
The truth behind the story.

"Wh- what do you mean she left a letter?" 

"Well, the night before she died, she told me to give this letter to you and that she was sorry." 

"Why? Why would she be sorry." 

"Well, it will all be in the letter. I got so preoccupied with her death, I forgot to give it to you." She says and I hesitantly collected it from her.

"I'll leave you to read it. I have to stop by the boutique. I might not be home for dinner, so I'll drop some cash for pizza."  My mom says and she stood up to leave.

"Sure." I say distractedly.

Why would she be sorry when she did nothing wrong to me?

I thought to myself as I slowly opened the letter to read.

"Dear Ashley," It began.

"You might be wondering why I am writing this letter to you. Well, think of it as a jealous sister who is trying to apologize for her mistakes."


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