
Chapter 22

"Jesus." He looked up at the other two in the room, one looking very confused and the other very concerned.

Remaining where he was, he kept his tone cool and low. "Serena, take Jake for a walk and tell him what's going on."

"But, Austin--"

"Now," he clenched through his teeth. Panic clawed at his chest. "I'm taking her upstairs."

Austin waited until he heard the door close and then tentatively placed his hand on her back. She flinched. He briskly rubbed his face with hands not so steady and looked at her again.

"It's Austin, Courtney." She gave him no response, other than a blink, but that was a start. Had she gotten like this because he'd yelled? Was she in sensory overload from her gift?

He reached up to pull her hair back from her face, but hastily drew his hand back again. Sighing in frustration, he leaned back on his heels and wished he knew what the hell to do.

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