
Chapter 34: Revelation

Dear Diary


My word for the day.

Sitting here in front of Mary whom decided to come out and speak with me after I called her yesterday and told her what happened on Friday night, has given me much to think about.

Everything no longer seems drastic to me. Classes are more enjoyable, I speak to my parents more and more, I had a one on one meeting over the phone with Charles two days ago about what I want out of Steven's hearings, and although Brian and I need to have a series chat, we are on good terms.

The only thing left I have to tackle, is Mona. I miss her, unbelievably so. I know she must have heard what happened at Sid's party since the whole school won't stop talking about it, but I thought she would have reached out to me by now. I've tried calling her and knocking on her door but get no avail either way.

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