

Jeff seeing the news about Tony in Afghanistan and the Jericho missile, as well as him being missing had a smirk on his face, he wondered the look on Tony's face as his own missile exploded before him.

Iron Man was literally happening, soon old men from world war 2 will be returning, and big green rage monsters will be brawling with ugly grey monsters... oh and who can forget the two iconic arrogant gods.

Jeff eyes moved to his new suit. His suit was made with the vibranium he received along with what he snagged from Oscorp...surprise an artificial symbiot.

Artificial because Jeff had run some tests and was 90 percent sure that this wasn't alien life and also he had failed to find any form of intelligence within.

The black suit with silver accents was nothing short of a work of art. The suit's mask now covered his whole face, could take the impact from a frickin missile. The bat suit was also fitted with an electric system which allows him to shock assailants with a whole slew of other features hidden within courtesy of the King fortune.

And to him the most important feature the suit being able to shrink into his watch. "I see you've seen the news sir", Sebastian walked in interrupting Jeff's thoughts "I have".

"should I prepare the Batwing sir", Sebastian tentatively asked causing Jeff to finally turn to face him with a look of confusion on his face.

"To save master Stark, " Sebastian continued. "hmmm, no Tony will eventually return and there are somethings to take care of here."

Jeff considered heading over to save Tony, but upon further consideration he decided against it. This event was the turning point for Tony and was a necessity for the birth of Ironman hence Jeff decided he wouldn't interfere, but that didn't mean he couldn't make some money.

Stark Industries stock price had began to fall with the news of Tony going missing, and Jeff knew it would fall even further when the merchant of death returned and announced Stark industries exit from the arms market. This would be the best time to acquire their stocks.

When events of Iron Man one are over Jeff wonders what look Tony would have when he finds out that Jeff owns a majority of shares.

"Sebastian tell the company to grab as many of Stark industries stock as possible but make sure not to draw attention whilst doing so." Sebastian was puzzeled by the order but didn't refuse but headed out to pass them on.

In another part of the city.

Gwen could be seen in sports wear, her hair tied into a bun with sweat snaking from her forehead down her face and into her clothes, drenching them as she continued punching at a punching bag.

The thumping sound of her taped fist as they made contact with the sand bag being the whole sound in the entire warehouse.

The warehouse was one of the many abandoned warehouses in the city which she had transformed into her personal gym earlier on but abandoned after her meeting with the Batman.

But after what happened recently she was back here once more, as this was the only place where she could momentarily forget about everything.

"Aaah!" Gwen screamed as she delivered a fierce punch making a fist sized hole in the sandbag.

After doing so Gwen fell on her butt, sitting on the ground taking in deep breaths in a futile attempt to calm down. She couldn't calm down the only time she was calm was when she was hitting something.

Her eyes drifted to her bag and spotted her bat suit which was she had brought along, coming to a decision.


Jeff was seated before his Bat computer going through files he had managed to retrieve from Norman's damaged hard drive.

Jeff had not forgotten that Norman was not alone and that some Court was apparantely out to get him.

Jeff did not plan to leave the court alone as they were an uncontrollable factor much less one that should not have existed originally.

From his understanding Jeff knew that Sebastian created them to control the crime in the city so he returned to a safe City, but like all comic universes something went wrong and they decided to become rulers of the underworld now.

With the amount of threats he had to deal with, Jeff was not keen on the idea of an new one popping up much less one of his own making.

In an undisclosed location.

A group of people were seated around a table, "Norman failed... and even caused a whole lot of trouble," Chris spoke up.

"A whole lot of eyes have been drawn here recently, due to Osborne's antics all those guys after the super serum will be here soon enough," another person spoke up.

The others thought more about the serum, they were from that time and some had even seen Captain America in action so they would be lying if they said they weren't interested in the serum.

"Was there any trace of the serum when our people went over." Chris asked, "there was nothing but ruble if there was anything only the Batman knows."

"what about you Obadiah?" Chris turned to the bald member who was silent through out. "Starks missing and my stocks are dropping, I'm sorry but won't be able to provide a lot of weapons to hunt the Batman." Obadiah spoke up.

"Understand, you deal with Stark industries we will handle the Batman."

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