
Chapter 11

--- A/N ---

Extra chapter guys! If you found any wrong wrong in it just leave a pharagraph comment to it and i will fix it. Thank you guys for the support and suggestions guys, i appreciate it hehehe.

Oh and if you found something wrong to any part of the story, just comment it on that chapter. I do not mind getting Flammed and Criticize but still go easy on me guys hehehe.

Have a nice day guys!


I am standing in front of a big Rhinoceros Beetle that emits a fiery aura. It is about two meters in height and blackish red in color with a black colored under it. It is sprouting fire on its mouth that burns its surroundings. On my back is a baby Gorilla that weeps beside his injured mother.

The Gorilla on my back is just a normal animal that have a very low reserve of chakra. The Beetle must have spotted this two and planning to eat them. The mother, even if it is weaker than the Bettle, used every strength it has and defended its son based on the wounds it has on its body. Too bad that the gorilla can't use any chakra and was played by this Beetle before my entrance.

I came here when the mother is already on the verge of dying. I can save it but i can't do that with this fire Beetle in front of me. This Beetle is a strong Chakra beast in the land of the Fire. They have a strong affinity and immunity to almost any fire jutsus and a thick shell that almost immune it to swords and kunais. It will take about an average Gennin to defeat it in its infancy and a Jounin in its adulthood. I am thankful that this Beetle in front of me is in its teen stage that will need about 3 Chunnins to defeat.

The Beetle wants to attack us but i focused my Ren to immobilized it. I am planning to use my Hatsu to heal the Big gorilla to test it's effectivity but my hatsu can't come out because my Hatsu considered my state in a state of battle. The only way to do is to fight this beetle then help the big gorilla to see how effective its ability.

I looked at the little gorilla and i felt sadness in its eyes. Since i am here to test my Hatsu, why don't i use every techniques i have to test their effectivity and help this little one? I said to the little gorilla "Do you want revenge?"

The little gorilla looked at me without understanding my words. I used my Reiryoku and conveyed my words again to his brain. This time, the little gorilla showed his hatred and shouted to the Beetle. I nodded and said "What do you offer for that wish then?"

The gorilla looked at her mom and looked at me in determination. The gorilla conveyed what it will offer to me as i can't stop my grin for that. What the little Gorilla offered was his life in exchange for the life of that Beetle. Quite a touching yet a foolish offer, well he already made his choice, i will just obey his wishes then.

I placed my index finger on its forehead as a golden kanji tattoo was place on it before disappearing into existence. I felt a sudden connection between us and i can do what i want to that connection. This is a seal i created by fusing the Seal Spell and the Fuuinjutsu. It is quite hard creating at first but with my trainings with Mito, I made it possible. I named it as The Vow Seal.

The user of this can make everyone that have this seal on their soul obey his/her wishes by mentally suggesting it to their soul and brain and making it looks like they are doing it willingly. This can only be used in the soul of a person that vowed to the user and willingly obeyed to exchange something. If the person disobeyed the orders of the user/master, The user will be warned and can kill the Vower by exploding his/her soul and brain.

I smiled and said "This transaction is complete. Your life is now mine!"

I faced the Beetle and assessed the situation again. I put my right hand on my back as i took out my trusted katana from my scroll. This katana is just the same as those normal katana in appearance but it was actually made out of pure chakra metals mixed with carbon and iron. This Katana was made out of an Enhanced Adamantine which took me months in discovering the proper proportions creating it.

My father helped me in creating it because of the metal's hardness. I do not have the proper strength to shape it but my Father's strength can and help me with it. This metal is the strongest metal in Konoha or even the world due to it's hardness and conductivity of chakra. I created this so i can perfectly use my recreated technique i deemed as useful.

This Recreated Technique of mine is the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu i got from Seijuro Hiko. I mixed chakra into this technique that can help me execute the whole technique into a new level. I also tried exploring Sword intent like how Kenshin Himura used his ultimate move but sadly it doesn't fit me. That move varies from people to people and the problem is that you must learn who you really are for your intent to show up and be realistic.

I left it behind the back of my head for now and tried enhancing the technique and recreated it with the use of chakra. I made it but it is still incomplete because of my chakra pool and control. The recreated technique can be categorized in the B-A rank Jutsu in strength and will reach S class or even more when completed. I just need my body to grow strong and my chakra pool to increase so i can properly support this Technique without limits.

Since i am here, let me experiment this technique so i can see what do i needed to do to improve it more.

I lowered my stance and placed my katana on my left waist. I stopped using Ren to the Beetle which snapped it out of its state and shriek to me in anger. It inhaled deeply before exhaling a big fire breath to my position. I picked up the little Gorilla and his mother before dashing out of the range of the attack. I placed the Little Gorilla out of the range of our fight before using Body Flicker to go near the Beetle.

My Body Flicker is different from the normal Body Flicker Jutsu. The normal one must explode your chakra on the sole of your feet while Running, Walking or Jumping. You must control the chakra's amount or else your feet might explode together with your chakra. This body flicker works just like Hoho/Shunpo used by Shinigami's in Bleach world.

My improvised Body Flicker used my feet strength together with chakra. I will kick the ground ten times in the blink of an eye while exploding my chakra at the last step. I will control the amount of my feet strength together with chakra output to minimize the stress on my feet. I remade The Body Flicker Jutsu because i want to cover its only weakness, Its range. Body flicker can move you in the range of 100 meters in any direction at max. With the help of the One piece marine Cannon Fodders and Aizen's mastery to Hoho, I created this.

I have devoured a Vice Captain of the marines that died in the Battle at the Marineford. He doesn't have any devil fruit but he knows the 6 Superhuman Martial arts of the marines together with Haki. He know how Haki works but i do not have the proper strength for it so i will explore this later on. I named my Body Flicker Technique as Soru in honor to the supehuman martial arts of the One Piece World.

I can only do 4 steps in the blink of an eye because my body's strength is still weak and can't keep up with it. I still struggle increasing my steps in this technique with my current small body and age. I don't mind training my body to the limit but i am afraid my body will have hidden injuries and may interrupt my growth. I will try modifying my body later on so i can do what ever i want without my body breaking out.

Even if the count of my steps is small than the original, i can still dash until 10 meters in any directions from my previous position. I can do 5 or maybe 10 times the distance if my strength increased and fully developed.

I coated my body with chakra as i controlled it like how i Control Nen and Reiryoku. I appeared beside the Beetle and cut his right side with all my strength. My attack didn't do much and only created a small thin scar on its side. The Beetle used its legs to attack and knock me down so i dodge it by flashing on my back. The Beetle swept its foreleg on the ground and a fire curtain started to move in my direction.

I jumped with all my strength and i flashed on its vision. I looked like i teleported from the Beetle's vision but what i did is jumping with my feet, stepping on the ground 4 times before jumping. I flashed on top of the Beetle that is still dodging the Fire curtain.

I positioned my katana and pointed its sharp edge to the Beetle. I supplied chakra to it and shaped it outside of my body. A silhouette of a green dragon showed behind me and intimidated the Beetle. I used every strength i have and used my falling speed and my arm speed to pierce the Beetle on its head.


The Beetle dodged my attack by using its wings and legs and jumped. My katana buried deep down the earth together with the dragon and created a two meter deep crater to it. The Beetle regain its posture while i am pulling my katana on the ground. It stood up on its hind led before slamming it on the grounds.

The ground in my feet started to heat up when i have successfully pulled my katana on the ground. I dodge to my side as a Fire Pillar about a meter in diameter sprouted on my previous position.

I said "Oops i guess? Its looks like this i need to adjust my body control more and be careful of my attack's position and strength. I don't want to die too early due to my carelessness."

I looked at the Beetle as i circled around it. The Beetle uses every fire techniques it knows in panic as i analyzed its habits and attack pattern. I Hack, Slash and Cut the body of the Beetle while it is taking a rest after doing an attack.

I am using the Hit and Run tactics to tire this Beetle when suddenly i felt exhaustion. I am using my chakra too wasteful, I need to increase my control on it to make my moves more refined and not waste so much chakra in my attacks. I looked at the Beetle to assess my situation.

I saw the Beetle started to feel tired so i used this chance to use the special attack/move of Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu. I stayed still for a while and lowered my position. I positioned my katana on its sheath again before flaring up my chakra and shaping it outside my body and katana. A silhouette of a miniature blue Seiryuu about 10 meters in length and 1 meter in diameter can be seen on my back as it starts to materialize and become more realistic. I dashed and the dragon roared on my back. I pulled my katana from its sheath as i slashed at the Beetle horizontally which cause the dragon to rush to it.


I slashed on the neck of the Beetle and the Dragon on my back bit and coiled on its entire body. The dragon coiled and tear up the beetle entirely. My whole chakra was depleted into a critical level as it has been given to the dragon. My body started to feel fatigue and pain but i used every willpower i have to stood up.

The Beetle cried in pain as my attack cut through its whole head. It slammed on the ground as the dragon started to fade away. I quickly rushed to the Beetle's head and abdominal area before placing out two container on each area and sealing its souls and chakra in it. I used the sealing techniques taught by Mito for the chakra and Aizen's seal spells for the soul.

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