
Chapter 21

And there he was, tall and muscular, in a navy sport jacket, grey slacks, collared shirt and tie. Liz had to suck in her breath at the sight of him, pure male sex on the hoof.

"Easy, girl," Dara whispered softly. "And by the way, don't bother ever again trying to tell me he doesn't affect you. I'll point out what a big fat liar you are."

"Sshhh," Liz hushed her and took a big swallow of her margarita, staring at the screen.

"Thanks for joining us today, Matt."

Matt smiled at Rod and sat down in the chair next to hm. "Thanks for inviting me."

"So let's talk a little bit about Matt Vorchak and his question for success in the world of professional hockey."

Liz had her eyes glued to the screen as Matt told the story of seeing the movie Miracle on Ice, how it affected him, how he became obsessed with the game and why winning The Cup became so important. He even answered questions about the early years and his many struggles.

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