
Finding a villain

The music from the orchestra filled the air of the great hall as I watched people dressed in their fanciest clothes mill around. Some were greeting old friends while some were making acquaintances.

In one corner of the room, three tables that were dedicated to dessert had on them lemon tarts, orange blossom cakes, strawberries and some sweets so beautifully shaped that it was a pity to eat them.

Drinks for the children were sodas whereas the grownups were handed glasses of champagne by servers walking around with trays balanced on their hands.

I spotted my best friend, Mary Serrano, who was sitting next to her brothers across the room. She appeared to be having a conversation with them. Her father was my father's consigliere and we had known each other ever since we were kids.

She was wearing a gold cocktail evening gown revealing her broad shoulders. Her hair was neatly pulled back with the tips evenly curled. She had recently added some wine red highlights to her blonde dyed hair. It made her look prettier.

Mary was one of those girls who was blessed to have good looking genes. The kind of effortless beauty. It was one of the many reasons why I felt lucky to be her bff.

I watched her laugh at something one of her brother's said before she caught my eye and I winked at her. She gave me a blank stare for a couple of seconds before she smirked and winked back.

"Stop slouching," My mother said as she walked past my chair, tapping my shoulder and I immediately sat upright.

I turned around in my seat and found her engaged in a conversation with the wife of one of my father's Capo's. I faced forward again but Mary was no longer paying attention to me.

I pursed my lips and slouched again in my chair.

The table in front of me was layered with trays of delicious food capable of making someone's mouth water.

Sadly, I had no appetite. I just want this night to be over.

"Pssst, Margie." I heard Michael calling to me, his adorable face was trying to be serious. He was two seats away from my position. Mother wanted to make sure the two of us won't make too much of a scene. Although, it hardly made any difference.

"What?" I mouthed. His eyes went animated, I had a feeling he did something mischievous again.

The day won't be complete without some chaos arising from our little brother's idea of a game. To him, it was just that. And, well. Our mother was too soft on him. We all are, I guess.

I mean, he is quite adorable. But of course, if his mischief goes overboard, then, he gets punished too.

I just hope that whatever he had done, it was within the favorable scope.

"Chola." I narrowed my eyes in confusion.


"My new pet frog." Uh-oh. I was instantly out of my seat, garnering a strange look from Madelein who was sitting on the table next to ours together with her husband and her husband's family.

"Trouble." I mouthed towards her. Against my will, I made my way towards my mother, shamelessly clearing my throat, interrupting her in mid conversation.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but mom I forgot the red roses." I said and watched as she steadily maintained her composure. It was a code she and dad initiated to mean that Michael had done something in the middle of parties or if we were eating out.

The word red was the indicator. It was like saying code red in another coded language.

It usually didn't end well if not prevented.

"Go and get them, darling." She said, smiling sweetly masking the urgency of the matter. I nodded, tapping Antonio on my way to search every nook and corner of the great hall packed with people.

"Chola, bullfrog. Brownish, I think. We need to find it before anyone else does."

"Copy." Situations like this made me want to take back ever wishing for a younger sibling. I would have been the youngest if I hadn't wished for one when I was fourteen.

But then again, I would never trade Mikee's adorableness for anything else.

He can be sweet sometimes.

I let out a resigned sigh, searching the marbled floors for any sign of a tiny, brownish amphibian which my younger brother considered to be a pet.

Feet, several strapped feet of elegant stilettos and shoes invaded my vision. I was busily scouring for Chola when I suddenly bumped into someone.

"My little princess." I grinned, immediately jumping into my father's open arms.

"Dad." Though I had just recently turned twenty, I still loved it when my father calls me his little princess. Madelein was his princess, I was his little princess and Michael was his little prince. Of course, our mother was the queen.

It made me feel so loved and special.

Finally letting go, he took a good look at me.

"Do I dare ask what you are doing?" I sighed.

"Mikee, freed Chola, his pet frog." Unlike my mother, Dad's face showed amusement instead of frustration. My parents were complete opposites which I think was what made them fall in love with each other even more.

"Ah, then I shall entrust you with that special task of capturing the escaped villain." He said, chuckling. I couldn't help but chuckle with him before raising my right hand to my forehead, giving him a mock salute.

"Aye, aye Captain. I shall find the culprit before the toast and your speech."

My father chuckled once again, leaning forward right after to whisper in my ears.

"Go and find it before your mother turns Ursula on us." Now, I really was unable to hide my mirth. I clapped my hands on my mouth, watching my father go. He was flanked by two bodyguards. He sent a wink my way before finally disappearing from my view.

Going back to the task at hand, I felt more determined.

Where are you Chola?

A few minutes passed, I was beginning to sweat when I spotted the amphibian villain hiding under one of the potted plants.

"I got you now." I muttered, making my way towards it. I carefully tried not to scare Chola. However, to my utter horror, the frog somehow sensed me and began leaping away.

"N--." I gasped, covering my mouth. Gratefully, I was able to stop myself from screaming that out loud.

Prior to losing Chola from my sight, I dodged people along the way, blindly following the esteemed amphibian escapee.

Using everything in my capability, I run after my brother's pet frog. I felt like being in a maze, running a wild goose chase.

If only I wasn't wearing some bloody high heels, this would have been easier.

How hard can it be to pursue a frog? I sarcastically thought.

With the lighting suddenly changed, I realized that I was no longer inside the great hall.

"Chola." I pleaded, muttering a curse as the amphibian continued to leap away from me.

I found myself turning on the stairway where my mother had emerged earlier.

"Got--." I stopped short, my eyes widening, absorbing the scene that laid in front of me.

There was a body. It was sprawled across the marbled floor. I glanced at my surroundings before I went closer to check who it was.

Probably someone that had too much champagne.

Completely forgetting about the frog chase, I began to poke the unconscious man with my heel.

There was no response.

I lowered myself to the ground and turned him over, letting out an exasperated sigh when I realized who it was.

"Mister Serrano?"

There was still no response. I rolled my eyes when I realized he was blackout drunk.

I should probably go find Antonio to help my father's consigliere.

I got up from the floor and retraced my steps back to the great hall. Even though I wasn't able to catch Chola, I was able to chase it out of there. It was still a win-win.

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