
Chapter 32 - Anger control issues


I have never been so livid and scared in my entire life. I regret what happened with Lisa  the that good for nothing woman who is nothing but trouble . She was my friend  until she left me for dead when I overdosed.  It was a really dark time in my life , I only had Nicolai and Carlo to help me get out  and I'm eternally thankful to God and my guardian angels for saving me. I was angry at Bella for going into a car and driving off with a total stranger. It happened right outside Paul's office building. When we looked at the plates on the car that had driven off we found out that she was with someone we knew. I was relieved and worried sick. It could have been a mad man. The same week I asked Cleo to move  in , I sent CP a picture of her and called to tell him everything. He was happy for me . An hour after looking for  Cleo  I called him in a state. He  is always calm and direct .  By the time we were done I knew where Cleo was. Paul broke his silence when we turned into the street  .

"Michel do me a favour and do not screw up the one good thing you have . "

" I'm not. She came onto me and Cleo saw her. "

"Are you using ?"

Not this again . I just had a day from hell.

"No I'm just angry at my girlfriend."

"Who saw you with another girl. She already thinks she is fat."

"She's beautiful ."

"Have you told her that?"

"No  I haven't. "

"Dude have you any idea how sad dinner was. She thinks you're going back to your old ways."

"Trust me I haven't. You and Carlo could give me a drug test right now. I'm clean. "

"I know. "

"If I wasn't I wouldn't have gotten Cleo pregnant. "

"You haven't even done a background check on her ."

"What and you have?"

"Yes. Cock this relationship up and I will never forgive you. "

"Why because you know her better than I do."

"Kind of ."

"I know she's been through hell and back . I am not Duncan , I'm the father of her baby and her husband to be."

"You haven't even proposed yet ."

Paul had a point.

" I'm working on it. "

"Buying her a flashy car will not  work Michaelangelo Massa. Besides my dad called me last night. " 

"At least you're talking  to him."

"Don't go down that road ."

"I won't ."

Paul pulled up the gate and open the window and punched in a code.

"We are merging soon. Cleo has the right people.

She's  amazing and you know that ."

"She's mine not yours."

"Go easy  on her . I know how angry you are ."

I stepped out of the car and walked into Carlo's house and heard laughing. I turned by the corner to see Cleo sitting by the corner kitchen island across Carlo

" you're laughing that's a good sign Cleo .'

"Well Angelo looks more handsome . "

"I didn't take you for the superficial type."

"I'm not . I love Angelo . Even if he decides to grow his mustache I'd love him.  He's an amazing guy ."

"Tell him." 

Carlo pointed to the door and Cleo shot me  a look of betrayal.

My heart constricted .

"Hey my baby love."

Carlo stood up and walked out  leaving Cleo and me alone.


I sat across her and talked calmly.

" What were you thinking?"

"My boyfriend kissed the woman who left him to die years before I met him ; he didn't call me all day and the last time  he did that he ..."

Cleo put her hands on her face to cover her  face . I don't want to see  Bella crying . She couldn't finish what she wanted to say . With her hand on her chest, she  shook her head.

"You had me worried sick. Why didn't you  wait . Instead you get into  a car and drive off with a stranger."

Cleo looked up and wiped her tears.

"He's your friend. You're  having me followed."

"He could have been anyone. Its not about you anymore. We have a child to consider. You could have been in danger !"

There goes my cool calm and collected stance. Cleo flinched as if I was going to hit her and I saw something in her eyes that made me regret shouting at her.

Damn Lisa for appearing on a day I forget to check up on my girl.

"Don't shout at me . Don't you think I know that! "

" No or you wouldn't have done what you did. I'm so angry at you right now . "

"I should be the one who's angry! She's skinny and you let her kiss you ."

"I didn't kiss her back ! I would never cheat on you. I've been cheated on before three times why the hell would I do that to you. "

"You're behaving like you're using. "

"That's not fair!  I'm trying to fix the com department . I've been trying . Since the one person who knew how to run it ,and make the company   money  left. I could throw the book at her but knowing her she will win ."

" You have Ruth."

"I fired her !"

"Don't make me choose because I am happy working for Paul."

I was overcome with jealousy and I couldn't control it.

"Who went digging in your past."

" what and you didn't?  I don't want to fight ."

Cleo tried to stand up but she ended up clutching her tummy making me panic.

"What's wrong Bella ?"

"Aaah! Oh my goodness something's wrong ."

"Not the baby ."

Cleo was trying to control the pain she was feeling.

"Get me to the hospital now aah!"

With no hesitation I ran out the kitchen with Cleo in my arms

Paul get the car now .Something's wrong!

For the first time in a while I was scared I might have done something unforgivable.  


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