help Ryan ."

"Anytime angel. Keep well and congratulations on the engagement and baby."

The line went dead and Cleo said nothing to me. She just walked passed me like I wasn't even there and I sat down on the couch with my head in my palms feeling like garbage. I was too tired to go after her and I felt sleepy the last thing I remember was seeing black .


I woke up the next morning to a hangover and quiet house. I looked at my phone and it was Saturday Afternoon . I saw missed calls from Brent and I called him back.

" Michelangelo what happened last night?"

"Nothing stop shouting."

" I saw Cleo

leaving this morning with her own car .Bags packed and all."

"What ?"

" Yep. Isn't it new."

"Yes I didn't fit a tracker in it . "

I started looking around and Cleo's phone was still on the desk. I walked to the main bedroom and found all the jewelry I gave her, engagement ring included and a letter that had her writing on it. I started to panic.

" Brent what time did she leave?"

" This morning at eight. "

" I messed up by drinking last night and I lost it at her. Get the whole squad here . I need to find her ."

"Give us a couple of minutes ."

I sat down on the edge of the bed, opened Cleo's letter and started reading . The first couple of lines read;

"Dear Blue

By the time you read this letter I will be gone. I was sure when I said yes. Now I'm not so sure. I need time to think... Without you influencing my decisions... I love you but your drinking has gotten out of control. I found your hidden empty bottles in the utility room. For the first time since we got back together I was scared you'd try do what you did when I was pregnant with the twins. I need time..."

My phone rang and I picked it up.


"Son its your father ... "

"Papa hi. What's going on?"

My father sounded tired and hurt . He wouldn't call without reason

" Something terrible happened this morning."

"What are you talking about , what's going on ?"

" There was shooting and ..."

"Dad ... What happened?"

"Giovanni... Cleo"

My heart sank.

"What about them?"

"I'm so sorry. You have to come through to the hospital... She she tried to shoot them , I shot her accidentally when she was trying to protect Giovanni. "

"Who? Dad !"

" I shot Cleo son. "

The line went dead and all I could do was run as fast as I could downstairs to the driveway and made my way to the Hospital.


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