
Chapter 24: Intervention

Dear Diary

Yesterday was hard.

I immediately came home and showered, noticing my bruise on my lower back from falling off the stage, but that wasn't the hard part.

The demon was in the shower with me.

I jumped out, screaming out from him coming closer and closer to my naked form, only stopping when my dad busted down the door and carried me to my bed.

Mom, Mona and Chrissy came in after dad left and that's when mom told me the news. Dad was worried about my behavior at the graduation and wants to get my blood taken.

I was furious at first, knowing damn well what they would find. It's been at least a few days since I had smoked but I knew it was still a possibility for it to stay in blood stream for longer. I told my mother and Mona that I needed space and they went downstairs.

Brian tried to come up a few times, but I told him the same. I needed some space.

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