
Match 15

Mark opened his bag and searched around for a second giving her an awkward smile as it seemed he couldn't find the money. Soon thankfully, he felt the paper and the cold sensation of metal brush his fingertips and grasped the money with a satisfied smirk. They were a bit crumbled and the many coins fell from his palm in distress earning him a confused look from the waitress.

"I lost my wallet" He mumbled but she didn't answer. She just counted the money and gave them back the few change they had. Mark took them back with a smile but she left without giving him a second glance and he scoffed. "yeah be nice only to the handsome ones" he said and Mikael laughed

"You're pretty too honey."

"Shut up. There is a difference between my pretty and yours and Luke's pretty." He said and drank the last sip from his juice before he got up with the rest of them.

"Well we are special after all" Mikael said and fist bumped his friend who had a cocky smile on his face.

"The audacity…" Alex whispered while standing behind Luke, who for him was actually like a wall in front of him. His head was hanged low all the time even after they opened the entrance door and stepped outside but it was not a successful strategy.

In front of them, while the four boys were standing on the dinner's doorstep were parked in a semi-circle shape four police cars. Their sirens were off and it seemed like they were patiently waiting behind their open car doors, holding their guns, pointing at them with instruments of murder. Someone shouted for them to raise their hands up and everyone listened.

Alex felt like his hands were made from concrete as his heart sped up. He couldn't stop looking at them. Polished in their gloved hands. They were wearing sunglasses, their expressions unreadable. Voices strict and cold. A treatment befitted to a potential threat. Suddenly the warmth of the sun was no longer gentle. It was hot like an angry burning fire and the slight breeze that swept through the autumn leaves was now a whip. He was exposed to the element in his mind and to an unbearable amount of unfairness. He closed his eyes and exhaled. He focused on Mikael's voice who was talking to Luke.

"We can kill them and run. There is like only eight of them." He said and Luke seemed to be thinking about it for a split second. Alex did not want to risk it so he answered first.

"No. We are not hurting anyone. We will just go there and clear things out. We will do it like civilized people."

"Well technically you wouldn't be hurting anyone. We would" Mikael said with a sneaky smile. Alex could not explain how he seemed to be so unfazed by everything all the time.

"Civilized people. That's funny" Mark commented and all of them stared walking slowly towards the police cars. "How can you be so calm all the time?" Mark asked.

"Well, be it jail or death I don't really have anything to lose anymore. If I died I could see her sooner. Sometimes I think thought that maybe she…"

"Stop talking over there!" One of the police officers said. Each one of them had a cop pinning them to the front of the car. They searched them for any weapons and then handcuffed them before pushing them inside the cars. The sirens then started blasting and they headed towards the police station.

Alex didn't say anything. While they drove through the small town the images of his mother's face were brutally flashing before his eyes. Passing the old buildings, a playground his dad used to bring him, the super market they used to go and buy their groceries made these images even more vivid. This place too, was draining him. Every step his family had taken here, every memory that had been carefully manifested in the rusty swings, the ails of the market with the candy bars he liked was poisonous. It was the façade of a life he believed he had. But that life wasn't his. That life belonged to the child his parents believed they had given birth to. The true Alex had been rejected and killed in their hearts. Even betrayed.

"Why would a young boy like you try and do such an awful thing?" The officer said, not actually asking him but mostly thinking to himself why would a young, handsome boy with an athletic boy that was on college with a seemingly perfect life would do something like that.

"I didn't do it. I didn't want to kill him. He threatened to kill me with his gun so I pushed him back, he tripped and he fell." Alex said with all the strength he had left. He hated having to explain that he wasn't some villain. These days he felt like the only thing the anger inside him did was rise up more and more.

"Yeah, everyone says they didn't do it"

"If you're not going to even consider of believing me why ask?"

"To see if you have any remorse of hurting the person who sacrificed his whole life to raise you. He is your father, boy" The officer said but the conversation didn't continue. Alex just smiled. A smile laced with sadness and pain. Oh, how he wished that would be true. He photographed the mind of that police officer and he decided that he officially hated him. He hated him and his ignorance. His baseless assumptions and his prejudice. He hated the world that just decided to let others put a veil in front of their eyes. Filter everything as you walk further from the truth.

After they reached the police station the procedures were almost exactly like in the movies. The station was blunt, with grey and white walls and they locked them all together in a cell while they did some paperwork or god knows what.

"Well our days have been nothing more than eventful" Mikael commented while sitting on one corner of the small square room with the bars.

"How are you?" Luke asked and looked at Alex concerned. That was the first serious sentence they had exchanged after that night when they decided that romance wasn't for them. Luke had felt relieved for a second feeling a weight disappear but seeing Alex so far away from him hurt him.

He acknowledged his own confusion, how he had turned everything upside down just by entering Alex's life but somehow he felt that was inevitable. They had to meet for something to begin. A new chapter, a new story. That's how he felt and while looking at his depressed green eyes his chest hurt like he was having a heart attack. Such a strong connection and empathy. He was letting himself unconsciously get emerged in his feeling about the nineteen-year-old and he couldn't stop it.

"I can't really describe it" Alex responded.

"Man you could've told us that your relationship with your parents was bad. We could've gone somewhere else."

"Yeah, sorry I didn't share with you the fact that my mum rejected me as her son, my dad beat the shit out of me for months just for breathing, calling me names, locking me in my room and not allowing me to eat until I became ¨normal¨. Yes, I should've said something these three or four days I know you. My fucking mistake Mikael!" Alex said while raising his voice.

"They did what to you?" Luke asked.

Killing intent. It was pure hatred that riled his bone and he felt a huge disappointment that the bastard was still alive and didn't get to experience a painful and excruciating pain. Hurting him like that, he was just a boy, nothing was wrong with him but his parents treated him horribly. He wanted to kill them both. Make them get on their knees and beg for forgiveness.

"I don't think he needs to repeat it" Mark mumbled feeling uncomfortable by the atmosphere. He had even noticed Luke's burning anger.

No one spoke for a while and the silence was almost painful because it gave Luke time to think. He had asked Alex to be normal and he now wanted to hit his head on the bars for saying that. He didn't know. He was just angry and blurted out some silly things but to Alex these words were almost like a curse and he had casted it on him again. He needed to control himself and show Alex that he understood him, that he was okay with who he was, that he… liked who he was. Maybe a bit too much.

He sighed and rubbed his face in frustration when footsteps were heard. It was the clicking sound of heels and after a while a young woman with dark skin and curly black hair appeared in front of them. She was wearing a police officer's suit and scanned them inside the cell with her dark, almost black eyes. When she looked at Luke and Mikael her eyes widened in surprise.

"Little pups what the hell are you doing here?" She asked them and the boys looked at her with an identical expression.

"Clarissa?" Mikael exclaimed and jumped up.


Hello everyone! Thanks for reading! I would appreciate it if you voted and wrote a kind review. Thanks a lot!

So which boy is your favourite character? (─‿‿─)

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