
Xander meets Xander

Xander woke up with a start. He was surprised at the speed at which he rose to his feet.

Looking around and seeing nothing but still water as the purple blue sky is illuminated by an unseen sun, he couldn't help but blurt out "am I in heaven?"

"Nope" a voice calls from behind him

Xander turns to the source of the voice, surprise evident in his eyes as a Tiger-man hybrid stood there, arms crossed. calming himself he nods "so I did end up in hell after all"

"Wrong again" the being speaks again




"Try again"


"Absolutely wrong"

"Then where the hell am I?" Xander asks frustrated

"My realm, the Nexus" the were-tiger exclaimed

"And you are?" Xander asks, unfazed. He met god's before, another one was of little effect on him

"I am lord of the Nexus, wielder of the Rex Tigris, lover of the sisters of existence and God of creation. You can call me Xander" the tiger gave a cat like smirk when he delivered the last line to the stunned man In front of him.

Xander learned long ago that titles have power to them. This is especially true to 'higher' beings like gods and demons. The fact that the being in front of him is a God of creation means his domain as a god is towards creation... as in GOD God.

"What can I do for you um..." he missed the name

"Xander" the tiger helpfully supplied

"Yes sir?"

"No no no, my name is Xander"

Xander was taken aback "like me"

Tiger Xander smiled "tell me Xander, did you read any fan fiction stories, maybe novels?"

Xander was surprised, first by the question, then by the change in scenery. They were now siting under a large tree using table and chairs that looks as if made of crystal while a familiar woman in a maid outfit with grey hair serves them tea.

Focusing on the question Xander answered "yeah, quite a few. it helps keep me sane"

Noticing the deadpan look on Xander's face "mostly sane"

Tiger Xander signed "great, so here is what happened and what is going to happen" the tiger took another sip of his tea then continued

"There is the universe. It contains all things. Then there is the multiverse. It is a collection of similar universes, like marvel multiverse and DX multiverse etc. Next comes the Omni-verse. It contains everything and is basically everything that is ever created... EVER" Tiger Xander then stopped to make sure Xander was following him. Seeing that he was Tiger Xander continued

"On top of the Gods of the Omni-verse food chain are the Omni Gods, then comes the primordial Gods, then high Gods, then it differs based on the multiverse"

Another sip of tea

"So, there were originally 3 Omni goddesses. They fell for a certain mortal in a certain world and so gave him cheats and told him to get on their level. Following so far?"

Getting a nod Tiger Xander continued

"When the man, who is named Dante by the way, reached the realm of Primordial Godhood he had two choices. The first was to exist for millions of years to reach Omni Godhood naturally, or to raise a mortal to the level of High God. Which do you think he chose?"

Xander barley hesitated "the second choice"

The sound of bells rang "WE HAVE A WINNER" Tiger Xander spoke in a game show host voice "and he chose me. The God who is now at a Primordial God level" Tiger Xander looked towards Xander with a 'get it' look

Realisation dawned on Xander "You want me to get to High God level"

"Smart boy" Tiger Xander spoke as the scene changed again. This time it changed into a balcony looking over the sea "your journey will be different from the rest of us but I believe you will do well. And who knows maybe you will go back to your world as a god and kick everything's ass"

Xander smiled at the thought then asked

"So, do I get any cheats?"


"So there are five main things for you to start" The Xander they agreed should be called Rex, spoke.

"The first is a system, which I already made and integrated. Call stats"

Xander, being the geek he is, didn't hesitate "Stats"


Name: Xander

Title: unsung hero

Level: 0 (0%)

Health: -

Mana: 250

Body: -

Mind: -

Spirit: 25




Xander took a moment then turned to Rex "So… I have several questions"

"Ask away"

"So this looks an awful lot like the gamer system…"

"That's because it is, just simpler" when Xander made no move to speak Rex continued "think about it like this, Body contains strength, dexterity and vitality, mind contains inelegance, wisdom and charisma and finally spirit contains everything mystical from magic to luck"

"But why?" Xander asked again

"Glad you asked" Rex replied a bit too excited which had Goosebumps running down Xander's back

"You see, you won't be traveling between worlds, you will be reborn in them… SURPRISE" Rex now had what one would call a shit eating grin on his tiger face

Still unsure Xander asked "So…"

"So, in every new world… your stats… will reset" Rex spread his arms wide as the sound of "Tadaaa" played in the background

"Son of a bitch" Xander groaned out

"Hey! Listen to the whole thing before you jump to conclusions, dumbass" Rex countered

"Well please explain, oh mighty Primordial God" Xander mock bowed

"Well you don't have to be such an ass about it" Rex mumbled to himself "cough* it's simple, you will be born into a world, you will live your life in that world and then you will be reborn into the next world. Easy"

"And the stats reset" Xander asked

"Will not apply to spirit" Rex's grin was back in full "nor will it apply to skills"

Xander's eyes shone with excitement, but then dimmed again "What about bloodline type skills? A new body will have new genes"

"True, but once a bloodline becomes a skill, it becomes part of the system, thus part of your soul. As long as you have the stats for it, you can use any skill you had in your previous lives" Rex explained it plainly

"Ok, next question, why are my body and mind stats nil?"

"You are a spirit at the moment, you died and now you are here"



"Right… Skills"


[Granted Skills]

[Blessing of Janus] [Blessing]

Past to future, your path will be fraught with danger, but you will never fail to keep going, you will always find a path towards your goal

- Grants [Magical Distortion]

- Grants [Unrelenting will]

- Grants [Eureka]

- Grants 20% on all exp gain

- Grants a high distortion in the luck stat

[Magical Distortion] [Toggle]

Magic doesn't work on or for you; all magic of the level of God and below will be distorted for better or worse.

May cause explosions.

[Unrelenting Will] [Passive]

Always able to get back up, till the end of the fight you will not fall.

Does not apply when dead.

[Eureka] [Passive]

Always able to think of a way to surpass your adversary.

Only applies when there is a way.

[Primal Instinct] [Passive]

Have the basic instincts of Hyenas

- Able to track and hunt

- Able to detect, separate and identify deferent smells

- Able to detect danger

[Soldier Spirit] [Passive]

Have instinctive affinity towards fire arms and survival skills

- Grants 20% bonus exp gain to all modern weaponry related skills

- Grants 10% bonus exp gain to all survival skills

- Grants 10% bonus exp to all physical skills

[Servant of Dracula] [Blessing]

As a servant of the most powerful vampire you are granted power over other vampires and an affinity towards blood related skills

- Grants increased defence against vampires by 30%

- Grants 20% bonus exp to all blood related skills

[Arcane Blessing] [Passive]

Blessed by a sage level sorceress, you are have high affinity towards the arcane arts

- Grants 50% bonus exp on all arcane related skills

- Grants increased defence against mystical attacks by 50%

- Lower all Mana requirements by 50%

It was easy to know where each of these came from.

He was told about the blessing of Janus by Willow once she was able to detect it, Primal instinct was when he got possessed by the Hyena Primal Spirit, Soldier spirit was from Halloween and the Arcane Blessing was from Willow… before she died.

[Gained Skills]


Xander turned towards Rex "Hey Rex, where are my normal skills? I would think I can at least shoot a crossbow"

"Can you throw a knife?" Rex asked

"Sure" Xander replied

Rex proceeded to form a knife out of thin air "try throwing this

The knife floated towards Xander. As he took hold of it, a wooden post appeared in the distance.

"Throw the knife"

Xander looked towards the post and did as asked.


The knife went halfway into it and then


[Basic weapon throwing_7(8%)] [Passive]

Able to throw knives

- 7% additional damage on thrown weaponry

- 100% chance of hitting targets within 3.5 meters from you

After reading the notification Xander understood that all his skills are there, he just needs to awaken them. He then turned to Rex "That's a good knife"

"Thanks, I was the god of crafts before being the god of creation" Rex smiled "now we need to finish up with the system, you need an A.I"

"Like the great sage?"

"Yeah, but something more alive, I think Great sage is too monotone"

"Then who?"

"How about Jarvis?"

"I love his voice but… he isn't the most lively" Xander closed his eyes in thought "why not have Jarvis's functionality with a sexy mature female voice, I mean someone like Scarlet Johansson as the voice" Xander suggested

Rex raised a brow "you watched "Her""

Receiving a confirming nod, Rex grinned "I knew I liked you for a reason"

That concludes the System…

beep boop ┗|`O′|┛


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