

With the south gate fell, the two legions which had been stationed and in standby position quickly moved as they rapidly charged into the opening. In a matter of minutes, the situation in the south gate could only be described as one word: chaos.

Thrax, who came together with his best gladiators, immediately fell into rage as he saw the broken and collapsed walls scattered around the area.

"Julian!! Where are you!!" A thundering and ear-piercing shout sounded through the air as Thrax shouted with all his might. His shout was so loud that all the Romans and rebels alike stopped their fighting and turned their heads at him.

As the legendary Spartacus joined into the fray and started killing the Romans left and right, the precarious situation that the rebels found themselves in gradually came under control. The Roman legionnaires who saw how ferocious and brutal Thrax was subconsciously took a step back, as they feared getting torn apart by the beast-like figure.

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