
Chapter 5

"Car 2265 please respond," the radio crackled as the dispatcher's voice fills the car. The officer in the driver seat sets down his big gulp and reaches across his chest to the walkie talkie hanging off his left shoulder. "This is officer Jaime Reagan, go ahead," he speaks clearly into the microphone. "We have a 10-21 to check up on a disturbance on 48th and King," the radio orders. "10-4" Jamie responds as he turned to his rookie partner, "alright rookie, you ready for your debut?" "Yeah, I've dreamed of helping this city since I was a little girl" Eddie Janko states as the police car roars to life. The red and blue lights flash across the empty parking lot of a Seven-Eleven as the car shifts into gear, pulling them out of the lot and into the street. The police car swerves around the little traffic still left on the road. "I always hated nights like this," Eddie says as she looks out the window. "You got good instincts, somethings in the air tonight" Jamie states without taking his eyes off the road.

The police car slows down as it turns on to 48th street and King, Jamie flashes the police cars high beams as a puddle up the street reflects the light back. They slowly start to pull over to the side of the road, "we are going to check it out on foot, so be ready and stay on my six." Jamie orders as he shuts off the car, as they both open the car door, their heavy boots crunch against the gravel of the road as they step out of the car. The jostling of their gear can be heard as they pull the flashlights out from their belt while resting their dominant hand over the grip of their holstered weapon. The flashlights light up the way as they carefully scan the surrounding area as they slowly make their way over to the puddle.

Both officers unclipped and drew their pistols as the smell of copper and iron polluted the air. They could see a red blood-soaked puddle that started at the curb of the sidewalk. "Call it in Eddie," Jamie said with a cold emotionless voice, his eyes scanning the dark ally where the trail of blood led. Someone dragged the body through the puddle and deeper into the alley between the streets. Eddie holstered her weapon, trusting Jamie to keep her safe as she reached over her chest and grasped the radio. "Dispatch, this is Officer Janko requesting an ambulance and immediate assistance at 48 and King." The radio crackled, "10-4 Officer Janko, EMS on route with ETA of seven minutes. Your assistance is ETA three and half minutes out, should be there at 2:44am. Stay safe out there."

"We need to secure the scene, stay on me and stay alert," Jamie said, gun drawn as his flashlight pointed towards the alley. They stepped up to the curb carefully avoiding the trail of blood, as Jaime led them into the mouth of the dark black alley.

Miles from the crime scene in the bedroom of a police detective, a cell phone vibrates against the dark wooden nightstand. He groans as he looks at the time, it was just short of three am. His hand curls around the buzzing phone as he brings it to his ear, "Detective James Gordon speaking." James listens to the caller as he begins to sit up in bed, "I understand, I'll be there, you said 48th and King?" James asks as he opens the drawer of the nightstand and pulls out a notepad and a pen. He scribbles down the information the caller is giving him as his head nods in understanding, "Yeah, leaving now Commissioner." James says getting out of bed, his warm feet touched down on the cold wood floor, waking him up more than any cup of Joe ever could.

James Gordon's car raced down the freeway as his flashing red and blue lights gave the other drivers the metaphorical finger as they pulled over and out of his way. He could feel a buzz in the air as he drove closer to the crime scene, he only felt this buzz once before. Back when he was working in Chicago and walked into a mini mart during a robbery, that case made him a local celebrity. He slowed down as he approached the free way off ramp, he could see his destination in the distance, the flashing red and blue lights giving it away.

James turned onto 48th street and King as the once dark and eerie street was lit up like a Christmas tree. He could see the worker ants busy at work, crime scene investigation was scouring the ground and bagging everything that didn't need the usage of a crowbar to set free. Two sets of patrolling officers were guarding the entrance of the alley standing just outside the neon yellow police tape, the other set of officers were off to the side, one officer who looked like a rookie was dry heaving against a side of the wall, while her partner tried to calm her down. "Who was first on scene" Gordon barked while walking towards the police tape, the officer helping his rookie partner raised his hand.

"I'm the first responder" Officer Reagan replied as he stepped towards Detective Gordon as they walked together towards the alley. Reagan began to explain what happened since he arrived, "and that's when we entered the alley," Gordon heard as they both ducked underneath the police tape and walked into the alley. It was clean, too clean, the alley's here in Gotham are always littered with bags of garbage. "did the CSI already bag everything here?" Gordon asked as they ventured deeper into the alley, "no so far, you are the only other person that has been here since my partner and I." Reagan states as Godon continues to look around, something was making him feel off. "The alleys too clean, where's all the trash?" Gordon asks as Reagan frowns, "it's all at the alleys dead end, you can't miss it."

We walked up to and saw what the deranged killer wanted to show us. "I think he made a chair" Officer Reagan states as we see the trash bags fitting perfectly in place, the corpse's dead eyes stare into us as she sits on top of the garbage bags. "It's not a chair," Detective Gordon says in a trance, "it's a throne." The young woman is positioned as royalty sitting on a throne of trash, her back is completely straight with the left arm at her side, while her left hand is holding something in her lap. The only visible cut on her body is her slit throat that is blocked as her right thumb is stuck inside the wound, as the rest of her arm completes the cutthroat gesture. "If that's a throne does that make her a queen," the officer asks, intrigued by the thought process of the detective. "It's the killer's work that sits on the throne, not the young women. He is making a statement that he is above all the trash in Gotham and a declaration that a new killer is walking the streets." Gordon says as he walks over to the dead woman's body and peers into her lap. Her left hand grips a custom made magazine called 'Bravo' with a front-page title of '15 reasons to move to Gotham City' and at the very bottom of the page it says editor 'Victor Zsasz.' "Let the CSI bag the alley, I need to make a call," Detective James Gordon says as he walks out of the alley.

The sun slowly starts to peak above the horizon as the warmth of the sun starts to reign its dominance over the cold night. "Ugh, we have been standing here for hours Jamie," Eddie states as her feet from standing guard of the crime scene starts to wear her down. "At least you aren't dry heaving anymore," Jamie smirks as it begins to turn into a frown as he remembers why she almost threw up in the first place. "What a first day on the job, or night on the job, you know what I mean" Eddie says, "I want to help people in need, not find dead bodies that no one was there to help." She finished as she looks at the ground, wondering when she would actually feel like she could make a difference. Jamie rest his hand on his partners shoulder, "you already are, every time you put on the uniform you defiantly stand in the face of evil. That uniform isn't just a woven cloth, its a promise that we will put every ounce of our blood on the line to make sure the residents of this city don't spill a drop of theirs."

"Officer Reagan and Janko, we are here to relieve you." A Gotham City police officer reports as he and his partner walk over to take their place as guards. "Finally" Eddie said with a cheerful smile as she punches her partner on the shoulder, "lets get some grub I'm starving," as she walks past her partner heading to their police car. "So, what do you have a taste for," Jamie asks his partner as he turns the key in the ignition. "Something sweet and bacon, lots of bacon" Eddie says over the rumbling of the car, "How about Den-" as shes cut off as their car radio crackles on. "Car 2265 please respond," as Eddie reaches for the radio, "This is Officer Janko responding," she says as she turns to her partner "well looks like breakfast is going to have to wai-" as the radio talks over her. "We have received a call from Sunset Motel on 30th and Clover, you mind checking it out." The police car sirens blare for the second time on their shift.

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