
Chapter 25

"Does he remind you of Ravi?"

"Who? Kim?" Johnny thought about it. "Besides being Indian, you mean?"

"Well, I think being Indian may be part of it. So polite. And his beautiful English public school accent." She smiled, thinking of how Ravi would come out with expressions like 'what a spiffing wheeze', which were old-fashioned even in those days. "But it's not just that. It's his sheer enthusiasm. He gets carried away at the slightest thing. You should have seen his face when I showed him the television."

She sighed. "I wonder whatever became of Ravi."

"None of that, now." Johnny sat forward and patted her with his good hand. "Only happy thoughts. Now, let's get down to this list of Kim's."

Kim had asked them to make a list of everything they needed in the way of supplies to re-create their everyday life at the cottage when they had first lived there.

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