
Chapter 50

At the outskirts of Bradford, they stopped at a pub for supper and for Kim to outline a plan of campaign.

Together they looked at the map on Kim's laptop. "Here is the shop, see? She'll go in the front door and come out the side door into this street, here." Kim pointed at the screen. "You bring a coat and a bobble hat or something to disguise her. Then drive to the motorway going west. If anyone should think there was anything going on and take notice, they'll think you're heading for Manchester. I'll meet you at this service station. You'll need to hire a car and put up somewhere for the night."

He reached into his pocket. "Here, take this, I've programmed in the shop and the service station." He handed Steve the TomTom.

"Hey man, I've got a much better model than this!"

Kim laughed. "Yeah? Well you can keep it. Just use this one to make sure you're in the right place, OK?"

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