
Chapter 47

Arianne rushed around her room, trying to look as presentable as possible for the Maester. She had called for breakfast to come in a little later and was currently pacing her room. What if I did just gain weight? Arianne thought to herself, not wanting to get too excited. But what if he was right ... I hadn't bled yet and I generally do in the beginning of the month, which is long gone by now.

There was a knock on the door, "the Maester," Jaime called out.

Arianne opened the door and allowed the aging Maester into the room. "Your grace, a pleasure to be of acquaintance," the Maester smiled as he hobbled into the room, briefcase in hand.

"Thank you for joining me Maester ...," how could she not know his name!?

"Grand Maester Pycelle, your grace," Pycelle smiled, nodding to her. Arianne nodded back and offered him the sofa as a seat, of which Pycelle took. "So, what seems to trouble you?" Arianne tittered for little, unsure of how to let the words out. Pycelle sighed in understanding. "It has been a moon since your wedding, you have not bled, and you would like to know if you are with child."

"Yes," Arianne sighed, comfortable with the Maester.

He instructed her to sit on the sofa and placed his hands on her stomach. "A girl."

Arianne felt her eyes water with joy, she didn't have any words for the Maester and let out a small happy cry. "Sorry," she muttered, wiping her eyes dry. "I wasn't expecting ... her."

"Well she will come, expected or not," he opened his case and took out three vials. "For the morning sickness to be mixed with milk or water. Refrain from alcohol and sweets, take walks as much as you can. And of course, do not announce it until you have passed your third moon. Being with child is a blessing but a dangerous one at that. I will come three times a moon to help you practice for your labour, I have found that helps," Pycelle handed her the vials and closed his case. He stood from his seat, held onto his case and bowed to her. "Your grace," and excused himself from the room.

She covered her mouth, not sure if she was crying of happiness or sadness. Rhaegar, she had to tell Rhaegar. There was no way she was going to let him see her in this state.

First, I have to tell the King, Arianne thought to herself.

When her breakfast arrived, Arianne made sure to tell the maid she wanted her companions, Nymella and Penelope to be called to her room. Once the maid had left, she instructed Jaime to tell the King she wanted a private audience with him and Rhaella.

As she broke her fast, Arianne looked down at a letter that had been placed neatly on her tray. She was expecting a raven from at least Ned, but there was no word yet and knew from the way her name was written it wasn't his hand. She opened the letter,

Hello sister,


I have heard of the King's anger towards your foster father, the late Lord Rickard Stark. I, Oberyn and Elia send our deepest regards and hope you are doing well. I am writing to let you know, and only you may know, I have given birth to a daughter. Allyria Dayne. She is Brandon Stark's daughter. I trust you to keep my secret from preying ears, she is not to be made an example of socially. Allyria is mine and not Brandon's. In truth, I may have fallen in love with the wrong brother.

What on earth was she talking about? Arianne read on, her bread discarded on the tray and immersed in the letter.

The gods have seen fit to bless both Merida and I with healthy children. She has also given birth to a babe, a boy for her. Oberyn chose the name Blaise Sand. What a powerful name. I hope you are taking care of yourself and Arthur as well, I worry he will have himself killed doing the Prince's bidding, but he is a Kingsguard. I suppose that is his role.

I wish you the happiest times in marriage with Rhaegar. I know he and Elia shared many, but it is time they both moved on. Another secret I must entrust to you, Elia is no longer in Dorne. She has left for the Free Cities, Lys to be exact on Oberyn's command. We cannot take chances with the King; he grows madder by the day and he would have the children killed for merely existing. I'm afraid Rhaegar is powerless to him, even if Aegon and Rhaenys are his children. Watch after him, he tends to become a little too passionate with his tales of three headed dragons and Prince's that were promised.

In saying that, please do not let this keep you from loving him.

I hope to hear from you soon,

Your sister,

Ashara Dayne.


"Will you write back?" Nymella asked Arianne, scrubbing at her hands vigorously.

Arianne shrugged, watching as her skin turned red – either from the hot water or Nymella's scrubbing. "I will write back once I speak with the King. But I have not much to say, the Maester told me not to tell anyone until three moons have passed."

"Nonsense!" Nymella exclaimed, "she is your sister. You must tell her as you have told us. Besides, the King will announce it as soon as you tell him. He announced all of Rhaella's pregnancies and many of the babes did not survive."

Arianne looked behind her to Nymella, sending her a worried glance. What if my babe doesn't survive?

Penelope, who had been getting her clothes noticed the tension in the room. She picked up a towel from beside Nymella's feet. "What has she been saying to you?"

"I haven't said anything!" Nymella exclaimed.

"Nymella doesn't know anything about being with child, Lady Moon Tea," Penelope scowled, helping Arianne from the bath. Nymella went to speak, upset that Penelope would out her very private conversation with her to Arianne.

"Play nice," Arianne tutted, drying herself off and lifting her hands up as Penelope helped her into her dress. "I will write to Ashara when I return," she repeated herself as Penelope brushed her hair out and left it flowing. "We must go to the King first." She led them from the room, her hands unconsciously going to her stomach. Nymella glared after Penelope from her seat on the floor and stood up, following the two out of the room. "Has the King agreed?" Arianne asked Jaime, who nodded back to her from under his helm.

She hadn't seen the Keep in so long, it seemed foreign to her. Almost like she was seeing it for the first time. Its gleaming walls welcomed her back to reality. It was time, unfortunately, to face reality, no matter how hard she tried to run from it, it would chase her. There was no point being hauled up in her room if she was to show the court, she was a fit Princess. She led the way to the Throne Room, hopefully the room was empty. As she walked past courtiers Arianne noticed the mixture of sympathetic, confused and resentful faces sent her way. Well that's always a good sign. She said to herself, nodding to those she had recognised, many of whom turned from her as she did so.

Once they had reached the Throne Room, the doors were pushed open to reveal an empty room. Thank the gods. Its only occupants were Aerys, who was sprawled over the throne, Rhaella, who stood next to him and Rhaegar who was shuffling from one foot to another in anticipation of seeing his wife.

made a mistake in updating, now i have to reupload like 10 chapter aghhh

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